Nextflow implements an experimental syntax that implements new features and enhancements that simplifies the implementation of data analysis applications.
To enable this feature you need to defined the following directive at the beginning of your workflow script:
Nextflow allows the definition of custom function in the workflow script using the following syntax:
def <function name> ( arg1, arg, .. ) { <function body> }
For example:
def foo() { 'Hello world' } def bar(alpha, omega) { alpha + omega }
The above snippet defines two simple functions, that can be invoked in the workflow script as foo()
returns the Hello world
string and bar(10,20)
which return the sum of two parameters.
Functions implicitly return the result of the last evaluated statement.
The keyword return
can be used to explicitly exit from a function returning the specified value.
for example:
def fib( x ) { if( x <= 1 ) return x else fib(x-1) + fib(x-2) }
The new DSL separates the definition of a process by its invocation. The process definition follows the usual
for syntax as described in the :ref:`process documentation <process-page>`. The only difference is that the
and into
channel declaration has to be omitted.
Then a process can be invoked as a function in the workflow
scope, passing the expected
input channels as parameters as it if were a custom function. For example:
nextflow.preview.dsl=2 process foo { output: path 'foo.txt' script: """ your_command > foo.txt """ } process bar { input: path x output: file 'bar.txt' script: """ another_command $x > bar.txt """ } workflow { data = Channel.fromPath('/some/path/*.txt') foo() bar(data) }
A process component can be invoked only once in the same workflow context.
Processes having matching input-output declaration can be composed so that the output of the first process is passed as input to the following process. Taking in consideration the previous process definition, it's possible to write the following:
workflow { bar(foo()) }
A process output can also be accessed using the out
attribute for the respective
process object. For example:
workflow { foo() bar(foo.out) bar.out.view() }
When a process defines two or more output channels, each of them can be accessed
using the array element operator e.g. out[0]
, out[1]
, etc. or using
named outputs (see below).
The process output definition allow the use of the emit
option to define a name identifier
that can be used to reference the channel in external scope. For example:
process foo { output: path '*.bam', emit: samples_bam ''' your_command --here ''' } workflow { foo() foo.out.samples_bam.view() }
The workflow
keyword allows the definition of sub-workflow components that enclose the
invocation of one or more processes and operators:
workflow my_pipeline { foo() bar( foo.out.collect() ) }
For example, the above snippet defines a workflow component, named my_pipeline
, that can be invoked from
another workflow component definition as any other function or process i.e. my_pipeline()
A workflow component can access any variable and parameter defined in the outer scope: = '/some/data/file' workflow my_pipeline { if( ) bar( else bar(foo()) }
A workflow component can declare one or more input channels using the take
keyword. For example:
workflow my_pipeline { take: data main: foo(data) bar(foo.out) }
When the take
is used the beginning of the workflow body needs to be identified with the
Then, the input can be specified a argument on the workflow invocation statement:
workflow { my_pipeline( Channel.from('/some/data') ) }
Workflow inputs are by definition channel data structure. If a basic data type is provided instead, ie. number, string, list, etc. it's implicitly converted to a :ref:`channel value <channel-type-value>` (ie. non-consumable).
A workflow component can declare one or more out channels using the emit
keyword. For example:
workflow my_pipeline { main: foo(data) bar(foo.out) emit: bar.out }
Then, the result of the my_pipeline
execution can be accessed using the out
property ie.
. When is declared more than one output channels, use the array bracket notation
to access each output component as described for the Process outputs definition.
Alternatively, the output channel can be accessed using the identifier name to which it's assigned
in the emit
workflow my_pipeline { main: foo(data) bar(foo.out) emit: my_data = bar.out }
Then, the result of the above snippet can accessed using the my_pipeline.out.my_data
A workflow definition which does not declare any name is assumed to be the main workflow and it's implicitly executed. Therefore it's the entry point of the workflow application.
Implicit workflow definition is ignored when a script is included as module. This allow the writing a workflow script that can be used either as a library module and as application script.
An alternative workflow entry can be specifying using the -entry
command line option.
The publish
clause in the workflow declaration allow the definition of one or more output channels
whose content needs to be copied to a storage location of your choice. For example:
workflow { main: foo() bar() publish: foo.out to: '/some/data/dir' bar.out to: '/some/other/dir' }
The publish
clause is only allowed in a implicit workflow definition.
The publish
clause works in similar manner to the process :ref:`process-publishDir` directive,
however the former allow you to specify a different target directory for each published channel.
