February 12, 2018
- Improved chameleon decode speed
- Added data hash checks and display option in benchmark
- Now using makefiles as build system
- Big endian support correctly implemented and tested
- Improved continuous integration tests
January 20, 2018
- Added MSVC support
- Added continuous integration on travis and appveyor
- Premake script improvement
- Various codebase improvements
January 16, 2018
- First stable version of DENSITY
- Complete project reorganization and API rewrite
- Many stability fixes and improvements
- Fast revert to conditional copy for incompressible input
- Custom dictionaries in API
- Improvements in compression ratio and speed
June 20, 2015
- Added conditional main footer read/write
- Improved teleport staging buffer management
- Regression - a minimum buffer output size has to be ensured to avoid signature loss
- Modified the minimum lookahead and the resulting minimum buffer size in the API
- Lion : corrected a signature interception problem due to an increase in process unit size
- Lion : corrected chunk count conditions for new block / mode marker detection
- Lion : modified end of stream marker conditions
- Stability fixes and improvements
May 25, 2015
- Removed remaining undefined behavior potential occurences
- Implemented parallelizable decompressible output block header reads/writes (disabled by default)
May 20, 2015
- New lion algorithm, faster and more efficient
- Compiler specific optimizations
- Switched to premake 5 to benefit from link time optimizations
- Various fixes and improvements
May 4, 2015
- Added an integrated in-memory benchmark
- Better Windows compatibility
- Fixed misaligned load/stores
- Switched to the premake build system
- Performance optimizations (pointers, branches, loops ...)
- Various fixes and improvements
April 3, 2015
- Better unrolling readability and efficiency
- Improved read speed of dictionary/predictions entries
- Implemented case generators in cheetah to speed up decoding by using less branches
- Added signatures interception in lion to cancel the need for large output buffers
- Improved lion decode speed with specific form data access and use of ctz in form read
- Enabled decompression to exact-sized buffer for all algorithms
- Various fixes and improvements
March 24, 2015
- Added new lion kernel
- Renamed kernel mandala to cheetah
- Kernel chameleon and cheetah improvements in encoding/decoding speeds
- Generic function macros to avoid code rewrite
- Improved memory teleport IO flexibility and speed, bytes issued by memory teleport can now be partially read
- Various fixes and improvements
February 5, 2015
- Added integrity check system
- Corrected pointer usage and update on footer read/writes
- Now freeing kernel state memory only when compression mode is not copy
- Updated Makefiles
- Improved memory teleport
- Fixed sequencing problem after kernels request a new block
February 3, 2015
- Added an algorithms overview in README
- Removed ssc references
- Now initializing last hash to zero on mandala kernel inits
- Reimplemented the buffer API
- Various corrections and improvements
January 19, 2015
- Added a sharc benchmark in README
- Stateless memory teleport
- Improved event management and dispatching
- Improved compression/decompression finishes
- Improved streams API
- Various bug fixes, robustness improvements
January 7, 2015
- Improved organization of compile-time switches and run-time options in the API
- Removed method density_stream_decompress_utilities_get_header from the API, header info is now returned in the density_stream_decompress_init function
- Corrected readme to reflect API changes
January 5, 2015
- Re-added mandala kernel
- Corrected available bytes adjustment problem
- Added missing restrict keywords
- Cleaned unnecessary defines
January 2, 2015
- Complete stream API redesign to greatly improve flexibility
- Only one supported algorithm for now : Chameleon
December 2, 2013
- Mandala kernel addition, replacing dual pass chameleon
- Simplified, faster hash function
- Fixed memory freeing issue during main encoding/decoding finish
- Implemented no footer encode output type
- Namespace migration, kernel structure reorganization
- Corrected copy mode problem
- Implemented efficiency checks and mode reversions
- Corrected lack of main header parameters retrieval
- Fixed stream not being properly ended when mode reversion occurred
- Updated metadata computations
November 2, 2013
- First beta release of DENSITY, including all the compression code from SHARC in a standalone, BSD licensed library
- Added copy mode (useful for enhancing data security via the density block checksums for example)
- Makefile produces static and dynamic libraries