Bioinformatics data analysis and visualization toolkit
How to install:
bioinfokit requires
- Python 3
- NumPy
- scikit-learn
- seaborn
- pandas
- matplotlib
- SciPy
git clone
cd bioinfokit
python3 install
Volcano plot
bioinfokit.visuz.volcano(table, lfc, pv, lfc_thr, pv_thr, color, valpha, geneid, genenames, gfont)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Comma separated (csv) gene expression table having atleast gene IDs, log fold change, P-values or adjusted P-values columns |
lfc |
Name of a column having log fold change values [string][default:logFC] |
pv |
Name of a column having P-values or adjusted P-values [string][default:p_values] |
lfc_thr |
Log fold change cutoff for up and downregulated genes [float][default:1.0] |
pv_thr |
P-values or adjusted P-values cutoff for up and downregulated genes [float][default:0.05] |
color |
Tuple of two colors [tuple][default: ("green", "red")] |
valpha |
Transparency of points on volcano plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1.0] |
geneid |
Name of a column having gene Ids. This is necessary for plotting gene label on the points [string][default: None] |
genenames |
Tuple of gene Ids to label the points. The gene Ids must be present in the geneid column. If this option set to "deg" it will label all genes defined by lfc_thr and pv_thr [string, tuple, dict][default: None] |
gfont |
Font size for genenames [float][default: 10.0] |
Volcano plot image in same directory (volcano.png)
MA plot, lfc, ct_count, st_count, pv_thr)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Comma separated (csv) gene expression table having atleast gene IDs, log fold change, and counts (control and treatment) columns |
lfc |
Name of a column having log fold change values [default:logFC] |
ct_count |
Name of a column having count values for control sample [default:value1] |
st_count |
Name of a column having count values for treatment sample [default:value2] |
lfc_thr |
Log fold change cutoff for up and downregulated genes [default:1] |
MA plot image in same directory (ma.png)
Inverted Volcano plot
bioinfokit.visuz.involcano(table, lfc, pv, lfc_thr, pv_thr, color, valpha, geneid, genenames, gfont)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Comma separated (csv) gene expression table having atleast gene IDs, log fold change, P-values or adjusted P-values |
lfc |
Name of a column having log fold change values [default:logFC] |
pv |
Name of a column having P-values or adjusted P-values [default:p_values] |
lfc_thr |
Log fold change cutoff for up and downregulated genes [default:1] |
pv_thr |
P-values or adjusted P-values cutoff for up and downregulated genes [default:0.05] |
color |
Tuple of two colors [tuple][default: ("green", "red")] |
valpha |
Transparency of points on volcano plot [float (between 0 and 1)][default: 1.0] |
geneid |
Name of a column having gene Ids. This is necessary for plotting gene label on the points [string][default: None] |
genenames |
Tuple of gene Ids to label the points. The gene Ids must be present in the geneid column. If this option set to "deg" it will label all genes defined by lfc_thr and pv_thr [string, tuple, dict][default: None] |
gfont |
Font size for genenames [float][default: 10.0] |
Inverted volcano plot image in same directory (involcano.png)
Correlation matrix plot
bioinfokit.visuz.corr_mat(table, corm)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Dataframe object with numerical variables (columns) to find correlation. Ideally, you should have three or more variables. Dataframe should not have identifier column. |
corm |
Correlation method [pearson,kendall,spearman] [default:pearson] |
Correlation matrix plot image in same directory (corr_mat.png)
Merge VCF files
Parameters | Description |
file |
Multiple vcf files and separate them by comma |
Merged VCF file (merge_vcf.vcf)
Merge VCF files
Parameters | Description |
file |
Multiple vcf files and separate them by comma |
Merged VCF file (merge_vcf.vcf)
Parameters | Description |
table |
Dataframe object with numerical variables (columns). Dataframe should not have identifier column. |
PCA summary, scree plot (screepca.png), and 2D/3D pca plots (pcaplot_2d.png and pcaplot_3d.png)
Reverse complement of DNA sequence
Parameters | Description |
seq |
DNA sequence to perform reverse complement |
file |
DNA sequence in a fasta file |
Reverse complement of original DNA sequence
Sequencing coverage
bioinfokit.analys.seqcov(file, gs)
Parameters | Description |
file |
FASTQ file |
gs |
Genome size in Mbp |
Sequencing coverage of the given FASTQ file
Convert TAB to CSV file
Parameters | Description |
file |
TAB delimited text file |
CSV delimited file (out.csv)
bioinfokit.visuz.hmap(table, cmap='seismic', scale=True, dim=(6, 8), clus=True, zscore=None, xlabel=True, ylabel=True, tickfont=(12, 12))
Parameters | Description |
file |
CSV delimited data file. It should not have NA or missing values |
cmap |
Color Palette for heatmap [string][default: 'seismic'] |
scale |
Draw a color key with heatmap [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
dim |
heatmap figure size [tuple of two floats (width, height) in inches][default: (6, 8)] |
clus |
Draw hierarchical clustering with heatmap [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
zscore |
Z-score standardization of row (0) or column (1). It works when clus is True. [None, 0, 1][default: None] |
xlable |
Plot X-label [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
ylable |
Plot Y-label [boolean (True or False)][default: True] |
tickfont |
Fontsize for X and Y-axis tick labels [tuple of two floats][default: (14, 14)] |
heatmap plot (heatmap.png, heatmap_clus.png)
Venn Diagram
bioinfokit.visuz.venn(vennset, venncolor, vennalpha, vennlabel)
Parameters | Description |
vennset |
Venn dataset for 3 and 2-way venn. Data should be in the format of (100,010,110,001,101,011,111) for 3-way venn and 2-way venn (10, 01, 11) [default: (1,1,1,1,1,1,1)] |
venncolor |
Color Palette for Venn [color code][default: ('#00909e', '#f67280', '#ff971d')] |
vennalpha |
Transparency of Venn [float (0 to 1)][default: 0.5] |
vennlabel |
Labels to Venn [string][default: ('A', 'B', 'C')] |
Venn plot (venn3.png, venn2.png)
Two sample t-test with equal and unequal variance
bioinfokit.analys.ttsam(table, xfac, res, evar)
Parameters | Description |
table |
CSV delimited data file. It should be stacked table with independent (xfac) and dependent (res) variable columns. |
xfac |
Independent group column name with two levels [string][default: None] |
res |
Response variable column name [string][default: None] |
evar |
t-test with equal variance [bool (True or False)][default: True] |
summary output and group boxplot (ttsam_boxplot.png)
Chi-square test for independence
Parameters | Description |
table |
CSV delimited data file. It should be contingency table. |
summary output and variable mosaic plot (mosaic.png)
File format conversions
Function | Parameters | Description |
bioinfokit.analys.format.fqtofa(file) |
FASTQ file |
Convert FASTQ file into FASTA format |
bioinfokit.analys.format.hmmtocsv(file) |
HMM file |
Convert HMM text output (from HMMER tool) to CSV format |
bioinfokit.analys.format.tabtocsv(file) |
TAB file |
Convert TAB file to CSV format |
bioinfokit.analys.format.csvtotab(file) |
CSV file |
Convert CSV file to TAB format |
Output will be saved in same directory