In the publish
clause can be specified the same options as for the :ref:`process-publishDir`
directive i.e. mode
, overwrite
, enabled
, etc.
Workflow defined in your script or import by a module inclusion can be invoked and composed as any other process in your application.
workflow flow1 { take: data main: foo(data) bar(foo.out) emit: bar.out } workflow flow2 { take: data main: foo(data) baz(foo.out) emit: baz.out } workflow { take: data main: flow1(data) flow2(flow1.out) }
Nested workflow execution determines an implicit scope. Therefore the same process can be
invoked in two different workflow scopes, like for example foo
in the above snippet that
is used either in flow1
and flow2
. The workflow execution path along with the
process names defines the process fully qualified name that is used to distinguish the
two different process invocation i.e. flow1:foo
and flow2:foo
in the above example.
The process fully qualified name can be used as a valid :ref:`process selector <config-process-selectors>` in the
file and it has priority over the process simple name.
The new DSL allows the definition module scripts that can be included and shared across workflow applications.
A module can contain the definition of function, process and workflow definitions as described in the above sections.
A module script can be included from another Nextflow script using the include
Then it's possible to reference the components (eg. functions, processes and workflow ) defined in the module
from the including script.
For example:
nextflow.preview.dsl=2 include './modules/my-module' workflow { data = Channel.fromPath('/some/data/*.txt') my_pipeline(data) }
Nextflow implicitly looks for the script file modules/
resolving the path
against the including script location.
Relative paths must begin with the ./
The module inclusion implicitly imports all the components defined in the module script. It's possible to selective include only a specific component by its name using the inclusion extended syntax as shown below:
nextflow.preview.dsl=2 include my_pipeline from './modules/my-module' workflow { data = Channel.fromPath('/some/data/*.txt') my_pipeline(data) }
When including a module component it's possible to specify a name alias. This allows the inclusion and the invocation of the same component multiple times in your script using different names. For example:
nextflow.preview.dsl=2 include foo from './modules/my-module' include foo as bar from './modules/my-module' workflow { foo(some_data) bar(other_data) }
The process configuration defined in the nextflow.config
file will
be resolved against the alias name. Following the above example the process bar
ignores any process specific settings eventually defined for the process with name foo
A module script can define one or more parameters as any other Nextflow script: = 'hello' = 'world' def sayHello() { "$ $" }
Then, parameters can be specified when the module is imported with the include
nextflow.preview.dsl=2 include './modules/my-module' params(foo: 'Hola', bar: 'mundo')
All parameters in the current context can be passed to a module using the params(params)
Using the new DSL Nextflow channels are automatically forked when connecting two or more consumers.
For example:
Channel .from('Hello','Hola','Ciao') .set{ cheers } cheers .map{ it.toUpperCase() } .view() cheers .map{ it.reverse() } .view()
The same is valid for the result (channel) of a process execution. Therefore a process output can be used by two or more processes without the need to fork them using the :ref:`operator-into` operator, making the writing of workflow script much fluent and readable.
Nextflow processes and operators can be composed using the |
pipe operator. For example:
process foo { input: val data output: val result exec: result = "$data world" } workflow { Channel.from('Hello','Hola','Ciao') | foo | map { it.toUpperCase() } | view }
The above snippet defines a process named foo
then invoke it passing the content of the
channel. The result is piped to the :ref:`operator-map` operator which converts each string
to uppercase and finally, the last :ref:`operator-view` prints it.
The &
and operator allow the feed of two or more processes with the content of the same
channel(s) e.g.:
process foo { input: val data output: val result exec: result = "$data world" } process bar { input: val data output: val result exec: result = data.toUpperCase() } workflow { Channel.from('Hello') | map { it.reverse() } | (foo & bar) | mix | view }
In the above snippet the channel emitting the Hello
is piped with the :ref:`operator-map`
which reverse the string value. Then, the result is passed to either foo
and bar
processes which are executed in parallel. The result is pair of channels which content
is merged into a single channel using the :ref:`operator-mix`. Finally the result is printed
using the :ref:`operator-view`.
The break-line operator \
can be use to split long pipes concatenation
over multiple lines.
The above snippet can be written as shown below:
workflow { Channel.from('Hello') \ | map { it.reverse() } \ | (foo & bar) \ | mix \ | view }
The following methods are not allowed any more when using Nextflow DSL 2: