A curated list of writings written by AI (artificial intelligence).
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- AI Writers (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ai-writers-for-chrome/chohmndeijnoehdaldjmdibplafjikno) - a writing assistant powered by GPT-2 models.
- Copysmith (https://www.copysmith.ai/) - AI Copywriter
- Job Description AI (https://www.jobdescription.ai/) - generate professional job descriptions
- Meena - A human-like chatbot from Google
- GPT3 What is the purpose of life? (https://twitter.com/Siddharth87/status/1283927898865283072) - AI: Life is a beautiful miracle. Life evolves through time into greater forms of beauty. In that sense, the purpose of life is to increase the beauty in the universe.
- What fools call “wasting time” is most often the best investment. - GPT3 (https://medium.com/ml-everything/the-beautiful-dark-twisted-gpt-3-generated-nassim-taleb-aphorisms-a750d6572ee3)
- When we have done our best, we should wait the result in peace. - freshly GPT generate qoutes (https://twitter.com/gptwisdom?lang=en)
- My wife, my dog, my friend, they're still in my life, they still love me! - (https://machineswisdom.com/)