All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Automate
- Classic UI
- Allow the target attribute to be read on ResourceActionWorkflow objects (#15916)
- Providers
- Update model to support LXCA config patterns (#15956)
- Add orchestration stack targeted refresh method (#15936)
- Add relation between container projects and persistent volume claims (#15932)
- Apply distinct on lans and switches (#15930)
- Add instance security group management to product features (#15915)
- raw_connect method for infra provider (#15914)
- Add Ansible Playbook custom button type (#15874)
- Add Openscap Result to VM model (#15862)
- Flavors create and add methods (#15552)
- Container Template: Add object_labels (#15406)
- Smart State
- Snapshot Support for Non-Managed Disks SSA (#15960)
- Tools
- Make tools easier to run (#15957)
- User Interface
- Add custom buttons to generic object. (#15980)
- Authentication
- Chargeback
- Rate selection using union of all tags in reporting(consumption) period (#15888)
- Core
- Fix event_catcher blacklisted events logging (#15945)
- Providers
- Internationalization
- i18n: Add Data Types to dictionary (#15922)
- Providers
- Add cloud volume backup delete and restore actions. (#15891)
- Add instantiation_attributes to Container Template Parameter (#15863)
- Add vm security group operations (#15826)
- Add metadata function that should return the description of the data that is stored in the options field (#15799)
- Register product features for JDR reports (#15768)
- Add number of container using image (#15741)
- Add support for additional power operations (#15683)
- Update model to support network adapters (#15371)
- Archive Container Nodes (#15351)
- Add Pod to PersistentVolume relationship (#15023)
- Core
- Adding Child Managers to EMS (#15889)
- Smart State
- Create Snapshot for Azure if a snapshot is required for SSA and if so call the snapshot code.(#15865)
- Automate
- Add new classes to have custom buttons (#15845)
- Storage
- Add missing features for Block Storage and Object Storage (#15812)
- Alerts
- Add hash_expression to MiqAlert (#15315)
- User Interface
- Show monitoring screen by default (#14976)
- User Interface
- Split up miq_capacity into three separate controllers (#15869)
- Providers
- User Interface
- This fixes Cockpit console from attempting to connect to AWS and GCE on private instead of public ip addresses and enables Cockpit console for RHOS. (#15901)
- Core
- Authentication
- Converting userids to UPN format to avoid duplicate user records (#15535)
- Platform
- Providers
- Reporting
- Limit Generic Object associations to the same list of objects available to reporting. (#15735)
- Add metrics default limit to API settings (#15797)
- Services
- Automate
- Platform
- Use ruby not runner for run single worker (#15825)
- Handle pid in run_single_worker.rb properly (#15820)
- Handle SIGTERM in run_single_worker.rb (#15818)
- Bump to non-broken network discovery (#15798)
- Get tag details for no specific model (#15788)
- Support logins when "Get User Groups from LDAP" is not checked (#15661)
- Give active queue worker time to complete message (#15529)
- Providers
- UI (Classic)
- Remove rails-controller-testing from Gemfile (#15852)
- User Interface
- Fail with descriptive message when no EMS (#15807)
- Added support for expression methods (#15537)
- Provisioning: Support memory limit for RHV (#15591)
- Services
- Add a relationship between generic objects and services. (#15490)
- Display the text "Generic Object Class" in the UI (instead of Generic Object Definition) (#15672)
- Set up dialog_field relationships through DialogFieldAssociations (#15566)
- Metric rollups at the Service level (#15695)
- Remove methods for Azure sample orchestration (#15752)
- Evaluate enablement expressions for custom buttons (#15729)
- Evaluate visibility expressions for CustomButtons (#15725)
- Adding options field to ext_management_system (#15398)
- Change the target of tag expressions (#15715)
- MiqExpression::Target#to_s (#15713)
- Rename applies_to_exp to visibility_expression for serializing (#15501)
- Workers
- Performance
- Don't run the broker for ems_inventory if update_driven_refresh is set (#15579)
- Merge retirement checks (#15645)
- Batch disconnect method for ContainerImage (#15698)
- Allow batch disconnect for the batch strategy (#15699)
- Optimize the query of a service's orchestration_stacks. (#15727)
- [Performance] MiqGroup.seed (#15586)
- Allow operator characters on the RHS of filter (#15534)
- Adapt manageiq to new managers (#15506)
- Ansible Tower: Azure Classic Credential added for embedded Ansible (#15626)
- Containers: Add new class ServiceContainerTemplate. (#15429)
- Inventory
- Network: Generic CRUD for network routers (#15451)
- Physical Infrastructure: Add physical infra types for discovery (#15621)
User Interface
- Features for Generic Object Classes and Instances (#15611)
- Performance: Use concat for better performance (#15635)
- Platform: Move MiqApache from manageiq-gems-pending (#15548)
- User Interface: Use update:ui rake task instead of update:bower (#15578)
- Pluggability: change ManageIQ::Environment to run bundle install on plugin_setup (#15589)
- Provisioning: Add validate_blacklist method for VM pre-provisioning (#15513)
- Make namespace into a virtual attribute (#15532)
- Use OpenShift API to control the Ansible container (#15492)
- Allow MiqWorker.required_roles to be a lambda (#15522)
- MulticastLogger#reopen shouldn't be used because it's backed by other loggers (#15512)
- Add the evm:deployment_status rake task (#15402)
- Set default server roles from env (#15470)
- Logging to STDOUT in JSON format for containers (#15392)
- Allow overriding memcache server setting by environment variable (#15326)
- Reporting: Add Amazon report to standard set of reports (#15445)
- Queue
- Workers
- Add monitoring manager (#15354)
- Containers
- Inventory
- Render ids in compressed form in API responses (#15430)
- Make request APIs consistent by restricting access to automation/provision requests to admin/requester (#15186)
- Render ids in compressed form in API responses (#15430)
- Use correct identifier for VM Retirement (#15509)
- Return only requested attributes (#14734)
- Return Not Found on Snapshots Delete actions (#15489)
- Rails scripts for setting a server's zone and configuration settings from a command line (#11204)
- Batch saving strategy should populate the right timestamps (#15394)
- Add power off/on events to automate control and the foreign key to events physical server (#15138)
- Search for "product/views" in all plugins (#15353)
- Save resource group information (#15187)
- Add new class Dialog::ContainerTemplateServiceDialog. (#15216)
- Concurent safe batch saver (#15247)
- Removed SCVMM Data as moved to manageiq-providers-scvmm (#15314)
- Middleware: Validate presence of feed on middleware servers (#15390)
- Performance
- Services: Add orchestration stack my_zone. (#15334)
- Redirect tasks subcollection to request_tasks (#15357)
- Provisioning: Ovirt-networking: using profiles (#14991)
- Add important asserts to the default save inventory (#15197)
- Delete complement strategy for deleting top level entities using batches (#15229)
- First version of targeted concurrent safe Persistor strategy (#15227)
- Generalize targeted inventory collection saving (#15198)
- Containers: Add Report: Images by Failed Openscap Rule Results (#15210)
- Physical Infrastructure: Add constraint to vendor in Physical Server (#15128)
User Interface
- Performance
- Evmserver start-up: Improve ChargeableField.seed (#15236)
- Physical Infrastructure: Fix the hosts key in method which save physical server (#15199)
Automate: Add delete method for Cloud Subnet (#15087)
- Add support for Cloud Volume Delete action (#15097)
SmartState: Fix sometimes host analysis cannot get the linux packages info (#15140)
- Performance
- Extract automation engine to separate repository (#13783)
Add Alert Definition Profiles (MiqAlertSet) REST API support (#14438)
API support for adding/removing Policies to/from Policy Profiles (#14575)
- RBAC for User model regard to allowed role (#14898)
