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IC rotation Cron triggered pipeline

This pipeline triggers an Appstudio QE Interrupt catcher rotation. It's scheduled to run every Thursday at 10 AM.

This jobs rotates IC responsibility through the list defined in cm_people_list.yaml. It will shift the two IC people by one (a.k.a. last week's Primary IC is next week's backup IC). The job also sends a message to #forum-stonesoup-qe slack channel with info who is current primary and backup IC. It also sends a message to the same channel, when the pipeline fails.


  • Cluster with Openshift Pipelines installed (tested with Pipelines 1.7.2).
  • Existing appstudio-qe namespace
  • Slack App OAuth token with at least usergroups:read and usergroups:write scopes.
  • Opaque secret slack-token in appstudio-qe namespace with token data. This is slack app OAuth token with at least usergroups:read and usergroups:write scopes.
oc create secret generic slack-token --from-literal="token=<TOKEN>"


  • Create secret in appstudio-qe namespace with Slack token:
oc create secret generic slack-token --from-literal="token=<TOKEN>"
  • Deploy rest of the resources:
cd pipelines/interrupt_catcher
kubectl apply -f .

This should create all the remaining resources.

How to add/remove user to rotation

Users in rotation and their order is defined in configmap cm_people_list.yaml in form of base64 encoded json. To obtain the json run

yq ".binaryData.people-list" cm_people_list.yaml |base64 -d

Json is in format

    {"username": "USER1", "id": "USER1_SLACK_ID"},
    {"username": "USER2", "id": "USER2_SLACK_ID"}

After you've made your changes, encode json back (cat myJson.json |base64 -w 0) and replace binaryData in cm_people_list.yaml

How to manually trigger another run of the pipeline

Sometimes we would like to skip somebody in rotation. To do that we might run the pipeline again manually. We can do this by creating Job from our CronJob

oc create job --from=cronjob/interrupt-catcher ic-manual-1

After the pipeline has run, you can delete the job:

oc delete job/ic-manual-1

Slack API call to change directly

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "${USERGROUP_ID}&users=${id}"

Where ${id} is slack user ID and ${USERGROUP_ID} is our IC usergroup's ID (S03PD4MV58W)