One day, I noticed that there was no easy way to generate coverage badges for my Golang projects. So I made one (see above)!
To install the executeable (ensure your $PATH contains $GOPATH/bin):
go get
This program can be run in any project which contains a makefile with a "cover" command. This "cover" command should generate an output containg a line like: "coverage: 84%". From this command, the software will generate a badge image in the same folder called "coverage_badge.png". Simple navigate to the project root and run "gopherbadger"!
A makefile for a Go project might look like the following:
go build
make build && ./gopherbadger
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out && go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o=coverage.html
Running "gopherbadger" in a project using this makefile will generate both a badge image "coverage_badge.png" and a coverage report "coverage.html". These can be handy in improving test coverage on your project!