- Fallback to ActiveRecord config for DB host lookup (#15018)
- Use ActiveRecord::Base for connection info (#15019)
- Miq shortcut seeding (#14915)
- Fix constant reference in ManagerRefresh::Inventory::AutomationManager (#14984)
- Set the db application_name after the server row is created (#14904)
User Interface (Classic)
- Report attributes for SUI (#14829)
- Performance
Automate: Adjust power states on a service to handle children (#14550)
- Ensure that genealogy_parent exists in the vm data before using it (#14753)
- All_ems_in_zone is not a scope yet so we can't chain 'where' (#14792)
- Ansible Tower: Reformat Ansible Tower error messages (#14777)
- Containers: Removed duplicate report (#14515)
- Google: Fix typo on "retirement" string in google provisioning dialog. (#14800)
- Physical Infrastructure: Fix vendor key in physical server (#14828)
- Storage: Fix StorageManagers Cross Linkers (#14795)
- VMware: Create a notification when a snapshot operation fails (#13991)
- Ensure remote shells generated by SCVMM are closed when finished (#14591)
- Containters
- Always evaluate datawarehouse_alerts (#14318)
- Ansible Tower
- Use human friendly names in task names and notifications for Tower CUD operations (#14977)
- Nullify dependents when destroying configuration_script_sources/configuration_scripts (#14567)
- Use organization instead of organization_id when talking to Tower (#14538)
- Fix task name for task that create Tower project (#14656)
- Ensure job is refreshed in the condition of state machine exits on error (#14684)
- Parse password field from dialog and decrypt before job launch (#14636)
- Ansible Service: skip dialog options for retirement (#14602)
- Modified to use Embedded Ansible instance (#14568)
- An Ansible Tower "Inventory" is a ManageIQ "InventoryRootGroup" (#14716)
- Fix for External Automation Manager Inventory Group (#14691)
- Notification after Tower credential CUD operations (#14625)
- Product features for embedded ansible refresh (#14664)
- Notification after Tower credential CUD operations (#14625)
- Product features for embedded ansible refresh (#14664)
- Set database application name in workers and server (#13856)
- Fix startup shortcut YAML setting for Configuration Management (#14506)
- Generate virtual custom attributes with sections (#14837)
- Allow reports to be generated based on GuestApplication (#14939)
- Allow deletion of groups with users belonging to other groups (#15041)
- Track and kill embedded ansible monitoring thread (#15612)
- Include EvmRole-reader as read-only role in the fixtures (#15647)
Red Hat Virtualization: Reduce the default oVirt open timeout to 1 minute (#15099)
- Add a virtual column for
- Add a virtual column for
- Providers
- Add config option to skip container_images (#14606)
- Add a marker file for determining when the ansible setup has been run (#15642)
- Give active queue worker time to complete message (#15529)
- Authentication
- Format time interval for log message (#15370)
- Add vm_migrate_task factory. (#15332)
- Start Apache if roles were changed and it is needed by the current roles (#15078)
- Add a notification for when the embedded ansible role is activated (#14867)
- Reporting
- Do not limit width of table when downloading report in text format (#15750)
- Fix chargeback report with unassigned rates (#15580)
- Cast virtual attribute 'Hardware#ram_size_in_bytes' to bigint (#15554)
- Fix key for regexp in miq_expression.yaml (#15452)
- Include cloud instances in Powered On/Off Report (#15333)
- Correct field names for reports (#14905)
- Changed report name to be consistent with actual produced report. (#14646)
- Fix constant reference in ManagerRefresh::Inventory::AutomationManager (#14984)
- Do not delete report if task associated with this report deleted (#15134)
- Workers
- Only remove my process' pidfile. (#15491)
- Check for messages key in prefetch_below_threshold? (#15620)
- Inventory
- Return VMs and Templates for EMS prev_relats (#15671)
- Ansible Tower: Let ansible worker gracefully stop (#15643)
- Limit CloudTenants' related VMs to the non-archived ones (#15329)
- Containers
- Microsoft Infrastructure
- [SCVMM] Remove -All from Get-SCVMTemplate call (#15106)
- Network
- Fix network_ports relation of a LB (#14969)
- Virtual Infrastructure: Add a method to InfraManager to retrieve Hosts without EmsCluster (#14884)
- Inventory
SmartState: Fixed bug: one call to Job#set_status from `VmScan#call_snapshot_delete' has one extra parameter (#14964)
User Interface (Classic)
- Show Network Port name in Floating IP list (#14970)
- Add missing units on VMDB Utilization page for disk size (#14921)
- Add Memory chart for Availability Zones (#14938)
- Removed grouping from all Middleware* views (#15042)
- Fix URL to Compute/Containers/Containers in miq_shortcuts (#15497)
- Fail with descriptive message when no EMS (#15807)
- Enable custom actions for Vms API (#14817)
- Alerts
- Ansible Tower
- Service Playbook updates fqname and configuration_template (#15007)
- Require EmbeddedAnsible playbook to create playbook service (#14226)
- Add relationships between Ansible job and its playbook (#14144)
- Associate job with credentials (#14113)
- Save newly created dialog_id in options (#14254)
- Collect more attributes for Ansible Tower job (#14076)
- Add Run Ansible Playbook control action type (#13943)
- Create service template with Ansible Tower after first creating a new job template (#13896)
- Added "Ansible Playbook" to the list of catalog item types (#13936)
- Expose job_template from a service template (#13895)
- Create catalog item after job templates are created (#13893)
- Create temporary inventory when execute a playbook (#14008)
- Run a control action to order Ansible Playbook Service (#13874)
- Control: Enforce policies type to be either "compliance" or "control" (#14519)
- Orchestration
- Provisioning
- Service Model
- Services
- Add a add_to_service method to Vm (#14416)
- Add orchestration_stacks to ServiceAnsiblePlaybook (#14248)
- Update catalog item without config_options (#14147)
- Set the initiator from the workflow/request (#14070)
- Add service object to deliver to automate. (#13956)
- Create a provision request for a service template (#13972)
- ServiceTemplate update_catalog_item (#13811)
- Add create_catalog_item to ServiceTemplateAnsibleTower (#13646)
- Tool to create a service dialog for an Ansible playbook (#13494)
- Resource action - Add service_action. (#13751)
- Initial commit for ansible playbook methods and service model. (#13717)
- Add automate engine support for array elements containing text values (#11667)
- Modified destroying an Ansible Service Template (#14586)
- Ansible Playbook Service add on_error method. (#14583)
- Add 'delete' to generic object configuration dropdown (#13541)
- Automate Model: Add Amazon block storage automation models (#13458)
- Orchestration Services: create_catalog_item to ServiceTemplateOrchestration (#13628)
- Add create_catalog_item class method to ServiceTemplate (#13589)
- Save playbook service template (#13600)
- Allow adding disks to vm provision via api and automation (#13318)
- Move MiqAeEngine components into the appropriate directory in preparation for extracting the Automate engine into its own repository (#13406)
- Automate Retry with Server Affinity (#13363)
- Service Model: Added container components for service model (#12863)
- Expose attach/detach method for volume (#14289)
- Allow passing options when adding a disk in automate. (#14350)
- Add remote servers to rake evm:status_full (#14107)
- Include embedded ansible logs in log collection (#14770)
- Ansible Tower
- Create initial tower objects when we start the worker (#14283)
- Add embedded_ansible to the list of roles that need apache (#14353)
- Raise a notification when the embedded ansible server starts (#14529)
- Move embedded ansible worker thread up to start_runner (#14256)
- Run #authentication_check after the embedded ansible service starts (#14235)
- Rely on 10 minute starting_timeout instead of a heartbeating thread (#14053)
- Add methods for configuring and starting Ansible inside (#13584)
- New class for determining the availability of embedded ansible (#13435).
