Python 3.8.17
torch 2.0.1
torch-geometric 2.3.1
torch-scatter 2.0.9
torchsummary 1.5.1
tokenizers 0.13.3
numpy 1.23.5
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11 11.7.99
transformers 4.26.1
tokenizers 0.13.3
scikit-learn 1.3.0
scipy 1.10.1
pillow 10.0.0
pandas 2.0.3
six 1.16.0
wheel 0.38.4
tqdm 4.66.1
1.Download and prepare data
// for each dataset in mimic-iii/mimic-iv, perform the following commands
open the google drive and download the compressed mimic3/mimic4 data:
tar -xzvf <directory_to_download>/bio_pt.tar.gz
2.Clone this repo
cd <directory_to_code>
git clone
3.Puts the data to specific location
cd <directory_to_code>
//similar command for mimic-iv
mv <directory_to_download>/bio_pt <directory_to_code>/data/MIMIC-III_data/
4.Training and Inference
cd scripts
// For mimic-iii
python -u
--device <your_gpu_id>
--dropout_ratio 0.2
--bce_weight 0.95
--output_model_dir <path_to_your_checkpoints>
--max_visit_num 2
--decay 1e-5
--dataset MIMIC-III
--batch_size 8
--lr 5e-4
--pt_mode bio_pt
// For mimic-iv
python -u
--device <your_gpu_id>
--dropout_ratio 0.2
--bce_weight 0.95
--output_model_dir <path_to_your_checkpoints>
--max_visit_num 3
--decay 3e-5
--dataset MIMIC-IV
--batch_size 8
--lr 5e-4
--pt_mode bio_pt
In normal training process, you will see log as follows:
---------Epoch 39-----------
Start training!
training step: 0 / 1166, REC loss: 0.6013, loss_bce: 0.2840, loss_multi: 6.6307
training step: 1000 / 1166, REC loss: 0.5458, loss_bce: 0.2596, loss_multi: 5.9838
REC Loss: 0.55829 BCE Loss:0.26742 Multi Loss:6.08485 Time: 44.68471
We perform testing on the valid dataset after each training epoch and you will see log as follows:
Valid perfomance
Start testing!
DDI Rate: 0.0918, Jaccard: 0.5293, PRAUC: 0.7788, AVG_PRC: 0.6626, AVG_RECALL: 0.7324, AVG_F1: 0.6846, AVG_MED: 22.4029
REC Loss: 0.60064 BCE loss:0.28283 Multi loss:6.63895 Time: 11.60027
best_ja 0.5321197118283028
best_epoch 38