- what is the importance .git directory?
- what are the branches, diff between remote and local branches?
- what Branching strategy that you are familier with?
- What PR (Pull request) is? whats the importance of PR?
- what is command for checking the running process? how to get PID of process?
- Command to get whether certain port is listing or not?
- How to indentify the number of params that has been sent to shell script?
- command to delete empty line in a file?
- what is the need for helm charts?
- what version helm your using? what difference between helm 2 & helm3?
- What is Pod?
- Creation of cluster for k8s, can we have multi master and multi nodes cluster?
- On what basis the pod will be deployed on a specific node?
- Can we deploy pod on master node?
- What are steps that you might take to make one node into maintance?
- In the kubeadm setup the control plane components are created as pods, where the defination those pods will be defined?
- How to configure docker private registry?
- Types of network in docker? if you dont specify network to deploy on which network the conatiner will be created?
- Explain a sample dockerfile that you have used in your project?
- Can we launch linux conatiners windows and viceversa?
- what is multi module project?
- what is the importance of dependency managment?
- what are the settings that you need to do for mvn deploy ( to push artifcats to repository )?
- mvn version that you have used?
- what is the need of CICD tools?
- What type of Jenkinsfile you have worked on?
- In master slave setup if I want run job on specific node is is possible?
- what is the importance of Jenkins secrets?
- If given a chance to setup monitoring solution for project what are tools that you use?