A taint-tracking system based on whole-program data-dependence
representation. External library calls can be defined by
semantic models (see io.joern.dataflowengineoss.DefaultSemantics
Basic usage:
// If using Joern shell, imports and engine context will be pre-configured and available already
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.language.toExtendedCfgNode
def sink = cpg.call.argument.code(".*malicious_input.*")
def source = cpg.call(".*println.*")
// Traverses data flow in the backwards direction
To begin using the data flow engine on the CPG, we need the following:
// (1) Imports to extend CFG nodes
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.language.toExtendedCfgNode
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.queryengine.{EngineContext, EngineConfig}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.io.{BufferedSource, Source}
// (2) Optional: Configure the engine
val engineConfig = EngineConfig(maxCallDepth = 2, initialTable = None, disableCacheUse = false)
// (3) Create execution context for the engine
implicit var context: EngineContext = EngineContext(config = engineConfig)