- Raleigh, NC
- http://ronallo.com
ahmaabdo / ReadifyRSS
Forked from Etuldan/spaRSSChecks RSS/Atom news feeds, polling for updates from the device on a regular basis. Fetched items are available for offline reading.
boston-library / jquery-fileupload-rails-paperclip-example
Forked from tors/jquery-fileupload-rails-paperclip-exampleAn example rails application that uses the jquery-fileupload-rails and paperclip gems to upload files.
jQuery File Upload integrated for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
jronallo / web-vtt
Forked from scottbw/web-vttA simple tool for creating web-vtt subtitles for video interactively using HTML5 video
ser1zw / ruby-opencv
Forked from ruby-opencv/ruby-opencvVersioned fork of the OpenCV gem for Ruby
jronallo / linter
Forked from structured-data/linterStructured Data linter
jronallo / google-count
Forked from edsu/google-counthack to count google hits
jronallo / microservices
Forked from cbeer/microservicesRoR µservices demonstrator
ruby-opencv / ruby-opencv
Forked from jeffrafter/ruby-opencvVersioned fork of the OpenCV gem for Ruby
jronallo / sax-machine
Forked from snaggled/sax-machineA declarative sax parsing library backed by Nokogiri.
jronallo / sunspot
Forked from sunspot/sunspotSolr-powered search for Ruby objects
snaggled / sax-machine
Forked from pauldix/sax-machineA declarative sax parsing library backed by Nokogiri.
A command line interface plugin for exporting data from the Archivists' Toolkit
jronallo / hashie
Forked from hashie/hashieHashie is a simple collection of useful Hash extensions.
jronallo / rsolr-ext
Forked from mwmitchell/rsolr-extAn extension library for RSolr
jronallo / rsolr
Forked from rsolr/rsolrA Ruby client for Apache Solr
jeresig / jquery.hotkeys
Forked from zuriby/jquery.hotkeysjQuery Hotkeys lets you watch for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.
juliocesar / jquery-domsearch
Forked from incite/jquery-domsearchA plugin for searching the DOM
kneath / clippy
Forked from mojombo/clippyClippy is a very simple Flash widget that makes it possible to place arbitrary text onto the client's clipboard.
A project for publishing the contents of the Northwest Digital Archives member institutions with Blacklight
collectiveidea / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase based asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify