jounaidr / drill
Forked from netindev/drillMonero miner written in java using JNI bindings
cryptonight rust implementation
jounaidr / cryptonight-js
Forked from codefrom/cryptonight-jsPure JavaScript implementation of CryptoNight hashing algorithm from Monero (and others)
jounaidr / argo-ams-library
Forked from ARGOeu/argo-ams-libraryA simple library for interacting with the ARGO Messaging Service
jounaidr / sciml-bench
Forked from stfc-sciml/sciml-benchSciML Benchmarking Suite for AI for Science
A demo API source code for AWS services mock using localstack
jounaidr / grafana-dashboards
Forked from apel/grafana-dashboardsGrafana dashboards for the IRIS, SCD Cloud, RAL Tier1, and SeaDataCloud accounting portals.
jounaidr / apel
Forked from apel/apelAPEL client and server source code.
jounaidr / gocdb
Forked from GOCDB/gocdbGrid Operations Configuration Management Database. A Repository, Portal and REST style API for managing Grid and Cloud topology objects including; projects, administrative domains, sites, services,…
nickaj / eidf-docs
Forked from EPCCed/eidf-docsEIDF Services Documentation
jounaidr / AmogOS
Forked from Amog-OS/AmogOSඞ Among-us themed OS. As seen on Reddit and Youtube.
ellyptic / iridium
Forked from amjuarez/bytecoinIridium CryptoNote-based coin