Capriccio is a type of composition characterized by a certain freedom of realization.
Caprice is a library build with the intention of explore the functional programming world without constraint.
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source ''
source ''
target 'Target' do
pod 'Caprice', '0.0.5'
pod install
A Lens
type and a bridge between the lens world and the Swift key path world.
struct Book: Equatable {
var id: Int
var title: String
var author: Author
struct Author: Equatable {
var name: String
var surname: String
extension Book {
static var galacticGuideForHitchhikers = Book(id: 2, title: "galactic guide for hitchhikers", author: .adams)
extension Author {
static var adams = Author(name: "Adams", surname: "Douglas")
let name = .galacticGuideForHitchhikers |> ^\
let newBook = .galacticGuideForHitchhikers |> \ *~ "Adams Noël"
let authorName = .galacticGuideForHitchhikers |> ^\
let authorName = .stoicism |> (lens(\ >>> lens(\
let authorName = .stoicism |> (lens(\
let result: Book = .it |> \ *~ "new author"
let newUser = lens(\, user)
let update =
lens(\ { $0.uppercased() }
>>> lens(\ { $0.uppercased() }
>>> lens(\Book.title) %~ { $0 + " ♥️" }
let newBook = Book.galacticGuideForHitchhikers |> update
let surname = books
.filter(by(^\, "Massimo"))
.reduce("", +)
// surname == "pigliucci"
Filters out elements whose value match a predicates.
let book = books.filter(by(^\, "Massimo"))
Sorts the elements with respect to a Comparable property.
let usersSorted = users.sorted(by: their(^\, >))
let user = User(
id: 0,
email: "[email protected]"
let emailPredicate = Predicate<String> {
$0 |> NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,64}").evaluate(with:)
let userEmailCmp = emailPredicate.contramap(^\
XCTAssertTrue( |> emailPredicate.contains)
XCTAssertTrue(user |> userEmailCmp.contains)