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Tags: jsnorman/Hystrix



Toggle v1.5.13's commit message
version 1.5.13 - manually created due to release failure


Toggle v1.5.12's commit message
Release of 1.5.12

- a7b66ca: Merge pull request Netflix#1586 from mattrjacobs/fix-codahale-metrics
- 2ad586b: Get CodaHale metrics working by starting up the stream consumers
- 338aadc: Merge pull request Netflix#1584 from mattrjacobs/add-javanica-support-for-allow-maximum-size-to-diverge-from-core-size
- 4262904: Merge pull request Netflix#1585 from mattrjacobs/fix-codahale-metrics-threadpool
- 6794437: Fix incorrect return value in CodaHale metrics publisher of threadpool config
- 717f13b: Added Javanica support for setting allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize in annotation
- fdfb8f9: Merge pull request Netflix#1567 from gagoman/fix/1536
- f2b61c7: Merge pull request Netflix#1576 from mattrjacobs/fix-histogram-calculation
- f956eba: Fix to permyriad calculation
- dd1087a: Merge pull request Netflix#1524 from dmgcodevil/iss1403
- 251e5d9: Merge pull request Netflix#1574 from mattrjacobs/demonstrate-completable
- 1aeabfa: Fix reference to CompletableCommand
- cac455d: Demonstrate using a Completable in HystrixObservableCommand
- 2ad0baa: Merge pull request Netflix#1572 from dmgcodevil/iss1565
- bfa5ba0: Merge pull request Netflix#1573 from dmgcodevil/iss1545
- 70e832f: iss1545: don't get cause from HystrixBadRequestException if command throws HystrixBadRequestException without cause
- df5b5b3: 1565: Set maximumSize using @HystrixCommand annotation
- fefdc37: Merge pull request Netflix#1570 from mattrjacobs/only-wrap-timeout-callable-when-necessary
- 88b88e8: Netflix#1536 handle not wrapped exceptions same way as all other
- 951c6f9: Only create the HystrixContextRunnable for running the timeout fallback when the timeout actually occurs (not eagerly)
- f0d5482: Merge pull request Netflix#1568 from mattrjacobs/idempotent-circuit-breaker-read
- c9241ac: Made circuit-opening happen in background, as health counts stream produces new values * This allows for methods which imply reading the circuit-breaker status (isOpen/allowRequest) to be idempotent * Added new method (attemptExecution), which command internally uses to actually manipulate status
- 1722d69: Merge pull request Netflix#1561 from mattrjacobs/add-error-handling-sample-sse-servlet
- b46a563: Switch servlet exception handling from Throwable to Exception
- 6b316fc: Add exception-handling to interactions with servlet writers
- d3e0991: Merge pull request Netflix#1556 from Thunderforge/master
- 6642b5a: bugfix/Fixing typo in fallback error message
- b07bf5f: Merge pull request Netflix#1551 from eunmin/fix_circuit_status_color
- 1cd1dcd: Fixed incorrect color of circuit status in dashboard
- cf3f7e4: Merge pull request Netflix#1547 from eunmin/hystrix-dashboard_multiple_circuit_status
- eb91b23: Support multiple circuit status
- df912b2: Merge pull request Netflix#1539 from justinjose28/master
- a50fde2: Merge pull request Netflix#1535 from bltb/master
- e79acc9: iss1403
- 9992405: Merge branch 'master' of into iss1403
- 67fd60a: iss1403: added tests for Single and Completable, fixed bugs in GenericObservableCommand related to these RX types
- 0d0a391: Fixed a potential bug in metrics-event-stream-jaxrs
- 503131b: Merge branch 'master' of
- 48ba22f: Move markCommandExecution after markEvent SUCCESS.
- bf70168: Add v1.5.11 to CHANGELOG
- 8715b71: iss1403: Support @HystrixCommand for rx.Single and rx.Completable similar to rx.Observable


