This is a plugin for the Webpack build system that will run Typedoc in order to generate API documentation.
To use, add a require for the module to the Webpack Configuration file, and then place into the plugin section:
var TypedocWebpackPlugin = require('typedoc-webpack-plugin');
plugins: [
new TypedocWebpackPlugin({})
The options for the plugin mirror the options that are passed to typedoc. Refer to for full options.
The default options that are set by the plugin are:
out: '/docs',
module: 'commonjs',
target: 'es5',
exclude: '**/node_modules/**/*.*',
experimentalDecorators: true,
excludeExternals: true
Here is an example of a more expanded configuration:
plugins: [
new TypedocWebpackPlugin({
name: 'Contoso'
mode: 'file',
theme: './typedoc-theme/',
includeDeclarations: false,
ignoreCompilerErrors: true,
The output path of the docs is relative to the output path specified in the webpack configuration. For example:
output: {
path: './target/',
With the default configuration, the above example would produce the docs under the following path: ./target/docs