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Docker Ubuntu based SteamVR

An example of Steam and SteamVR working within an Ubuntu Docker container


Make sure that you have nvidia-container-toolkit installed.

Follow this guide to install nvidia-container-toolkit:


Build container with:

make dev

Enter container with:

docker exec -it --privileged steamvr_dev_<user>_<branch> bash

Running First time

Setup Steam and SteamVR

  1. Open steam (running steam in the container) and login to steam. Install SteamVR.

  2. Launch SteamVR running steamvr (alias for $HOME/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/

  3. Set default runtime from the pop-up window:

  4. If the pop-up window is not displayed, install an older version of SteamVR from the Betas settings section:

    After configuring, set Beta Participation to None and use the latest version of SteamVR.

Setup conda environment to run in VR

  • Navigate to /home/${USER}/bigym/
  • Activate bigym conda environments: conda activate bigym
  • Install dependencies: pip install -e ".[dev]"
  • Run demo recorder: python tools/demo_recorder/