Toggle v1.5.11's commit message
Release of 1.5.11

- db8ab75: Merge pull request Netflix#1531 from lholmquist/propertyValue_circuitBreakerForceClosed_assert
- 45e9b7b: Merge pull request Netflix#1529 from Psynbiotik/master
- 5d65553: Merge pull request Netflix#1532 from mattrjacobs/move-health-stream-subscribe-out-of-synchronized-block
- 0fc69b8: Move HealthCountsStream subscribe outside synchronized block
- a78d292: assert the circuitBreakerForceClosed property
- 985ef32: Update build.gradle
- 11a9ab6: Update
- 562d01f: Merge pull request Netflix#1513 from chrisgray/codahale_metrics_command_max_active
- 3eef024: Merge pull request Netflix#1515 from kmkr/master
- 5029590: Merge pull request Netflix#1512 from chrisgray/codahale_metrics_3.2.2
- 600f2cc: Merge pull request Netflix#1507 from piperchester/patch-1
- caf04bd: Merge pull request Netflix#1503 from mNantern/master
- fe81818: Fix typo in
- fc24382: Fixing Netflix#1508
- f0d1ded: codahale metrics-core 3.3.2
- 66d63be: README: fix typo
- c1d4bb6: Merge pull request Netflix#1502 from zzzvvvxxxd/20170318_delete_unuseful_code
- 82a6610: Fixes Netflix#1458 : it is now possible to implements "ExceptionNotWrappedByHystrix" to get back the original exception and not an HystrixBadRequestException
- a57324c: delete unuseful code in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy
- 710a537: Merge pull request Netflix#1495 from justinjose28/master
- 2b7eb64: Merge pull request Netflix#1498 from mattrjacobs/upgrade-servo-10-1
- 1ae5b95: Upgrade servo from 0.7.5 to 0.10.1
- 3851323: Merge branch 'master' of
- e9d8276: Adding hystrix-metrics-event-stream-jaxrs module
- 8f16eb9: Add v1.5.10 to CHANGELOG
- 38af9ba: Merge branch 'master' of
- 885bac4: Update


Toggle v1.5.10's commit message
Release of 1.5.10

- 4cf7e88: Merge pull request Netflix#1489 from LuboVarga/master
- 8b2de49: Merge pull request Netflix#1481 from dmgcodevil/iss-1458
- de12cf2: Merge pull request Netflix#1482 from dmgcodevil/iss1446
- 998c4a4: Merge pull request Netflix#1488 from bltb/spelling
- 12143fa: Added exporting of rollingMaxConcurrentExecutionCount value.
- aae245b: Minor spelling fixes.
- 943c10d: iss1446: added information about the declaring class of the method
- e9997e0: Update
- 5256537: Update
- dd91778: iss1446: initial implementation
- cb2767f: iss1458: added sanity checker for the method that detects point cut type by method annotations
- c674545: Merge pull request Netflix#1475 from LuboVarga/master
- 0db9367: Just added example usage
- 7fdda15: Merge pull request Netflix#1469 from petercla/master
- c17d487: Update
- 519e7c8: Remove possible NPE
- fb428cb: Merge pull request Netflix#1453 from tbvh/hyst-1283-test
- 80af3fc: Add Javanica test for NotWrapped checked exception
- deb628d: Add v1.5.9 to CHANGELOG