- Authentication: Ensure user name is set even when common LDAP attributes are missing. (#14142)
- Reporting
- Chargeback
- Add a #backlog method to PglogicalSubscription objects (#14010)
- Metrics: Collect metrics for archived containers (#13686)
- Enhanced inventory collector target and parser classes (#13907)
- Force unique endpoint hostname only for same type (#12912)
- New folder targeted refresh [Depends on vmware/32] (#14460)
- Amazon
- Ansible Tower
- Tower CUD check and run refresh_in_provider followed by refreshing manager (#15025)
- Tower CUD to invoke targeted refresh (#14954)
- Refresh job_template -> playbook connection (#14432)
- Prepare parameter hash before passing to Tower API credential CU (#14483)
- Add manageiq to the extra_var before launching a job (#14354)
- Use embedded tower default objects for ManageIQ (#14467)
- Catalog item accepts remove_resources option (#14328)
- Enable scm_credential type in refresh (#14471)
- Add a concern for storing and accessing embedded ansible object ids (#14377)
- Added Inventory to EmbeddedAnsible namespace (#14282)
- Create/Update/Delete Ansible Tower Projects and Credentials via queue (#14305)
- Add retire_now to Embedded Ansible job. (#14479)
- Destroy Ansible Playbook job templates (#14461)
- Add job_plays to job (#14331)
- Add EmbeddedAnsible workers to WorkerManagement (#14234)
- Refresh to pick up scm options for Tower Project (#14220)
- Refresh to pick up extra attributes of Ansible Credentials (#14106)
- Enhanced dependency and references scanning (#13995)
- Introducing find by and find or build by methods (#13926)
- Model change for Ansible Tower Credential (#13773)
- Add missing
hierarchy and Automate models (#14069) - Models for EmbeddedAnsible provider (#13879)
- Refresh inventory (#13807)
- Event Catcher (#13423)
- Migrate AnsibleTower ConfigurationManager to AutomationManager (#13630)
- Cloud Providers
- Enable cloud_tenant based RBAC for additional models (#14036)
- Update Cloud Image View to Differentiate Between Snapshots and Non-Snapshots (#12970)
- Allow cloud volume to provide a list of volumes for attach (#14058)
- Add relationship between VM and ResourceGroup. (#14000)
- Support operation
on CloudObjectStoreContainer (#14269)
- Console: Add product feature for VMware WebMKS HTML consoles (#13945)
- Containers
- Middleware
- OpenStack
- Physical Infrastructure
- Pluggable
- Red Hat Virtualization
- VMware Infrastructure: Validate CPU and Memory Hot-Plug settings in reconfigure (#12275)
- Remove all service resources (#14584)
- Remove resources from service (#14581)
- Bumping up version to 2.4.0 for the Fine Release (#14541)
- Exposing prototype as part of /api/settings (#14690)
- Add Alert Definitions (MiqAlert) bulk edits support (#14397)
- Add_resource to Service api (#14409)
- API Authentication create (#14217)
- Added support for API slugs (#14344)
- Enable put/patch on configuration script sources and authentications (#14381)
- API Enhancement to support fine-grained settings whitelisting (#13948)
- Create configuration script sources (#14006)
- Edit Authentications API (#14319)
- Delete and update configuration script sources (#14323)
- Delete authentication in provider (#14307)
- Collections API for Cloud Volumes (#14260)
- Orchestration stack subcollection (#14273)
- Add cloud types to authentication options (#13951)
- Adds host to physical server relationship (#14026)
- Adding support for a format_attributes parameter (#14449)
- Added Api::Utils.resource_search_by_href_slug helper method (#14443)
- Enhanced API to have a task created for provider refreshes (#14387)
- Add Alert Definitions (MiqAlert) REST API support (#13967)
- Enhance service edit to accept attribute references (#14124)
- Delete service templates via POST (#14112)
- Delete services via POST (#14111)
- Delete templates via POST (#14110)
- Exposing regions as a primary collection /api/regions (#14109)
- Add authentications sub collection to ConfigurationScriptPayload (#14002)
- Improve error handling on destroy action (#14098)
- Differentiate Vms/Instances in messages (#13971)
- Authentications Read and Delete api (#13780)
- Create service template REST api (#12594)
- Snapshots revert API (#13829)
- Add snapshotting for instances in the API (#13729)
- Bulk unassign tags on services and vms (#13712)
- Add bulk delete for snapshots API (#13711)
- Improve create picture validation (#13697)
- Configuration Script Sources API (#13626)
- Api enhancement to support optional collection_class parameter (#13845)
- Allows specification for optional multiple identifiers (#13827)
- Add config_info as additional attribute to Service Templates API (#13842)
- API collection OPTIONS Enhancement to expose list of supported subcollections (#13681)
- API Enhancement to support filtering on id attributes by compressed id's (#13645)
- Adds remove_approver_resource to ServiceRequestController. (#13596)
- Add OPTIONS method to Clusters and Hosts (#13574)
- VMs/Snapshots API CRD (#13552)
- Add alert actions api (#13325)
- Copy orchestration template (#13053)
- Expose Request Workflow class name (#13441)
- Sort on sql friendly virtual attributes (#13409)
- Expose allowed tags for a request workflow (#13379)
- Add Amazon EC2 block storage manager EMS (#13539)
User Interface (Classic)
- Add missing ui_lookup for Repository (#14485)
- Remove 'retired' column from the services list (#14378)
- Changes for Embedded Ansible models (#14199)
- Add missing fields to Middleware views (#14115)
- Add multiselect option to dropdowns (#10270)
- Core changes for Ansible Tower Playbooks & Repositories UI (#13731)
- Core changes for Ansible Credentials UI (#14020)
- Added changes to show Catalog Item type in UI (#13516)
- Physical Infrastructure provider (lenovo) changes required for the UI (#13735)
- Adding Physical Infra Providers Menu Item (#13587)
- Added new features for the Ansible UI move to the Automation tab (#13526)
- Added new features for the Ansible UI move to the Automation tab (#13526)
- Add edit functionality for generic object UI (#11815)
- Switched to the latest version of
gem (#14117) - Update the service dialog to use the correct automate entry point (#13955)
- Change default provisioning entry point for AutomationManagement. (#13762)
- Look for resources in the same region as the selected template during provisioning. (#13045)
- Switched to the latest version of
- Optimize number of transactions sent in refresh (#14670)
- Optimize store_ids_for_new_records by getting rid of the O(n^2) lookups (#14542)
- Do not run MiqEventDefinitionSet.seed twice on every start-up (#14725)
- Do not run these seeds twice (#14726)
- Speed up MiqEventDefinitionSet.seed (#14721)
- Do not store whole container env. in the reporting worker forever (#14807)
- Make Widget run without timezones (#14386)
- boot skips all seeding with env variable (#14207)
- Add a cache for full Feature objects (#14037)
- Report Widget (#14285)
- Skip relationship query when we know there are none (#14480)
- Report Widget (#14285)
- Speed up widget generation (#14224)
- Fix ordering by VMs in NetworkManagers list (#14092)
- Use eager_load for extra_resources (#13904)
- Perfomance fix for Object Storage Manager deletion (#14009)
- Avoid N+1 queries by including snapshots (#13833)
- Load created Vms in batches so they don't load all in memory (#14067)
- Do not keep all association records in the memory (#14066)
- Scanning for used attributes for query optimizations (#14023)
- Reporting
- Allow regex for MiqExpression::Field which contains numbers in associations (#14229)
- Move the call to reload ntp settings to the server only (#14208)
- Ansible Tower: Use http_port extra variables instead of nginx ones (#14204)
- Fix ordering by VMs in NetworkManagers list (#14092)
