This example demonstrates the following aspects of the SFTP support available with Spring Integration:
- SFTP Inbound Channel Adapter (transfers files from remote to local directory)
- SFTP Outbound Channel Adapter (transfers files from local to the remote directory)
In order to run this sample for the 'real' SFTP Server you need to:
- generate private/public keys. Below is simple directions what needs to be done
- update file with appropriate values
- run the sample
By default this sample uses an Apache MINA embedded SshServer
with predefined
private and public keys.
Note, the embedded Server is started only when the port
property remains as -1
. In this case the target port
for the Embedded Server is selected randomly. For a real SFTP server you should specify correct host/port
NOTE: The test cases will create/delete a directory si.sftp.sample
To run the NBOUND CHANNEL ADAPTER sample execute SftpInboundReceiveSample test. You will see that based on configuration it will access the sample remote directory which contains 3 files and will attempt to securely copy them to a local directory which will be generated. The output should look like this:
Received first file message: [Payload=local-dir/a.txt][Headers={timestamp=1290066001349, id=9dca686a-cfd4-4d96-a1a7-761feb005e43}]
Received second file message: [Payload=local-dir/b.txt][Headers={timestamp=1290066001650, id=d33a475d-fa71-4c5b-b73e-3147969f1c6f}]
No third file was received null
As you can see, although the remote directory had 3 files we only received 2 since we were filtering only the files that end with txt.
To run the OUTBOUND CHANNEL ADAPTER sample execute the SftpOutboundTransferSample test. You will see that based on the configuration it will attempt to transfer the file to a remote directory remote-target-dir. The output should look like this:
Successfully transferred '' file to a remote location under the name 'README.md_foo'
NOTE: You can see that we are using SpEL via the remote-filename-generator-expression attribute to define the remote file name by simply appending _foo to the original file name.
Run the FtpOutoundGateway sample as a JUnit test; it creates 2 files, retrieves and removes them over ftp. It cleans up by removing the retrieved files. The test assumes full access to the filesystem via /tmp where the test files are created. Requires sshd to be running on localhost.
This sample uses a property private.keyfile to point to the location of your private key. Requires setting of user, private.keyfile and, optionally, passphrase in
>$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/ozhurakousky/.ssh/id_rsa): ./sftp_rsa
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in ./sftp_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in ./
The key fingerprint is:
2c:30:7c:18:3c:a0:d5:83:68:78:7e:c1:5f:c1:3e:3d [email protected]
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|..o*. ... |
|o+o.Bo o |
|oo ==.o . |
| . .+..o E |
| . . S. . |
| . |
| |
| |
| |
>$ ls
Create a file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and give it the required permissions
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Then edit authorized_keys file and paste in the contents of the public key file
Move your private key file sftp_rsa to the directory /src/test/resources/META-INF/keys/ directory.