Toggle v1.5.9's commit message
Release of 1.5.9

- 3c6b1b0: Merge pull request Netflix#1449 from mattrjacobs/single-method-which-ensures-core-less-than-equal-to-maximum
- 06c0d0f: Use method call instead of value reference so that HystrixThreadPoolProperties may be overridden
- 15f44f3: Add HystrixThreadPoolProperties#actualMaximumSize()
- 362abc0: Publish the value of the maximumSize property
- 08cefa2: Merge pull request Netflix#1447 from mattrjacobs/allow-dynamic-update-to-allow-maximum-size-diverge-from-core-size
- 0c8f733: Merge pull request Netflix#1435 from ptab/fix-reading-allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize-from-archaius
- 148e8f1: Merge pull request Netflix#1448 from mattrjacobs/remove-cbor-dependency
- 0c8cef7: Remove dependency of hystrix-serialization on jackson-cbor by deprecating binary output functionality
- 0dd3cf5: Merge pull request Netflix#1414 from tbvh/master
- a37ff8c: Handle coreSize > maximumSize in HystrixThreadPoolConfiguration
- 9ab65f1: Refactoring of initial threadpool creation to use allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize
- e08676e: Merge pull request Netflix#1445 from mattrjacobs/early-unsubscribe-hook-test
- 9378b96: Add `onUnsubscribe` hook to command execution and wire in to command flow
- 55a5470: Add unit test to demonstrate missing onUnsubscribe hook
- 03d2836: Merge pull request Netflix#1443 from mattrjacobs/hystrix-dashboard-switch-jetty-to-gretty
- b43069b: Merge pull request Netflix#1444 from mattrjacobs/optimize-server-thread-exit
- 58962fe: Removing accidental println
- bf6922a: Cleaner implementation of server detecting client disconnection in sampling stream
- 8e95bc6: Change hystrix-dashboard README to refer to gretty:appRun instead of jetty:jettyRun
- 9f08d39: Switch hystrix-dashboard from using Jetty plugin to Gretty
- 11ca011: Merge pull request Netflix#1442 from mattrjacobs/fix-1430
- 62d9c30: Fix Netflix#1430 by detecting case when client connect/disconnects before metrics start getting emitted
- 9263593: Merge pull request Netflix#1441 from mattrjacobs/hystrix-examples-webapp-switch-jetty-to-gretty
- bc3b773: Use Gretty for running hystrix-examples-webapp
- b61919d: Properly handle default values for allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize when configuring properties using Archaius
- 03dac0c: Merge pull request Netflix#1412 from michaelcowan/javanica/raise-runtime-exception-for-observable
- 3f7ad96: Merge pull request Netflix#1423 from diver-in-sky/master
- f6baba0: Write to error log actual dynamicMaxPoolSize from properties if maxPoolSize < corePoolSize
- 442966e: Add v1.5.8 to CHANGELOG
- 9c357df: Introduce NotWrappedByHystrix to mark Exceptions that should not be wrapped in HystrixRunetimeException
- b1280ea: Adding documentation for raiseHystrixExceptions
- 2f04ffa: Add Observable support for option to raise HystrixRuntimeException


Toggle v1.5.8's commit message
Release of 1.5.8

- 1f6e9d4: Merge pull request Netflix#1419 from mattrjacobs/never-let-maximum-size-and-core-size-diverge-unless-user-opts-in
- ef5047d: When user has not opted in to letting core/maximum threadpools diverge, ensure dynamic updates to coreSize apply to both
- b7b955b: Merge pull request Netflix#1415 from starlight36/master
- 49922d3: Fix a little spell mistake in comments.
- 7598e9a: Add v1.5.7 to CHANGELOG


Toggle v1.5.7's commit message
Release of 1.5.7

- e701c54: Merge pull request Netflix#1411 from mattrjacobs/fix-bad-import
- 306cc39: Removed bad import that snuck in
- 7b3d2ce: Merge pull request Netflix#1408 from crimeminister/bugfix/fix-clojure-key-name
- 0c7c6ae: Fix typo in collapser options keyword name (from shared-fn to shard-fn)
- b0f5152: Merge pull request Netflix#1407 from mattrjacobs/reset-percentile-snapshot-when-advancing-all-buckets
- c4cd610: Clear the percentile snapshot whenever all buckets get cleared
- e7d23a3: Merge pull request Netflix#1406 from mattrjacobs/fix-retry-deadlock
- b54a22b: Added unit test that demonstrates calling .retry() on an Observable produced by Hystrix does not result in deadlock
- 1bf896b: Merge pull request Netflix#1405 from mattrjacobs/fix-comment-in-thread-pool-properties
- 27d0ca9: Fix comment in HystrixThreadPoolProperties
- a735c80: Merge pull request Netflix#1397 from michaelcowan/feature/optionally-raise-hystrix-runtime-exception
- 8b5a075: Merge pull request Netflix#1399 from mattrjacobs/add-property-to-control-maximum-thread-pool-size
- f68bd2f: Output setting around maximum thread pool size and whether this config is enabled
- 643d680: Added flag to force users to opt-in to allowing core and maximum thread pool sizes to diverge
- 478c211: Removing change to BasicDefaultIgnoreExceptionsTest
- 12d19bd: Adding raiseHystrixExceptions to DefaultProperties
- 8d8a8b3: Adding option to raise HystrixRuntimeException instead of cause
- 4e08f1a: Merge pull request Netflix#1396 from mattrjacobs/unsubscribe-before-subscribe
- 5b1e4d6: If command is unsubscribed before any work starts, just return Observable.never()
- 487ee3a: Merge pull request Netflix#1393 from ricardoletgo/master
- 141e182: Merge pull request Netflix#1389 from dmgcodevil/javanica-iss1344
- 9f62a5f: Performance improvement in EnvUtils. Read "weavingMode" system property only one time.
- 1042f27: iss1344: send fallback exception to client instead of primary command
- c175837: Merge pull request Netflix#1385 from monkey-mas/bump-jmh-gradle-plugin-to-0.3.1
- 9bbd664: Bump JMH gradle plugin to the latest version(0.3.1)
- 3fef4d7: Merge pull request Netflix#1382 from monkey-mas/bump-jmh-to-1.15
- 6a55d06: Bump JMH to the latest version(1.15)
- 7c42aa3: Merge pull request Netflix#1380 from mattrjacobs/add-jmh-test-when-circuit-opened
- da29bfd: Forgot to uncomment the non-Hystrix cases
- 881646c: Add jmh tests for open-circuit case
- ad5e3f4: Merge pull request Netflix#1376 from bltb/cleanup-comments
- 4bc7b67: Remove outdated comments regarding thread keep alive.
- 66f1347: Merge pull request Netflix#1375 from mattrjacobs/remove-cancelled-tasks
- 324a9ab: Remove cancelled work from the threadpool queue
- ae725f5: Merge pull request Netflix#1371 from mattrjacobs/allow-excess-threads-to-be-terminated
- c6fb4e1: Add maximumSize to unit test
- b42e36c: Add maximum size in configuration stream output
- 9d9f1ed: Add maximumSize to Hystrix Configuration stream
- c21d586: Allow maximum size to affect HystrixThreadPool
- ef6b201: Add configuration for Hystrix thread pool maximumSize
- 069249c: Add v1.5.6 to CHANGELOG


Toggle v1.5.6's commit message
Release of 1.5.6

- 4ec663e: Merge pull request Netflix#1368 from mattrjacobs/upgrade-jmh
- 082ac5b: Upgrade jmh to 1.14.1
- 02b8be7: Merge pull request Netflix#1365 from mattrjacobs/upgrade-nebula-and-gradle
- 14df0f4: Upgrade to Gradle 3.1 / Nebula 3.4.0
- 9433411: Merge pull request Netflix#1364 from mattrjacobs/fix-backwards-incompatbility-for-appengine
- cdd4dc0: Merge pull request Netflix#1363 from mattrjacobs/fix-semaphore-only-groups-from-showing-up-in-threadpool-output
- ddbf1bb: Re-add PlatformSpecific.isAppEngine() for backwards-compatibility
- 04f33ad: Filter out all thread pool objects from thread pool metric streams which have not executed a command
- d31ec7d: Merge pull request Netflix#1360 from mattrjacobs/convert-command-construction-jmh-test-to-singleshot
- 62edc4a: jmh test is more accurate when measuring the first command construction
- f16c08f: Merge pull request Netflix#1356 from cadef/platformspecific_gae_flexible
- 023cd42: Update PlatformSpecific to only detect App Engine Standard Environment
- a0e233a: Merge pull request Netflix#1353 from mattrjacobs/upgrade-rx-1-2
- eaec273: Upgrade to RxJava 1.2.0
- 8738d1c: Merge pull request Netflix#1351 from mattrjacobs/remove-histogram-object-pool
- cc8f973: REmoev object-pooling from CachedValuesHistogram
- d838f4d: Merge pull request Netflix#1336 from kennedyoliveira/feature/dashboard_improviments
- fe83e49: Merge pull request Netflix#1320 from zsoltm/1.5.4.collapse-observable
- e9cf47b: added reactive collapser example
- 695ee06: review: removed unnecessary generics
- cbecc00: review items: unnecessary checks; numeric constant instead of loop var
- b4d129e: Merge pull request Netflix#1341 from dmgcodevil/iss1328
- 13b4cde: iss1328: improved error messages
- c3a2282: iss1328: fix
- 12ad3e0: Merge pull request Netflix#1340 from mattrjacobs/refactor-user-defined-fallback
- ce1caab: Made the user-defined fallback calculation more general
- 417b249: Add remove button for streams
- 86760bd: Improving dashboard eureka integration - Refactoring code - Grouping instances by services - Added a new group for the first instance of each server - Updating url on chaning stream type - Update title for with application name
- 5ca732a: Update CHANGELOG with v1.5.5
- 94ff54d: implemented basic Javanica collapsible Observer support


