- index.html: images information
- json-ld-logo.{xcf,1,2,3}: website header images
- json-ld-logo.{svg,-#.png}: rectangular logo
- json-ld-button.{svg,-#.png}: web button
- json-ld-data.{svg,-#.png}: data image
To create the icons from SVG:
$ make
To clean up old pngs:
$ make clean
To create multi-size ../favicon.ico:
$ make
# open largest json-ld-data-64.png with GIMP
# go to File > Open as Layers...
# select the 32 and 16 files
# export to favicon.ico
- The "{}" text uses Bitstream Vera Sans Mono with Normal style.
- The "JSON-LD" text uses Roboto with Bold style. https://www.google.com/fonts#UsePlace:use/Collection:Roboto:700
If you use Inkscape to edit the SVGs, you may want to check if your saved files have Inkscape cruft in them. You can clean things up with:
$ inkscape --export-plain-svg=output.svg input.svg
- 2013:
- Created.
- 2014-09-15:
- Fixed "{" and "}" to use the same font (Bitstream Vera Sans Mono).
- Changed "JSON-LD" to use Roboto font.
- Made json-ld-logo square.