Thank you for considering contributing to ALX-DarkMode-project! This file outlines the steps you should take to make a contribution to the project.
Before you start contributing to the project, please make sure you have:
- A GitHub account
- Git installed on your local machine
Here are the general steps to follow when making contributions:
1. Fork ALX-DarkMode-project to your account.
git clone {your repository url}
git checkout -b {my-branch}
To view your changes on the intranet as you make your contribution, follow the guidelines below:
Open your browser and go to the ALX intranet.
Click on the extension icon on the top right part of your screen. It will display all the extensions you have downloaded on your system. If you don't have the ALX intranet theme selector extension, visit the Chrome extension market, download it, and switch to dark mode by clicking the extension and toggling the ON button.
Note: The following steps require using the ALX Intranet Theme Selector extension.
- Click on the extension icon again and select the three dots on the ALX intranet theme selector extension. This will reveal additional actions when you hover over it.
- Choose "Manage extensions" from the available options.
- Enable developer mode by clicking the toggle switch at the top right part of your screen. This shows three buttons: Load unpacked, Pack extension, and Update.
- Click on Load unpacked.
- Select the cloned ALX-DarkMode-project repository.
- A popup will appear at the bottom left part of your screen showing "Extension loading". If this does not happen, repeat the process and ensure you have selected the correct repository.
- Click the back arrow icon close to the ALX intranet theme selector. This will show all the extensions you have on your system, including two theme selectors: one sourced from the Chrome Web Store and the other sourced from your local machine (the cloned version).
- Click on the Details button on the extension and scroll down to check the source of the extension. Also, take note of the reload icon on the extension.
As you now have two extensions working on your system, it is advisable to turn off the extension from the Chrome Web Store and keep the local one enabled to easily track changes in the dark mode.
- Click on the OFF button on the extension to turn it OFF.
- Refresh your browser; you will notice that dark mode has been disabled because you turned it OFF (the one from the Chrome Web Store).
- Click on the Chrome extension icon again.
- Pin the ALX intranet theme selector for easy access.
- Switch to dark mode by clicking the ON button.
- Go to your code editor and make your contribution.
- Go to the ALX intranet theme selector and click the reload icon to reload the extension. Note: The extension now works locally, so for every change, you will have to reload the extension.
- Refresh your browser, and your changes will appear in dark mode. For each change to reflect, you will have to refresh your browser as well. Everything works locally now.
- Stage your changes:
git add .
- Commit your changes
git commit -m '{a clear commit message}'
Your commit message should be in the format below:
- For feature: feat: "what you implemented"
- For bug: fix: "what you fixed"
- For documentation: doc: "what you improved"
- Push to your branch:
git push origin {my-branch}
- Push your changes to your fork of the repository
8. Create an Issue on ALX-DarkMode-project for your changes
To create an Issue:
- Go to Issues on ALX-DarkMode-Project
- Create a new issue
- Add a brief title stating the bug, feature request, or a documentation improvement
- Add a clear description of the issue
- Create a Pull Request from your branch to the
branch on ALX-DarkMode-project - Add a brief, concise description of the Pull Request. If possible, add a screenshot of the effect of your change.
- Link the issue you created by adding the issue number in the description. (Find out more here.)
Make sure to test your contributions thoroughly before submitting a pull request. If there are existing tests, run them to make sure your changes don't break anything.
If you have any questions or need help with your contribution, feel free to open an issue on the ALX-DarkMode-project repository or reach out to any of the project maintainers.
By contributing to ALX-DarkMode-project, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct of the project.
By contributing to ALX-DarkMode-project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the same license as the project.