Toggle v1.5.5's commit message
Release of 1.5.5

- 68ecc5a: Merge pull request Netflix#1323 from mattrjacobs/remove-reactivesocket-modules
- e102e5d: Remove all ReactiveSocket modules - this should allow a build by JDK6/7
- 90b0320: Add v1.5.4 to


Toggle v1.5.4's commit message
Release of 1.5.4

- f27c62c: Merge pull request Netflix#1308 from mattrjacobs/update-jmh
- 50c44e9: Merge pull request Netflix#1310 from mattrjacobs/update-nebula-netflixoss-plugin
- 951c66f: Merge pull request Netflix#1309 from mattrjacobs/update-hdr-histogram
- 402f1ac: Merge pull request Netflix#1307 from mattrjacobs/update-rxjava
- 29ae641: Merge pull request Netflix#1306 from mattrjacobs/update-clojure
- 78526d7: Merge pull request Netflix#1305 from mattrjacobs/update-gradle-2-14
- f261142: Update nebula.netflixoss Gradle plugin from 3.2.3 to 3.3.0
- 6a2cf00: Update HdrHistogram from 2.1.7 to 2.1.9
- f592801: Update jmh from 1.11.2 -> 1.13
- 3077a82: Update RxJava from 1.1.5 to 1.1.8
- 6abb7a2: Update nebula-clojure Gradle plugin and dependency on Clojure
- ff6e5aa: Update Gradle wrapper to 2.14
- 0e22141: Merge pull request Netflix#1304 from mattrjacobs/multicast-metrics-streams
- 28f3042: Make sure that metrics streams are multicast such that the work hapens once and all subscribers get that copy
- 079fd7c: Merge pull request Netflix#1303 from mattrjacobs/update-rxnetty
- fc491c3: Merge pull request Netflix#1302 from mattrjacobs/evaluate-pr-1265
- 57f1562: Update RxNetty version which depends on netty 4.1.3.Final
- dc31c60: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/pr/1265' into evaluate-pr-1265
- c873b7b: Merge pull request Netflix#1300 from mattrjacobs/scalar-command-terminates-in-on-next
- 5b9bdae: Fixed the application of the CANCELLED state to do it only when no terminals have been emitted so far
- 51531d2: Revert "Fix assertions which are no longer true after this commit"
- bde8615: Fix assertions which are no longer true after this commit
- da1198c: Merge pull request Netflix#1294 from thesmith/shutdown_threadpools
- aec05b3: Merge pull request Netflix#1297 from ManishMaheshwari/patch-1
- ca41fbb: Merge pull request Netflix#1299 from mattrjacobs/deflake-unsubscribe-tests
- f21be4a: Using longer execution times for unsubscribe unit tests
- 993ca86: Merge pull request Netflix#1295 from C-Otto/patch-1
- 7b625e8: Spell correction.
- b5d975c: fix typo
- 0785b3e: loop until thread-pool executor shuts down
- da55d45: Interrupt execution thread on HystrixCommand#queue()#cancel(true)
- 749e3db: Increased some sleeps in flaky unit test
- 61bb180: Allow scalar commands (HystrixCommand) to set completion state on an onNext
- e336976: Merge pull request Netflix#1273 from jbojar/bugfix/ignore-exceptions-generic-observable-command
- 8e6830c: Merge pull request Netflix#1197 from diegopacheco/master
- 8f96fde: Merge pull request Netflix#1176 from nurkiewicz/patch-2
- c9b1006: Merge pull request Netflix#1278 from mattrjacobs/handle-duplicate-arguments-in-collapser-batch
- 657f698: Prevent duplicate arguments from getting into a single collapser RequestBatch.
- 8ad9b88: Merge pull request Netflix#1277 from mattrjacobs/lazy-collapser-to-observable
- c756903: Merge pull request Netflix#1276 from mattrjacobs/lazy-observable-collapser-to-observable
- 3e913e7: Made HystrixCollapser.toObservable lazy by wrapping all work in an Observable.defer
- f787e12: Moved all work performed in HystrixObservableCommand.toObservable inside an Observable.defer to make it lazy
- eb2a7a2: Merge pull request Netflix#1275 from mattrjacobs/fix-flaky-health-counts-unit-test
- e27686b: Merge pull request Netflix#1271 from daniilguit/master
- 4f693bf: Lengthened wait period in shortCircuited HealthCounts unit test
- 35af9d2: Hystrix*Key refactoring to extract common logic and fix race condition