- Configure apache balancer with up to 10 members at startup (#14007)
- Remove admin role for tenant admin (#14081)
- Ansible: Properly monitor the embedded ansible service (#13978)
- Remove the mechanisms around "configuring" central admin (#13966)
- Allow users to input ipv6 where it makes sense (#70)
- Rename events "ExtManagementSystem Compliance*" -> "Provider Compliance*" (#13388)
- Use the new setup script argument types (#14313)
- Exclude chargeback lookup tables in replication (#14466)
- Rename Amazon EBS storage manager (#13569)
User Interface (Classic)
- Updated patternfly to v3.23 (#13940)
- Retirement: Change retire_now to pass zone_name to raise_retirement_event. (#15026)
- Added finish retirement notification. (#14780)
- Add policy checking for retirement request. (#14641)
- Fix services always invisible (#14403)
- Fixes tag control multi-value (#14382)
- Don't allow selecting resources from another region when creating a catalog item (#14468)
- Merge service template options on update (#14314)
- Fix for Service Dialog not saving default value for drop down or radio button (#14240)
- Avoid calling $evm.backtrace over DRb to prevent DRb-level mutex locks (#14239)
- Fix Automate domain reset for legacy directory. (#13933)
- Services: Power state for services that do not have an associated service_template (#13785)
- Provisioning: Update validation regex to prohibit only numbers for Azure VM provisioning (#13730)
- Allow a service power state to correctly handle nil actions (#13232)
- Increment the ae_state_retries when on_exit sets retry (#13339)
- Ansible Tower
- Control
- Provisioning
- Remove reverse! call for timezone after converting structure to hash (#14772)
- First and Last name are no longer required. (#14694)
- Use fetch_path to handle the case where :ws_values is nil. (#14797)
- Services: Service#my_zone should only reference a VM associated to a provider. (#14696)
- Chargeback
- Reports: Add Container entities to TAG_CLASSES (#14535)
- Make worker_monitor_drb act like a reader (#14638)
- Do not pass nil to the assignment mixin (#14713)
- Use base class only when it is supported by direct rbac (#14665)
- Metrics: Split metric collections into smaller intervals (#14332)
- Add balancer members after configs have been written (#14311)
- MiqApache::Conf.create_balancer_config expects a :lbmethod key (#14306)
- If we can't update_attributes on a queue row, set state to error (#14365)
- Do not truncate(255) message attribute in miq_tasks table (#14105)
- Fix "Multiple Parents Found" issue when moving a relationship. (#14060)
- Core
- Reporting: Ignore custom attributes that have a nil name (#14055)
- Chargeback
- Skip calculation when there is zero consumed hours (#13723)
- Bring currency symbols back to chargeback reports (#13861)
- Fix tier selection when using different units. (#13593)
- Fix rate adjustment rounding bug (#13331)
- Charge only for past hours (#13134)
- Delegate custom attributes to images in ChargebackContainerImage (#14395)
- Add MiqUserRole to RBAC (#13689)
- Fix broken C&U collection (#13843)
- Instead of default(system) assign current user to generating report task (#13823)
- Tenant admin should not be able to create groups in other tenants. (#13483)
- Replication: Expose a method for encrypting using a remote v2_key (#13083)
- Fixing full_name not returning docker_id when it should (#14412)
- Remove queue serialization (#13722)
- Fix general CloudNetwork class_by_ems method (#14392)
- Prevent a DVPortGroup from overwriting a LAN with the same name in provisioning (#14292)
- Fix EmsRefresh miq_callback when merging queue items (#14441)
- Pass hosts as a parameter to create the service dialog (#14507)
- Provide better error message when migrating to the same host (#14155)
- Fixed refresh & save for Physical Infra. (#14351)
- Always pass valid date format (#14296)
- Check if project has credential before try to use it (#14297)
- Ansible Tower
- Fix saving hosts in ansible playbook job (#14522)
- Add missing authentication require_nested (#14018)
- Disable SSL verification for embedded Ansible. (#14078)
- Allow create_in_provider to fail (#14049)
- It's _log not log and we don't need the undefined variable prefix (#14846)
- Reload the ems object in the event catcher if we fail to start (#14736)
- Add multiline to ssh attribute (#14707)
- Create/update Tower project with scm_credential (#14618)
- Nullify dependents when destroying configuration_script_sources/configuration_scripts (#14567)
- Use organization instead of organization_id when talking to Tower (#14538)
- Fix task name for task that create Tower project (#14656)
- An Ansible Tower "Inventory" is a ManageIQ "InventoryRootGroup" (#14716)
- Fix for External Automation Manager Inventory Group (#14691)
- Notification after Tower credential CUD operations (#14625)
- Product features for embedded ansible refresh (#14664)
- Console: Added missing parameter when requesting OpenStack remote console (#13558)
- Containers
- Container Volumes should honor tag visibility (#14517)
- Fix queueing of historical metrics collection (#14695)
- Identifying container images by digest only (#14185)
- Create a hawkular client for partial endpoints (#13814)
- Container managers #connect: don't mutate argument (#13719)
- Fix creating Kubernetes or OSE with
- Google: Ensure google managers change zone and provider region with cloud manager (#14742)
- Metrics: Handle exception when a metrics target doesn't have an ext_management_system (#14718)
- Microsoft Infrastructure
- Middleware: Hawkular Allow adding datawarehouse provider with a port other than 80 (#13840)
- OpenStack Cloud Network Router: Raw commands are wrapped in raw prefixed methods (#13072)
- OpenStack Infra: Ssh keypair validation fixes (#13445)
- Pluggable: Changing ordering of checks to see if snapshot operations are supported (#14014)
- Red Hat Virtualization
- Add oVirt cloud-init customization template (#14139)
- Disks should be added as 'active' in RHV (#13913)
- Use the provided database name during metric collection (#13909)
- Fix authentication of metrics credentials in RHV (#13981)
- Set timeout for inventory refresh calls (#14245)
- Fix Host getting disconnected from Cluster when migrating a VM in (#13815)
- Allow partial POST edits on miq policy REST (#14518)
- Return provider_class on provider requests (#14657)
- Return correct resource hrefs (#14549)
- Removing ems_events from config/api.yml (#14699)
- Ensure actions are returned correctly in the API (#14033)
- Return result of destroy action to user not nil (#14097)
- Convey a useful message to queue_object_action (#13710)
- Fix load balancers access in API (#13866)
- Fix cloud networks access in API (#13865)
- Fix schedule access in API (#13864)
- Timeout was not triggered for Image Scanning Job after removing Job#agent_class (#14791)
User Interface
- Fix mixed values in Low and High operating ranges for CU charts (#14324)
- Revert "Remove unneeded include from reports" (#14439)
- Added missing second level menu keys for Storage menu (#14145)
- Update spice-html5-bower to 1.6.3 fixing an extra GET .../null request (#13889)
- Add the Automation Manager submenu key to the permission yaml file (#13931)
- Added missing Automate sub menu key to permissions yml. (#13819)
- Allow passing options when adding a disk in automate. (#14350)
- Added container components for service model. (#12863)
- Services
- Authentication: Ensure user name is set even when common LDAP attributes are missing. (#14142)
- Chargeback
- RBAC: Add RBAC for rss feeds (#14041)
- Openstack
- Red Hat Virtualization Manager: Resolve oVirt IP addresses (#13767)
- Optimize number of transactions sent in refresh (#14670)
- Make Widget run without timezones (#14386)
- Speed up widget generation (#14224)
- RBAC: Remove admin role for tenant admin (#14081)
- Reporting: Support dots and slashes in virtual custom attributes (#14329)
- Provisioning: Add multiple_value option to expose_eligible_resources. (#13853)
- Services
- Appliance: Move the call to reload ntp settings to the server only (#14208)
- Chargeback: Do not pass nil to the assignment mixin (#14713)
- Fix "Multiple Parents Found" issue when moving a relationship. (#14060)
- Workers
- Make worker_monitor_drb act like a reader again! (#14638)
- Fix missing reason constants (#13919)
- Add balancer members after configs have been written (#14311)
- Rescue worker class sync_workers exceptions and move on (#13976)
- Configure apache balancer with up to 10 members at startup (#14007)
- If we can't update_attributes on a queue row set state to error (#14365)
- Optimize store_ids_for_new_records by getting rid of the O(n^2) lookups (#14542)
- Containers
- Metrics
- Microsoft: SCVMM - Enable VM reset functionality (#14123)
- Openstack: Set the raw power state when starting Openstack instance (#14122)
- Red Hat Virtualization Manager
- Add the logic to allow a policy to prevent request_vm_scan. (#14370)
- Update spice-html5-bower to 1.6.3 fixing an extra GET .../null request (#13889)
- Fix mixed values in Low and High operating ranges for CU charts (#14324)
- Automate Retry with Server Affinity (#13543)
- Chargeback
- Reporting: Add option for container performance reports (#11904)
- Ansible Tower: Advanced search for Ansible Tower Jobs not visible on switch from a different tab (#12717)
- Containers: Common mixin: ui_lookup should get a string (#13389)
- Microsoft Azure: Delete all resources when deleting an Azure stack (#24)
- Ops_rbac - group detail - don't render trees that are not visible (#13399)
- Launch a URL returned by an automate button (#13449)
- Remove confirmation when opening the HTML5 vnc/spice console. (#13465)
- Cloud Network UI: Task queue (#13416)
- Look for resources in the same region as the selected template during provisioning. (#13045)
- Don't lookup category names if tag tree view all (#13308)
- Add list of providers to RBAC on catalog items (#13395)
- Gem changes
- Network: Added exception clases for router add/remove interfaces (#13005)
- UX improvements for attaching Openstack cloud volumes to instances (#13437)
- Add latest VMRC API version (#184)
Notable fixes include:
- Inconsistent attribute names inside Automate Engine (#13545)
- Allow a service power state to correctly handle nil actions (#13232)
- Increment the ae_state_retries when on_exit sets retry (#13339)
- Chargeback
- Tenant admin should not be able to create groups in other tenants. (#13483)
- Add MiqUserRole to RBAC (#13689)
- Reporting: Introduce report result purging timer (#13429)
- Hawkular: Adding alt and title attributes for buttons (#13468)
- OpenStack
- Pulled out simulation parameters (#13472)
- Advanced search not working for the ansible job (#12719)
- Fix missing Smart State Analysis button on Cloud Instances list view (#13422)
- Remove disabling of 'instance_retire' button (#14016)
- Fix Snapshot revert (#13986)
- Make created filters in Datastores visible and fix commiting filters (#13621)
- Add missing icons for provider policies & compliance events (#13502)
- Allow configuration managers providers and configuration scripts trees to display the advanced search box (#13763)
- Cloud Subnet UI: Task queue validation buttons (#13490)
- Tenant admin should not be able to create groups in other tenants. (#151)
- Floating IPs: Adds missing route for wait_for_task (#192)
- Fix valid_tenant check in ops (#203)
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization: Removed the option to migrate the VMs outside of the cluster. (#207)
- Fix check_box_tag parameters for snap_memory (#217)
- Add list of roles to rbac (#271)
- Fix assigning roles in group form (#296)
- Fix repeating values on Y-axis of C&U charts (#40)
Automate Model
- Added top_level_namespace to miq_ae_namespace model to support filtering for pluggable providers
- Added /System/Process/MiqEvent instance
- Class Schema allows for EMS, Host, Policy, Provision, Request, Server, Storage, and VM(or Template) datatypes
- Value is id of the objects
- If object is not found, the attribute is not defined.
- Import Rake task
argument: SettingOVERWRITE=true
removes the target domain prior to import - Null Coalescing Operator
- Multiple String values separated by “||”
- Evaluated on new attribute data type “Null Coalescing”
- Order dependent, left to right evaluation
- First non-blank value is used
- Skip and warn about missing objects
Generic Objects
- Model updates
- Associations
- Tagging
- Service Methods:
add_to_service / remove_from_service
- Service models created for GenericObject and GenericObjectDefinition
- Process Generic Object method call via automate
- Methods content stored in Automate
- Generic Object Definition model contains the method name only (Parameters defined in automate)
- Methods can return data to caller
- Methods can be overridden by domain ordering
- Model updates
Git Automate support
- Branch/Tag support
- Contents are locked and can be copied to other domains for editing
- Editable properties
- Enabled/Disabled
- Priority
- Removal of Domain
- Dedicated Server Role to store the repository
method: Used by Automate methods to set a retirement date to specified number of days from today, or from a future date.taggable?
to programmatically determine if a Service Model class or instance is taggable.- Added $evm.create_notification
- Service Provisioning: Exposed number_of_vms when building the provision request for a service
- Filter networks and floating_ips for OpenStack provisioning
- Added Google pre and post provisioning methods
- Enabled support for vApp provisioning service
- Backend support to enable VMware provisioning through selection of a DRS-enabled cluster instead of a host
- Set VM storage profile in provisioning
- Show shared networks in the OpenStack provisioning dialog
- Enhanced messaging for provisioning: Displayed elements
- ManageIQ Server name
- Name of VM/Service being provisioned
- Current Automate state machine step
- Status message
- Provision Task Message
- Retry count (when applicable)
- Set zone when deliver a service template provision task
Reconfigure: Route VM reconfigure request to appropriate region
- Restored retirement logic to verify that VM was provisioned or contains Lifecycle tag before processing
- Built-in policy to prevent retired VM from starting on a resume power
- Added lifecycle tag as a default tag
- Schema change for Cloud Orchestration Retirement class
- Added Provider refresh call to Amazon retire state machine in Pre-Retirement state
Service Dialogs
- Added ‘Visible’ flag to all dialog fields
- Support for “visible” flag for dynamic fields
Service Models - New
- Compliance:
expose :compliance_details
- ComplianceDetail:
expose :compliance
,expose :miq_policy
- MiqAeServicePartition
- MiqAeServiceVolume
- GenericObject
- GenericObjectDefinition
- Compliance:
Service Models - Updates
- MiqAeServiceServiceTemplateProvisionTask updated to expose provision_priority value
- MiqAeServiceHardware updated to expose a relationship to partitions.
- Added cinder backup/restore actions
- New associations on VmOrTemplate and Host models
expose :compliances
expose :last_compliance
- Expose ems_events to Vm service model
- Expose a group's filters.
- Set default entry points for non-generic catalog items
- Service resolution based on Provision Order
- Log properly dynamic dialog field script error
- Back-end support for Power Operations on Services
- Service Items: Pass start/stop commands to associated resources.
