A really really really tiny and simple no-hassle C unit-testing framework.
- No library dependencies. Not even itself. Just a header file.
- Reports assertion failures, including expressions and line numbers.
- Stops test on first failed assertion.
- ANSI color output for maximum visibility.
- Easy to embed in apps for runtime tests (e.g. environment tests).
#include "tinytest.h"
#include "mylib.h"
void test_sheep() {
ASSERT("Sheep are cool", are_sheep_cool());
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, sheep.legs);
void test_cheese() {
ASSERT("Cheese is tangy", cheese.tanginess > 0);
ASSERT_STRING_EQUALS("Wensleydale", cheese.name);
int main() {
return TEST_REPORT();
To run the tests, compile the tests as a binary and run it.
2010, -Joe Walnes [email protected] http://joewalnes.com