- c45c208: Merge pull request Netflix#1274 from mattrjacobs/wrap-everything-in-defer
- c6eba37: Make toObservable lazy.  Prevents work (like cache key calculation) from happening before subscription * This also implies that queue()/observe() will not throw anymore * The IllegalStateException now gets wrapped in a HystrixRuntimeException for consistency
- 9a5d345: Corrected ignoreExceptions for Observable returning methods.
- 045cef3: Fix race condition in HystrixThreadPoolKey.asKey method
- 2bea399: Merge pull request Netflix#1270 from mattrjacobs/fix-deprecations
- 94c5cbb: Switched Netty ServerSentEvent class to fix deprecation
- f162e27: Merge pull request Netflix#1269 from mattrjacobs/revert-data-streams-module
- 48f0eac: Switch usage of Observable.finallyDo to Observable.doAfterTerminate
- 4b7c4a1: Switch usage of Observable.timer for Observable.interval
- 9e5a509: Rework hystrix-data-stream module to just include serialization logic (now named hystrix-serialization)
- f918595: Merge pull request Netflix#1259 from dmgcodevil/iss993
- 584deb0: Update
- a43e231: Update
- 4707f45: Merge branch 'iss993' of into iss993
- 155d4e9: iss993: propagate original exception instead of HystrixRuntimeException
- 39d07aa: Update
- c226fdd: iss993: implemented support for default properties for fallback commands
- 584f362: iss993: added tests for default command properties
- 2a1b71d: Merge branch 'master' of into iss993
- e87b4e6: iss993: added test for default group and thread pool key
- e902a38: iss993: added test for default ignore exceptions
- 9a56749: iss993: added the following properties in DefaultProperties annotation: groupKey, threadPoolKey, commandProperties, threadPoolProperties
- 3bfe053: Merge pull request Netflix#1261 from mebigfatguy/master
- 5ac120c: add toString()s to help when debugging custom HystrixPropertiesStrategy classes
- cf16c01: Merge pull request Netflix#1258 from dmgcodevil/iss1177
- ea27ba1: iss993: added DefaultProperties annotation [initial commit]
- 2ea954c: iss1177: change getMethod to recursively search in parent types
- a3dc47c: Merge pull request Netflix#1255 from mattrjacobs/introduce-intermediate-data-streams-module
- d6dc182: Using hystrix-data-stream for hystrix-rx-entty-metrics-stream
- 5370e7b: Deprecated HystrixUtilizationJsonStream in favor of compositional serialization
- bf924aa: Deprecated HystrixConfigurationJsonStream in favor of compositional serialization
- f1bb9c9: Deprecated HystrixRequestEventsJsonStream to use common serialization mechanism
- 62de321: Made dashboard data emission interval configurable on startup
- a2ee1c4: Wired HystrixMetricsStreamServlet to HystrixDashboardData
- 151a4a0: Moved non-core data streams into hystrix-data-streams
- 2747e91: Merge pull request Netflix#1254 from mattrjacobs/stream-sharing
- e712bb7: Removed delay parameter from SSE metrics servlets.  This will allow streams to get shared and do less work
- c0d6d6c: Proper initialization of streams
- 7c9e48b: Merge pull request Netflix#1250 from mattrjacobs/fix-more-flaky-unit-tests
- db18a5c: Merge pull request Netflix#1253 from jmirc/master
- 8f304c8: Made HystrixConfigurationStream support sharing
- 910ee48: Made HystrixUtilizationStream support sharing
- d869bd6: Added println to MetricsPoller unit test
- 2f4a6e2: Fix issue Netflix#1251
- c5bf266: Increased command latency in RollingCommandMaxConcurrencyStreamTest
- e56d5e4: Increased command latency in RollingThreadPoolMaxConcurrencyStreamTest
- 30ea97a: Larger bucket sizes for CumulativeCommandEventCounterStreamTest
- 8a5c48c: Larger metric buckets in unit tests to allow for slower CI processing
- c86931b: Merge pull request Netflix#1247 from yanglifan/smart-config-pool-size
- a1c03b2: Set the thread pool size only when the configuration is changed.
- 92d8659: Merge pull request Netflix#1246 from mattrjacobs/move-dashboard-stream-to-hystrix-core