- Service Bundles: Honor bundle resource configuration for start/stop actions
- Created service_connections table to support connecting services together along with metadata
- Centralized Administration
- Server to server authentication
- Invoke tasks on remote regions
- Leverage new API client (WIP)
- VM power operations
- VM retirement
- Chargeback
- Support for generating chargeback for services
- Will be used in Service UI for showing the cost of a service
- Generate monthly report for a Service
- Daily schedule generates report for each Service
- Enables SUI display of Service costs over last 30 days
- Containers
- Added a 'fixed_compute_metric' column to chargeback
- Added rate assigning by tags to container images
- Chargeback vm group by tag
- Database Maintenance
- Hourly reindex: High Churn Tables
- Periodic full vacuum
- Configure in appliance console
- Database maintenance scripts added to appliance
- Notifications
- Dynamic substitution in notification messages
- Generate for Lifecycle events
- Model for asynchronous notifications
- Authentication token generation for web sockets
- API for notification drawer
- PostgreSQL High Availability
- Added repmgr to support automatic failover
- Maintain list of active standby database servers
- Added pg-dsn_parser for converting DSN to a hash
- DB Cluster - Primary, Standbys
- Uses repmgr (replication)
- Failover
- Primary to Standby
- Appliance connects to new primary DB
- Primary/Standby DB config in Appliance Console
- Database-only appliance config in Appliance Console
- Failover Monitor
- Raise event when failover successful
- Added repmgr to support automatic failover
- Replication: Add logging when the replication set is altered
- Reporting
- Watermark reports updated to be based on max of daily max value instead of max of average value
- Custom attributes support in reporting and expressions
- Selectable as a column
- Usable in report filters and charts
- Tenancy
- Groundwork in preparation for supporting multiple entitlements
- ApplicationHelper#role_allows and User#role_allows? combined and moved to RBAC
- Added parent_id to CloudTenant as prerequisite for mapping OpenStack tenants to ManageIQ tenants
- Mapping Cloud Tenants to ManageIQ Tenants
- Prevent deleting mapped tenants from cloud provider
- Added checkbox "Tenant Mapping Enabled" to Openstack Manager
- Post refresh hook to queue mapping of Cloud Tenants
- Appliance Console: Removed menu items that are not applicable when running inside a container
- Nice values added to worker processes
- Core
- Override default http proxy
- Known features are discoverable
- Every known feature is unsupported by default
- Allow Vm to show floating and fixed ip addresses
- Generate a csv of features supported across all models
- Amazon: Public Images Filter
- Ansible Tower
- Collect Job parameters during Provider Refresh
- Log Ansible Tower Job output when deployment fails
- Containers
- Persist Container Templates
- Reports: Pods for images per project, Pods per node
- Deployment wizard
- Models for container deployments
- Limit number of concurrent SmartState Analyses
- Allow policies to prevent Container image scans
- Chargeback rates based on container image tags
- Keep pod-container relationship after disconnection
- Label based Auto-Tagging UI
- Google Compute Engine
- Use standard health states
- Provision Preemptible VMs
- Preemptible Instances
- Retirement support
- Metrics
- Load Balancer refresh
- Middleware (Hawkular)
- JMS support (entities, topology)
- Reports for Transactions (in App servers)
- Support micro-lifecycle for Middleware-deployments
- Alerts
- Link miq alerts and hawkular events on the provider
- Convert ManageIQ alerts/profiles to hawkular group triggers/members of group triggers
- Sync the provider when ManageIQ alerts and alert profiles are created/updated
- Support for alert profiles and alert automated expressions
- Added entities: Domains and Server Groups including their visualization in topology
- Datasource entity now has deletion operation
- Cross linking to VMs added to topology
- Operations: Add Deployment, Start/stop deployment
- Performance reports for datasources
- Collect more metrics for datasources
- Deployment entity operations: Undeploy, redeploy
- Server operations: Reload, suspend, resume
- Live metrics for datasources and transactions
- Performance reports for middleware servers
- Crosslink middleware servers with RHEV VMs
- Collect and display deployment status
- Datasources topology view
- Added missing fields in UI to improve user experience
- Middleware as top level menu item
- Default view for Middleware is datasource
- Change labels in middleware topology
- Added "Server State" into Middleware Server Details
- Enabled search for Middleware entities
- Users can add Middleware Datasources and JDBC Drivers
- Metrics for JMS Topics and Queues
- Add support to overwrite an existing deployment
- Kubernetes: Cross-linking with OpenStack instances
- Microsoft Cloud (Azure)
- Handle new events: Create Security Group, VM Capture
- Provider-specific logging
- Added memory and disk utilization metrics
- Support floating IPs during provisioning
- Load Balancer inventory collection for Azure
- Pagination support in armrest gem
- Microsoft Infrastructure (SCVMM): Set CPU sockets and cores per socket
- Networking
- Allow port ranges for Load Balancers
- Load Balancer user interface
- Separate Google Network Manager
- NFV: VNFD Templates and VNF Stacks
- Nuage: Inventory of Managed Cloud Subnets
- Nuage policy groups added
- Load balancer service type actions for reconfigure, retirement, provisioning
- UI for creating subnets
- UI for Network elements
- OpenStack
- Cloud
- Collect inventory for cloud volume backups
- UI: Cloud volume backup
- UI: CRUD for Host Aggregates
- UI: CRUD for OpenStack Cloud tenants
- Enable image snapshot
- Map Flavors to Cloud Tenants during Openstack Cloud refresh
- Associate/Disassociate Floating IPs
- Region Support
- Create provider base tenant under a root tenant
- Topology
- Infrastructure
- Set boot image for registered hosts
- Node destroy deletes node from Ironic
- Enable node start and stop
- Ironic Controls
- UI to register Ironic nodes through Mistral
- Topology
- Cloud
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
- Get Host OS version and type
- Disk Management in VM Reconfigure
- Snapshot support
- Report manufacturer and product info for RHEVM hosts
- Make C&U Metrics Database a mandatory field for Validation
- Migrate support
- Enable VM reconfigure disks for supported version
- Storage
- New Swift Storage Manager
- New Cinder Storage Manager
- Initial User Interface support for Storage Managers
- VMware vSphere
- Storage Profiles modeling and inventory
- Datastores are filtered by Storage Profiles in provisioning
- vCloud
- Collect status of vCloud Orchestration Stacks
- Add Network Manager
- Collect networking inventory
- Cloud orchestration stack operation: Create and delete stack
- Collect virtual datacenters as availability zones
- Event Catcher
- Event monitoring
- Support for /api/requests creation and edits
- Token manager supports for web sockets
- Added ability to query virtual machines for cockpit support
- Support for Bulk queries
- Support for UI notification drawer
- API entrypoint returns details about the appliance via server_info
- Support for compressed ids in inbound requests
- CRUD support for Arbitration Rules
- Added GET role identifiers
- Support for arbitrary resource paths
- Support for Arbitration Profiles
- Support for Cloud Networks queries
- Support for Arbitration Settings
- Updated /api/users to support edits of user settings
- Support for report schedules
- Support for approving or denying service requests
- Support for OpenShift Container Deployments
- Support for Virtual Templates
- Added /api/automate primary collection
- Enhanced to return additional product information for the About modal
- Bulk queries now support referencing resources by attributes
- Added ability to delete one’s own notifications
- Publish Blueprint API
- Update Blueprint API to store bundle info in ui_properties
- CRUD for Service create and orchestration template
- Api for refreshing automate domain from git
- Allow compressed IDs in resource references
- Renamed from Self-Service UI due to expanding number of use cases
- Language selections separated from Operations UI
- Order History with detail
- Added Arbitration Rules UI
- Service Designer: Blueprint API
- Arbitration Profiles
- Collection of pre-defined settings
- Work in conjunction with the Arbitration Engine
- Rules Engine: API
- Arbitration Profiles
- Added datastore for the default settings for resourceless servers
- Create picture
- Generic requests OPTION method
- API for Delete dialogs
- Cockpit integration: Added About modal
- Set default visibility to true for all dialog fields
- Add /etc/redhat-access-insights/machine-id to the sample VM analysis
- Deployed new MiqDiskCache module for use with Microsoft Azure
- Scan time reduced from >20 minutes to <5 minutes
- Microsoft Azure backed read requests reduced from >7000 requests to <1000
- Generalized disk LRU caching module
- Caching module can be used by any disk module, eliminating duplication.
- Can be inserted “higher” in the IO path.
- Configurable caching parameters (memory vs performance)
- Will be employed to address Azure performance and throttling issues.
- Other disk modules converted over time.
