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Class-Balanced Distillation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition

This repository contains the official Tensorflow code for the following paper: Class-Balanced Distillation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition. Ahmet Iscen, André Araujo, Boqing Gong, Cordelia Schmid BMVC 2021.

Running the code

Setting up the Python environment

The code has been tested with Python 3.7.2. We added ImageNet-LT and iNaturalist18 datasets to the official TFDS repository as a part of this release. Therefore, we recommend using tfds-nightly and tf-nightly-gpu libraries for this code.

The following commands installs all the required libraries for this project:

# from google-research/
pip install -r class_balanced_distillation/requirements.txt

In addition to these requirements, the data-augmentation part also requires SimCLR to be installed and present in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Running the code for CBD on ImageNet-LT

The training is composed of two stages. We include pre-defined config files to faciliate running the experiments.

To reproduce the results for CBD, the first stage is run with the following command:

# from google-research/
python -m --config class_balanced_distillation/configs/ --workdir /home/user/class_balanced_distillation/data/models/

Once the training for the first stage finishes, you can run the following command for the second stage:

# from google-research/
python -m --config class_balanced_distillation/configs/ --workdir /home/user/class_balanced_distillation/data/models/

Make sure that the model_dir variable in configs/ is the same as --workdir flag in the first stage.

Running the code for CBD_ENS on ImageNet-LT

CBD_ENS requires multiple teacher models to be trained in the first stage. These models can be trained with the following commands:

# from google-research/
python -m --config class_balanced_distillation/configs/ --workdir /home/user/class_balanced_distillation/data/models/
python -m --config class_balanced_distillation/configs/ --workdir /home/user/class_balanced_distillation/data/models/
python -m --config class_balanced_distillation/configs/ --workdir /home/user/class_balanced_distillation/data/models/
python -m --config class_balanced_distillation/configs/ --workdir /home/user/class_balanced_distillation/data/models/

Once all the training jobs are finished, the second stage can be run with:

# from google-research/
python -m --config class_balanced_distillation/configs/ --workdir /home/user/class_balanced_distillation/data/models/

Again, make sure that the model_dir variable in configs/ is the same as --workdir flag in the first stage.

Running the code on iNaturalist18

Simply change config.dataset = "imagenet-lt" to config.dataset = "inaturalist18" in all the config files.


If you use this code, please use the following BibTeX entry to cite our work.

  title={Class-Balanced Distillation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition},
  author={Iscen, Ahmet and Araujo, Andr{\'e} and Gong, Boqing and Schmid, Cordelia},
  booktitle={The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},


Please contact iscen {at} if you find any issues with the code.