This project tech trial aims to shows the integrations and dependences of CSS animation frameworks in a web page design.The solution is built with a modern MVVM/MVP/MVCjs architecture implemented with a CSS framework of Compass. This tech trial was intended to be a test on developing enterprise software solution. The design is for a single list with elementsthat can expand and contract, with only one element open at a time.
This project is generated with yo angular generatorversion 0.15.1.
install grunt-contrib-compass Download and install ruby gem installer 2.2.6 with checked all checkbox On ruby console, run "gem install sass" On ruby console, run "gem install compass"
Run "grunt" for building and "grunt serve" for preview.
Running "grunt test" will run the unit tests with karma.
see more information at
Please ensure to install bower packages to the local project path "npm install -g bower", bower install.
The bower package can be found at C:\Users....\node_modules\bower\bin\bower
npm install --global yo bower grunt-cli npm install -g generator-angular npm install -g generator-karma