- 669ee21: Move HystrixDashboardStream to hystrix-core
- 25da664: Merge pull request Netflix#1244 from mebigfatguy/master
- 31cf0fe: Merge pull request Netflix#1243 from mattrjacobs/rebased-deflake-unit-tests
- 4253c4b: Lengthen timeout in command unit test
- cc75a69: Lengthen command latencies in thread pool max-counter unit tests
- 364a4bf: Removed some thread-isolated HystrixObservableCommand unit tests
- 84c5e67: Increased time between batches in RollingCollapserBatchSize test
- c3156fd: Added println to undersand test failure
- cbe3a00: fix handling of invalid weavingMode property
- 185ac34: Use zip in reactivesocket shared stream test
- d5c1203: Reducing logging in reactivesocket unit tests
- 2632c0e: Removing println
- 30c94ad: Removing bad tests of thread-interruption on HystrixObservableCommand
- 3583415: Increased timeout in TimeoutConcurency test to make timeout more reproducible
- 0355b9b: Moved interruptible ObservableCommand to IO Scheduler
- a1d2eb6: Lengthen latent commands for semaphore-rejection unit test
- ce1edcd: Made it less likely for metrics bucket to roll in circuit-breaker unit test before assert runs
- d47ba09: Added await step to metrics-concurrency test and reordered command execution in circuitbreaker test
- 2e32ecc: Raised timeout for HystrixObservableCommand unit tests
- a5507c0: Raised command timeout in circuit-breaker tests
- 2c0f792: Raising execution latency and timeout for execution hook tests
- d877328: Add printlns to understand why some tests are failing
- eb7c24a: Merge pull request Netflix#1238 from mebigfatguy/master
- d3cd11c: Merge pull request Netflix#1236 from mattrjacobs/reactivesocket-metric-client
- fbf366d: minor local variable 'caching' fixups
- d4d9df3: Converted System.out.printlns to logger.errors
- b4e3ef8: ReactiveSocket metrics client/server
- b6ae642: Merge pull request Netflix#1235 from mattrjacobs/hystrix-examples-async
- f4db4e8: Add demo that composes async command executions
- ff552f9: Merge pull request Netflix#1232 from mebigfatguy/master
- 01084cb: compare enums with ==, avoid chances of NPE
- 6fc37dc: Merge pull request Netflix#1231 from mebigfatguy/master
- 715e3a2: make inner classes static where possible, and remove outer class reference
- 278d7bb: Merge pull request Netflix#1229 from mebigfatguy/master
- d91cc74: remove dead Setter class
- e5136eb: Merge pull request Netflix#1225 from mebigfatguy/master
- 1e2092e: remove dead allocation of unused thunk
- d85daae: Merge pull request Netflix#1224 from mebigfatguy/master
- 45b1de0: remove dead field defaultNameCache
- 8414a4e: Merge pull request Netflix#1223 from mattrjacobs/upgrade-rxjava-1-1-5
- 2c5cb5e: Merge pull request Netflix#1222 from mattrjacobs/use-java8-for-travis
- e7e6f0b: Upgrade RxJava from 1.1.1 to 1.1.5
- a40f428: Perform Travis builds with Java8
- 41804d2: Merge pull request Netflix#1221 from dysmento/its-grammar
- be95845: improve usages of "its" and "it's"
- b0ce3b3: Merge pull request Netflix#1211 from robertroeser/master
- 4e470d6: Merge pull request Netflix#1219 from mebigfatguy/master
- da37420: avoid map lookups, in loops
- 3ff2b00: Add v1.5.3 to CHANGELOG
- 98f96f7: fixed typo, removed empty test
- bdfd8f8: switched to cbor and added a base class
- bb8f153: Merge branch 'master' of
- 285e4ea: added logging, and updated test
- acab365: updated test
- 206d2a2: added test and enum findby id
- 3bf3126: updated gradle
- f6e1eb8: initial commit ReactiveSocket event streams
- fe82af9: added license
- 0d9d1b6: Hack Hystrix Dashbaord to have a select which loads eureka apps so you dont need to type it
- f5b2019: added jquery that retrieves data from eureka
- 2258444: hack to list eureka apps
- bfe4ecb: add right lib and added jquery
- f75f9e8: added eureka retrival code
- c0cc08d: Failing test case when two requests with the same request argument are collapsed