This is the source code for the Sakai CLE.
To build Sakai you need Java 1.7 and Maven 3.2. Once you have clone a copy of this repository you can build it by running:
mvn install
Sakai runs on Apache Tomcat 7. Download the latest version from and extract the archive. Note: Sakai does not work with Tomcat installed via a package from apt-get, yum or other package managers.
You must configure Tomcat according to the instrcutions on this page:
When you are done, deploy Sakai to Tomcat:
mvn clean install sakai:deploy -Dmaven.tomcat.home=/path/to/your/tomcat
Now start Tomcat:
cd /path/to/your/tomcat/bin
./ && tail -f ../logs.catalina.out
Once Sakai has started up (it usually takes around 30 seconds), open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/portal
To contribute to the Sakai project please follow the workflow on:
For filing bugs against Sakai please use our Jira instance:
If you have any questions, please join the Sakai developer mailing list: