Python helper script that create a new JIRA bug entry from an existing Launchpad bug id lp-to-jira will access launchpad as a anonymous user for now so private bug might not be visible
a JIRA account is required You will need to setup a JIRA token to access your server. On the first launch lp-to-jira will assist you in getting your jira API token. JIRA API token can be created here
usage: lp-to-jira [options] bug-id project-id
Create JIRA entry for a given Launchpad bug ID
-e, --exists"
Look if the Launchpad Bug has alreaady been imported
print the JIRA issue ID if found
-l, --label LABEL
Add LABEL to the JIRA issue after creation
lp-to-jira 3215487 FR
lp-to-jira -e 3215487 FR
lp-to-jira -l ubuntu-meeting 3215487 PR
Python helper script that produce reports listing all the bugs in a given project that have been imported with lp-to-jira (issues that have LP#1234567 in their titles) This report will show JIRA status for the issues and LP status for the related LP bugs in all impacted series.
usage: lp-to-jira-report [options] project-id
Report the status of all active LaunchPad bug imported
into a JIRA project with lp-to-jira
--csv FILE
export the results of the report into FILE in csv format
--html FILE
export the results of the report into FILE in html format
--json FILE
export the results of the report into FILE in json format
display the report on stdout
lp-to-jira-report FR
lp-to-jira-report --csv results.csv FR
lp-to-jira-report --json results.json FR
lp-to-jira-report --html results.html FR