All the course from udemy isn't written for notes; because after this pretty much, it is statistics and gui; and below chaper are pretty much boring to learn.
- Chapter 10 'MatPlotLib - Charts, Plots and 3D Figures'
- Chapter 11 'Data Analysis with Pandas'
- Chapter 12 'Python GUI with Tkinter'
- Chapter 13 'Our First Game Bounce'
- Chapter 14 'Our Second Game Pong'
I might not use this note like; forever, might google every problem I tackle. Just a note i thought would be great while learning. 'Pretty much cover all the basic of python'
Python notes and uses; probably basic stuff. Things are noted.
- Variables
- Normal Assignment Variable
- Multiple Assignment Variable
- Operators Variables '+/-///*'
- Adding Variable
- Slicing Variable
- Arrays Variable
- Substitutes Arrays Variable
- Delete Array 'del'
- Length of Array
- Max, and Min of Array
- Append in Array
- Count Array
- Dictionaries
- Update Dictionaries
- Delete Dictionaries
- Tuples 'It cannot added or deleted values inside but can be delete as whole or replace as a whole.'
- Conditional and Loops
- Conditional
- If, then, and else
- Loops
- For Loops
- While Loops
- Conditional
- Functions 'def'
- Abs
- Bool
- Help
- Dir
- Eval
- Exec
- Str
- Int
- Float
- Len
- Classes
- Function classes
- Inheritence
- Overriding Methods
- Input(read) and Outputing(write) and Appending
- Modules 'scraping'
- re
- BeautifulSoup
- requests
- Matplotlib
- BeautifulSoup scraping html
- Amazon Book Price Scraper.
- Marketwatch stock scraper.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkx5_MRAV3A <-- recommend to see this video first.
- Learn Python The Complete Python Programming Course (Udemy)
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
- Mastering Python - Networking and Security
Use docker as learning environment
- docker pull python