- Containers: Settings for proxy environment variables
- Support analysis of VMs residing on NFS41 datastores
- Added mandatory Subscription field to Microsoft Azure Discovery screen
- Added Notifications Drawer and Toast Notifications List
- Added support for vSphere Distributed Switches
- Added support to show child/parent relations of Orchestration Stacks
- Added Middleware Messaging entities to topology chart
- Arbitration Profiles management for Service Broker
- Re-check Authentication button added to Provider list views
- Provisioning button added to the Templates & Images list and summary screens
- Subtype option added to Generic Catalog Items
- About modal added to OPS UI
- Both UIs updated to latest PatternFly and Angular PatternFly
- Internationalization
- Virtual Columns
- Toolbars
- Changed to use gettext’s pluralization
- i18n support in pdf reports
- i18n support for UI plugins
- Ansible Tower Jobs moved to the Configuration tab (from Clouds/Stacks)
- Interactivity added to C3 charts on C&U screens
- Settings moved to top right navigation header
- Tagging for Ansible Tower job templates
- Live Search added to bootstrap selects
- Add GUID validation for certain Azure fields in Cloud Provider screen
- OpenStack: Register new Ironic nodes through Mistral
- Timeline resdesign
- vSphere Distributed Switches tagging
- Patternfly Labels for OpenSCAP Results
- Notifications
- Conversion of Middleware Provider form to Angular
- Add UI for generating authorization keys for remote regions
- Topology for Cloud Managers
- Topology for Infrastructure Providers
- Show replication excluded tables to the replication tab in Settings
- Fix angular controller for Network Router and Cloud Subnet
- Description for Datastore Reset action now includes list of target domains
- Simulation: Updated defaults
- Entry-point:
(Previous value of “Automation”) - Execute Method: Enabled
- Entry-point:
- Infrastructure Provision: Updated memory values for VM provisioning dialogs to 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 32 GB
- Generic Object: Model refactoring/cleanup, use PostgreSQL jsonb column
- Changed Automate import to enable system domains
- Google schema changes in Cloud Provision Method class
- Page rendering
- Compute -> Infrastructure -> Virtual Machines: 9% faster, 32% fewer rows tested on 3k active vms and 3k archived vms
- Services -> My Services: 60% faster, 98% fewer queries, 32% fewer db rows returned
- Services -> Workloads -> All VMs page load time reduced from 93,770ms to 524ms (99%) with a test of 20,000 VMs
- Filtering now done in SQL
- 99.5% faster (93.8s -> 0.5s) testing
- VMs / All VMs / VMs I Own
- VMs / All VMs / VMs in My LDAP Group
- Reduced the time and memory required to schedule Capacity and Utilization data collection.
- Capacity and Utlization improvements included reduced number of SQL queries and number of objects
- Improved tag processing for Alert Profiles
- Do not reload miq server in tree builder
- Prune VM Tree folders first, so nodes can be properly prune and tree nodes can then be collapsed
- For resource_pools only bring back usable Resource Pools
- Upgrade ruby 2.2.5 to 2.3.1
- Configure Rails web server - Puma or Thin
- Puma is still the default
- Planning on adding additional servers
- Expression refactoring and cleanup with relative dates and times
- Set appliance "system" memory/swap information
- PostgreSQL upgraded to 9.5 needed for HA feature
- Performance: Lazy load message catalogs for faster startup and reduced memory
- Replication: Added "deprecated" in replication worker screen (Rubyrep replication removed in Euwe release)
- Tenancy: Splitting MiqGroup
- Filters moved to to Entitlement model
- Enabler for sharing entitlements
- MiqExpression Refactoring
- LDAP: Allow apostrophes in email addresses
- Core
- Remove provider specific constants
- Ask whether provider supports VM architecture instead of assuming support by provider type
- Ansible: Automate method updated to pass JobTemplate “Extra Variables” defined in the Provision Task
- Hawkular
- Upgrade of Hawkular gem to 2.3.0
- Skip unreachable middleware providers when reporting
- Add re-checking authentication status functionality/button
- Refactor infrastructure for easier configuration
- Optimization and enhancement of event fetching
- Microsoft SCVMM: Set default security protocol to ssl
- vSphere Host storage device inventory collection improvements
- Updated /api entrypoint so collection list is sorted
- API CLI moved to tools/rest_api.rb
- Update API CLI to support the HTTP OPTIONS method
- Dynatree replaced with bootstrap-treeview
- Converted to TreeBuilder - Snapshot, Policy, Policy RSOP, C&U Build Datastores and Clusters/Hosts, Automate Results
- CodeMirror version updated (used for text/yaml editors)
- Default Filters tree converted to TreeBuilder - more on the way
- Cloud Key Pair form converted to AngularJS
- Toolbars:Cleaned up partials, YAML -> classes
- Provider Forms: Credentials Validation improvements
- Updated PatternFly to v3.11.0
- Summary Screen styling updates
- Platform
- Removed rubyrep
- Removed hourly checking of log growth and rotation if > 1gb
- User Interface: Explorer Presenter RJS removal
Notable fixes include:
- Fixed case where user can't add alerts
- Fixed issue where alerts don't send SNMP v1 traps
- Fixed problem with request_pending email method
- Set User.current_user in Automation Engine to fix issue where provisioning resources were not being assigned to the correct tenant
- Provisioning
- VMware Infrastructure: sysprep_product_id field is no longer required
- Provisioned Notifications - Use Automate notifications instead of event notifications.
- Fixed ordering ae_domains for a root tenant
- Set default value of param visible to true for all field types
- Git Domains
- When a domain is deleted, also delete git based bare repository on the appliance with the git owner server role
- Only enable git import submit button when a branch or tag is selected
- Authentication
- Support a separate auth URL for external authentication
- Remove the FQDN from group names for external authentication
- Use correct adjustment in chargeback reports
- Replication
- Add repmgr tables to replication excludes
- Don't consider tables that are always excluded during the schema check
- Fix typo prevention full error message
- Tenancy: User friendly tenant names
- Perform RBAC user filter check on requested ids before allowing request
- Increase worker memory thresholds to avoid frequent restarts
- Send notifications only when user is authorized to see referenced object
- Increase web socket worker's pool size
- Fix targeted refresh of a VM without its host clearing all folder relationships
- Containers: Ability to add a container provider with a port other than 8443
- Microsoft Azure: Fix proxy for template lookups
- VMware vSphere: Block duplicate events
- VMware: Fix for adding multiple disks
- Openstack
- Catch unauthorized exception in refresh
- Add logs for network and subnet CRUD
- Remove port_security_enabled from attributes passed to network create
- Middleware: Fix operation timeout parameter fetch
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
- Access VM Cluster relationship correctly
- Pass storage domains collection in disks RHV api request
- Require a description when creating Snapshot
- Hide internal Tenant Groups from /api/groups
- Raise 403 Forbidden for deleting read-only groups
- API Request logging
- Fix creation of Foreman provider
- Ensure api config references only valid miq_product_features
- Update logging and job error message when getting the service account for Containers
- Add missing Searchbar and Advanced Search button
- Containers: Download to PDF/CSV/Text - don't download deleted containers
- Ability to bring VM out of retirement from detail page
- Inconsistent menus in Middleware Views
- Save Authentication status on a Save
- RBAC:List only those VMs that the user has access to in planning
- Enable Provision VMs button via relationships
- Missing reset button for Job Template Service Dialog
- Fix for custom logo in header
- Fall back to VMRC desktop client if no NPAPI plugin is available
- Default Filters can be saved or reset
- Prevent service dialog refreshing every time a dropdown item is selected
- RBAC: Add Storage Product Features for Roles
- Set categories correctly for policy timelines
Ansible Tower added as Configuration Management Provider
- Modeling for AnsibleTowerJob
- Support for launching JobTemplates with a limit. (Target specific system)
- Modeling for Provider, Configuration Manager, and Configured Systems
- Provider connection logic
- Support refresh of Configured Systems
method added to state-machine- ansible_tower_client gem
- Credential validation
- Supported resources: Hosts, JobTemplates, Adhoc commands
- Support for generating Service Dialogs from Ansible Tower JobTemplate
- Support for setting Ansible Tower JobTemplate variables through dialog options and automate methods
Switchboard events for OpenStack
- New Events: compute.instance.reboot.end, compute.instance.reset.end, compute.instance.snapshot.start
- Policy Event updates: compute.instance.snapshot.end, compute.instance.suspend
Service Model
- Added “networks” relationship to Hardware model
- Support where method, find_by, and find_by!
- Azure VM retirement modeling added
- Storage: Added storage_clusters association
- Openstack::NetworkManager::Network
- cloud_subnets
- network_routers
- public_networks
- Openstack Event compute.instance.power_on.end: added Policy event for vm_start
- Added instances/methods to generate emails for consolidated quota (Denied, Pending, Warning)
- Enhanced Dialogs validation at build time to check tabs, and boxes in addition to fields.
