nthreads Public
Command line tool for showing the number of threads spawned by any given process.
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2020 -
userlist Public
Command-line tool to list the users of a Linux machine. Made with Python 3.8.
Python UpdatedSep 28, 2020 -
postgresql-backup Public
Command-line tool to back up Postgresql databases locally or to S3. Built with Python 3.8.
Python UpdatedSep 25, 2020 -
NavySQL Public
Example SQL normalized database schema: tables, relationships, primary keys, foreign keys.
UpdatedAug 21, 2019 -
CoreMovies Public
Lean app demonstrating Core Data and NSFetchedResultsController best practices.
Swift UpdatedJul 9, 2019 -
fetchAPI Public
Code snippet to fetch from an API, using Swift 5's convenient new Result type.
Swift UpdatedJul 9, 2019 -
primality-algorithm Public
Algorithm that tests for prime numbers, with O(√n) time complexity.
Swift UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
binary-search-tree-height Public
Algorithm that calculates the height of a binary search tree, recursively.
Swift UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
FlicTrick Public
Custom app that integrates bluetooth Flic buttons. Allows for programmable functionality when buttons are pressed.
Swift The Unlicense UpdatedMay 5, 2019 -
HalfTunes Public
Slick app that downloads and plays 30-sec track samples from iTunes.
AdaptiveSun Public
Beautiful adaptive UI for multiple devices, portrait and landscape modes. Check the images!
SizeClasses Public
Basic size classes demo, with labels showing selectively for different devices and orientations.
Swift UpdatedAug 4, 2018 -
Name-Formatter Public
Nice app that takes names with honorifics and formats to last + first name format.
Swift UpdatedJul 29, 2018 -
QuotePro Public
Nice app that allows you to build a (quote + image) snapshot that you can share. Uses web services.
Swift UpdatedJun 26, 2018 -
StretchyHeaders Public
Animated table view header, stretches the image as you scroll down
Receipts Public
Nice app that creates receipts and groups them in a table view, according to tags.
Objective-C UpdatedMar 8, 2018 -
Every.Do.Again Public
Table view app with Core Data and NSFetchedResultsController.
Objective-C UpdatedFeb 22, 2018 -
CatMap Public
App that downloads beautiful cat images from Flickr's API and shows the cat's location on a map.
Objective-C UpdatedFeb 2, 2018 -
Cats Public
Beautiful app that shows cat images fetched from Flickr's API, in collection view format.
Objective-C UpdatedJan 25, 2018 -
AVStoryboard Public
Great example of the AVFoundation framework. Image picker, audio recorder and audio player.
Objective-C UpdatedJan 22, 2018 -
WavyCollectionView Public
Nice example of a collection view with custom layout, using layoutAttributes objects.
Objective-C UpdatedJan 17, 2018 -
InstaKilo Public
Photo app using UICollectionView
Every.Do Public
To-do app, great example of delegation and use of navigation controllers.
Objective-C UpdatedDec 27, 2017 -
Scroll-View-Images Public
Beautiful iPhone images that can be seen by scrolling down
Objective-C UpdatedNov 30, 2017 -
Tip-Calculator Public
App that'll calculate your tips, pick the percent with a slider.
Objective-C UpdatedNov 25, 2017 -
Weather-App Public
An app that will give temperature and windchill info.
Objective-C UpdatedNov 23, 2017 -
Entering-a-House Public
Explore a mad scientist's house several rooms, non-linearly.
Objective-C UpdatedJun 18, 2017 -
PoliceSketch Public
Nifty little app that allows you to assemble faces, using images of eyes, noses and mouves.