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E2E tests for label-studio


First of all you have to install npm packages

npm i
# or yarn

Then you can run tests and see what happens with

npm test
# or yarn test

First the server will start and init new test project _e2e_project. Script will wait for 2 seconds to let the server start. Then Chroium will pop out and you'll see everything happens step by step, but very quickly.

For CI and hidden run in background you should use

npm run test:headless
# or yarn test:headless


All tests are powered by Codecept.js runner with Chromium run by Puppeteer. Every test starts with Feature("name your feature") followed by scenarios

Scenario("Show happy opossum on first run", I => {

which describe actions and asserts. Almost all the available things inside I facade. Full list of helper functions you can found on [].

If you want to debug scenario, add pause() anywhere you need and run test in usual non-headless way. At the point with pause the test will stop and wait for you with interacive shell.

On error screenshot named after scenario will be added to output dir.