A R package and executable for the preprocessing, statistical analysis, and downstream testing and visualization of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) from CpG count matrices (Bismark cytosin…
Computational Suite for Bioinformaticians and Biologists (CSBB) is a RShiny application developed with an intention to empower researchers from wet and dry lab to perform downstream Bioinformatics …
A Snakemake pipeline to go from fastq mRNA sequencing files to raw and normalised counts (usable for downstream EDA and differential analysis)
Notes for third year Computing at Imperial College London (incomplete)
Notes for second year Computing at Imperial College London
Notes for first year Computing at Imperial College London
collection of projects, done while studying at 42 Kuala Lumpur.
Front-end for 42KLs iMac booking application to adhere to Covid-19 SOP
🌱 WIX1002 - Include notes, questions, source code and explanation for Tutorials/ Labs (UM-WIX1002)
🌱For University Malaya (UM), Course Code WIA1002 (Data Structure). Include notes, questions, source code and explanation for Tutorials/ Labs (UM-WIA1002).
Opinionated JSON to CSV/XLSX/SQLITE/PARQUET converter. Flattens JSON fast.
The telegram bot that allows to prepare for IT interview using LLM API and Modular RAG.
A begineer friendly repo to show you how to run LLM RAG streamlist app in your local, through Docker and deployment on Huggingface Space.
An end to end demo of Google's Cloud data and analytic stack.
This is the code repo for Networking and Kubernetes: A Layered Approach.
This repository has files to implement a end to end kubernetes(AKS) multi-tenant architecture in your organisation(even they are using Azure, AWS or GCP), where each tenant(teams or applications) w…
A docker-compose stack for Prometheus monitoring
ADAM is a genomics analysis platform with specialized file formats built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark, and Apache Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
Q. Liu, L. Xiao, J. Yang and Z. Wei, "CNN-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network With Pixel- and Superpixel-Level Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE Transactions on Geosc…
Deep-Plant: Plant Classification with CNN/RNN. It consists of CAFFE/Tensorflow implementation of our PR-17, TIP-18 (HGO-CNN & PlantStructNet) and MalayaKew dataset.
Tutorials for bioinformatics and data analysis related to landscape genomics
Image Classifier using Transfer Learning