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SAT.js is a simple JavaScript library for performing collision detection (and projection-based collision response) of simple 2D shapes. It uses the Separating Axis Theorem (hence the name)

It supports detecting collisions between:

  • Circles (using Vornoi Regions.)
  • Convex Polygons (and simple Axis-Aligned Boxes, which are of course, convex polygons.)

It also supports checking whether a point is inside a circle or polygon.

It's released under the MIT license.

Current version: 0.4. Annotated source code is available.

Nicely compresses with the Google Closure Compiler in Advanced mode to about 6KB (2KB gzipped)


SAT.js contains the following JavaScript classes:

SAT.Vector (aliased as SAT.V)

This is a simple 2D vector/point class. It is created by calling:

// Create the vector (10,10) - If (x,y) not specified, defaults to (0,0).
var v = new SAT.Vector(10, 10) 

It has the following properties:

  • x - The x-coordinate of the Vector.
  • y - The y-coordinate of the Vector.

It contains the following methods:

  • copy(other) - Copy the value of another Vector to this one.
  • clone() - Return a new vector with the same coordinates as this one.
  • perp() - Change this vector to be perpendicular to what it was before.
  • rotate(angle) - Rotate this vector counter-clockwise by the specified number of radians.
  • reverse() - Reverse this Vector.
  • normalize() - Make the Vector unit-lengthed.
  • add(other) - Add another Vector to this one.
  • sub(other) - Subtract another Vector from this one.
  • scale(x,y) - Scale this Vector in the X and Y directions.
  • project(other) - Project this Vector onto another one.
  • projectN(other) - Project this Vector onto a unit Vector.
  • reflect(axis) - Reflect this Vector on an arbitrary axis Vector.
  • reflectN(axis) - Reflect this Vector on an arbitrary axis unit Vector.
  • dot(other) - Get the dot product of this Vector and another.
  • len2() - Get the length squared of this Vector.
  • len() - Get the length of this Vector


This is a simple circle with a center position and a radius. It is created by calling:

// Create a circle whose center is (10,10) with radius of 20
var c = new SAT.Circle(new Sat.Vector(10,10), 20);

It has the following properties:

  • pos - A Vector representing the center of the circle.
  • r - The radius of the circle


This is a convex polygon, whose points are specified in a counter-clockwise fashion. It is created by calling:

// Create a triangle at (0,0)
var p = new SAT.Polygon(new SAT.Vector(), [
  new SAT.Vector(),
  new SAT.Vector(100,0),
  new SAT.Vector(50,75)

It has the following properties:

  • pos - The position of the polygon (all points are relative to this).
  • points - Array of vectors representing the original points of the polygon.
  • angle - Angle to rotate the polgon (affects calcPoints)
  • offset - Translation to apply to the polygon before the angle rotation (affects calcPoints)
  • calcPoints - The "calculated" collision polygon - effectively points with angle and offset applied.
  • edges - Array of Vectors representing the edges of the calculated polygon
  • normals - Array of Vectors representing the edge normals of the calculated polygon (perpendiculars)

It has the following methods:

  • setPoints(points) - Set the original points (calls recalc for you)
  • setAngle(angle) - Set the rotation angle (calls recalc for you)
  • setOffset(offset) - Set the offset (calls recalc for you)
  • recalc() - Call this method if you manually change points, angle, or offset.
  • rotate(angle) - Rotate the original points of this polygon counter-clockwise (around its local coordinate system) by the specified number of radians. The angle rotation will be applied on top of this rotation.
  • translate(x, y) - Translate the original points of this polygin (relative to the local coordinate system) by the specified amounts. The offset translation will be applied on top of this translation.


This is a simple Box with a position, width, and height. It is created by calling:

// Create a box at (10,10) with width 20 and height 40.
var b = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(10,10), 20, 40);

It has the following properties:

  • pos - The top-left coordinate of the box.
  • w - The width of the box.
  • h - The height of the box.

It has the following methods:

  • toPolygon() - Returns a new Polygon whose edges are the edges of the box.


This is the object representing the result of a collision between two objects. It just has a simple new Response() constructor.

It has the following properties:

  • a - The first object in the collision.
  • b - The second object in the collison.
  • overlap - Magnitude of the overlap on the shortest colliding axis.
  • overlapN - The shortest colliding axis (unit-vector)
  • overlapV - The overlap vector (i.e. overlapN.scale(overlap, overlap)). If this vector is subtracted from the position of a, a and b will no longer be colliding.
  • aInB - Whether the first object is completely inside the second.
  • bInA - Whether the second object is completely inside the first.

It has the following methods:

  • clear() - Clear the response so that it is ready to be reused for another collision test.

Collision Tests

SAT.js contains the following collision tests:

SAT.pointInCircle(p, c)

Checks whether a given point is inside the specified circle.

SAT.pointInPolygon(p, poly)

Checks whether a given point is inside a specified convex polygon.

SAT.testCircleCircle(a, b, response)

Tests for a collision between two Circles, a, and b. If a response is to be calculated in the event of collision, pass in a cleared Response object.

Returns true if the circles collide, false otherwise.

SAT.testPolygonCircle(polygon, circle, response)

Tests for a collision between a Polygon and a Circle. If a response is to be calculated in the event of a collision, pass in a cleared Response object.

Returns true if there is a collision, false otherwise.

SAT.testCirclePolygon(circle, polygon, response)

The same thing as SAT.testPolygonCircle, but in the other direction.

Returns true if there is a collision, false otherwise.

NOTE: This is slightly slower than SAT.testPolygonCircle as it just calls that and reverses the result

SAT.testPolygonPolygon(a, b, response)

Tests whether two polygons a and b collide. If a response is to be calculated in the event of collision, pass in a cleared Response object.

Returns true if there is a collision, false otherwise.

NOTE: If you want to detect a collision between Boxes, use the toPolygon() method


Test two circles

var V = SAT.Vector;
var C = SAT.Circle;

var circle1 = new C(new V(0,0), 20);
var circle2 = new C(new V(30,0), 20);
var response = new SAT.Response();
var collided = SAT.testCircleCircle(circle1, circle2, response);

// collided => true
// response.overlap => 10
// response.overlapV => (10, 0)

Test a circle and a polygon

var V = SAT.Vector;
var C = SAT.Circle;
var P = SAT.Polygon;

var circle = new C(new V(50,50), 20);
// A square
var polygon = new P(new V(0,0), [
  new V(0,0), new V(40,0), new V(40,40), new V(0,40)
var response = new SAT.Response();
var collided = SAT.testPolygonCircle(polygon, circle, response);

// collided => true
// response.overlap ~> 5.86
// response.overlapV ~> (4.14, 4.14) - i.e. on a diagonal

Test two polygons

var V = SAT.Vector;
var P = SAT.Polygon;

// A square
var polygon1 = new P(new V(0,0), [
  new V(0,0), new V(40,0), new V(40,40), new V(0,40)
// A triangle
var polygon2 = new P(new V(30,0), [
  new V(0,0), new V(30, 0), new V(0, 30)
var response = new SAT.Response();
var collided = SAT.testPolygonPolygon(polygon1, polygon2, response);

// collided => true
// response.overlap => 10
// response.overlapV => (10, 0)

No collision between two Boxes

var V = SAT.Vector;
var B = SAT.Box;

var box1 = new B(new V(0,0), 20, 20).toPolygon();
var box2 = new B(new V(100,100), 20, 20).toPolygon();
var collided = SAT.testPolygonPolygon(box1, box2);

// collided => false

Hit testing a circle and polygon

var V = SAT.Vector;
var C = SAT.Circle;
var P = SAT.Polygon;

var triangle = new P(new V(30,0), [
  new V(0,0), new V(30, 0), new V(0, 30)
var circle = new C(new V(100,100), 20);

SAT.pointInPolygon(new V(0,0), triangle); // false
SAT.pointInPolygon(new V(35, 5), triangle); // true
SAT.pointInCircle(new V(0,0), circle); // false
SAT.pointInCircle(new V(110,110), circle); // true