Modeling changes
- quota_source_type moved into instance
- Added Auto-Approval/Email to VM Reconfigure
- Default Retirement state-machine behavior changed to retain record (historical data)
- Enhance state-machine fields to support methods
New model for Generic Object
New service model Account
SSUI: Support dialogs with dynamic fields
Simulate UI support for state machine retries
New script to rebuild provision requests
- Reconstructs the parameters of an existing provision request so that request can be resubmitted through a REST API or Automate call.
- Chargeback
- Able to assign rates to tenants
- Can generate reports by tenant
- Currencies added to rates
- Rate tiers
- Authentication
- Appliance Console External Auth updated to also work with 6.x IPA Servers
- SAML Authentication (verified with KeyCloak 1.8)
- External Authentication with IPA: Added support for top level domains needed in test environments
- Configuration Revamp
- Relies heavily on the config gem
- New classes Settings and Vmdb::Settings
is deprecatedconfig/*.tmpl.yml
- Locally override with
- Replication (pglogical)
- Replacement of rubyrep with pglogical
- New MiqPglogical class: provides generic functionality for remote and global regions
- New PglogicalSubscription model: Provides global region functionality as an ActiveRecord model
- Global and Remote regions instead of Master and subordinate
- Replication enabled on remote regions
- Remote regions subscribed to on Global Region
- Replication Database Schema
- Column order is important for pglogical
- Regional and Global DBs MUST have identical schemas
- Migrations must have timestamp later than the last migration of previous version for correct column order
- Specs added to validate schema
- See New Schema Specs for New Replication
- Schema consistency checking - during configuration and before subscription is enabled
- Tool to fix column order mismatches
- Appliance Console
- Ability to reset database
- Ability to create region in external database
- Added alias 'ap' as shortcut for appliance_console
- Updates for external authentication settings
- Shopping cart model for ordering services
- Consumption_administrator role with chargeback/reporting duties
- Expresions: refactor SQL for all operators now build with Arel
- New provider types
- Middleware
- Networking
- Amazon as a pluggable provider: almost completed
- Containers
- Reports
- Linking registries with services
- Bug fixes and UI updates
- Network Trends, Heat Maps, Donuts
- Chargeback
- SmartState extended with OpenSCAP support
- Policies
- Cloud Cross Linking
- Pod Network Metrics
- Persistent Volume Claims
- Seed for policies, policy sets, policy contents and conditions
- Auto-tagging from kubernetes labels (backend only)
- MiqAction to annotate container images as non-secure at
- Multiple endpoint support OpenShift
- Google Compute Engine
- Inventory
- Power Operations
- Provisioning
- Events
- Better OS identification for VMs
- Allow custom flavors
- Hawkular
- First Middleware provider
- Inventory and topology
- Event Catcher and power operations to reload and stop Middleware servers
- Capacity and Utilization collected live on demand without need for Cap and U workers
- Links to provider and entity in event popups on Timelines
- Ability to configure default views
- New Datasource entity (UI and Backend only)
- Microsoft Azure
- Http proxy support
- Provisioning
- Subscriptions and Events
- Rely on resource location, metrics
- Microsoft SCVMM
- Inventory Performance improvements
- Ability to delete VMs
- VMware
- Read-only datastores
- Clustered datastores
- Add/remove disk methods for reconfigure
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization: Targeted refresh process
- Red Hat OpenStack
- Instance Evacuation
- Better neutron modeling
- Ceilometer events
- cleanup SSL support
- VM operations
- Memory metrics
- Image details
- API over SSL
- Integration feaures
- Backend support for Live VM Migration
- Backend support for VM resize
- Support for Cinder and Glance v2
- Enable / Disable cloud services
- Make Keystone V3 Domain ID Configurable
- File upload for SSH keypair
- Add volumes during provisioning
- Evacuating instances
- Continued work on Multi-endpoint modeling
- Generic Targeted refresh process
- New providers able to be provisioned
- Google Compute Engine
- Microsoft Azure
- Services Back End
- Service Order (Cart) created for each Service Request based on current user and tenant.
- VMware
- Clustered Datastores in Provisioning
- Distributed Switches referenced from database during provisioning workflow
- Google Compute Engine: Added Google Auto-Placement methods
- Enhanced filtering to use MiqExpression
- Enhanced API to include Role identifiers for collections and augmented the authorization hash in the entrypoint to include that correlation
- Added support for Service Reconfigure action
- Added new service orders collection and CRUD operations
- Actions for instances: stop, start, pause, suspend, shelve, reset, reboot guest
- Actions provided to approve or deny provision requests
- Ability to delete one’s own authenticated token
- Added primary collection for Instances.
- Added terminate action for instances.
- Ability to filter string equality/inequality on virtual attributes.
- For SSUI, ability to retrieve user’s default language and support for Dynamic Dialogs.
- Support for Case insensitive sorting
- Adding new VM actions
- Authentication: Option to not extend a token’s TTL
- CRUD for Tenant quotas
- Support for /api/settings
- Added support for Shopping Carts
- Automation Requests approve and deny actions
- Microsoft SCVMM: new
- Virtual hard disks residing on Hyper-V servers
- VHD, and newer VHDX disk formats
- Snapshotted disks
- Same filesystems as other providers
- Support for network-mounted HyperV virtual disks and performance improvements (HyperDisk caching)
- Microsoft Azure: new
- Azure-armrest: added offset/length blob read support.
- Added AzureBlobDisk module for MiqDisk.
- Implemented MiqAzureVm subclass of MiqVm.
- Testing: Added TestEnvHelper class for gems/pending.
- LVM thin volume support
- Splitting MiqGroup
- New model created for entitlements
- Sharing entitlements across tenants will provide more flexibility for defining groups in LDAP
- Added scoping strategy for provision request
- Added ability to report on tenants and tenant quotas
- VM: Devices and Network Adapters
- Cloud: Key Pairs, Object Stores, Objects, Object Summary
- Bootstrap switches
- C3 Charts (jqPlot replacement)
- RBAC Control of Menus and Features
- Reconfiguring a Service
- Set Ownership of a Service
- i18n support added to the Self Service UI
- Self Service UI group switcher
- Support for Custom Buttons that use Dialogs
- Navigation bar restyled to match Operations UI
- HTML5 Console support for Service VMs (using new console-proxy implementation)
- Shopping Cart
- Add Ansible Tower providers
- Containers
- Persistent volumes, topology context menus
- Dashboard network trends
- Container environment variables table
- Search functionality for Container topology
- Dashboard no data cards
- Refresh option in Configuration dropdown
- Container Builds tab, Chargeback
- i18n
- Marked translated strings directly in UI
- Gettext support
- i18n for toolbars
- Topology Status Colors
- Vertical navigation menus
- VM Reconfigure - add/remove disks
- Orderable Orchestration Templates - create and copy
- Explorer for Datastore Clusters for VMware vSphere 5+
- Template/Image compliance policy checking (previously only allowed for VMs/Instances)
- New UI for replication configuration
- OpenStack - Cloud Volumes Add/Delete/Update/Attach/Detach
- Ansible Inventories/Configured Systems
- Support for Ansible Tower Jobs
- Support to add Service Dialog for a Job Template & display Surveys on summary screen
- Support added for Evacuate Openstack VMs
- Providers: Removed Amazon SDK v1
- Tag management cleanup
- Tags are removed from managed filters for all groups after deletion
- Update of managed filters after tag rename (in progress)
- SmartState Analysis
- LVM thin volume - fatal error: No longer fatal, but not supported. Thin volume support planned.
- LVM logical volume names containing “-”: LV name to device file mapping now properly accounts for “-”
- EXT4 - 64bit group descriptor: Variable group descriptor size correctly determined.
- Collect services that are symlinked
- Automate
- Retirement state-machine updates for SCVMM
- Enhanced .missing method support
- Save original method name in
_instance property - Accessible during instance resolution and within methods
- Save original method name in
- Self Service UI extracted into its own repository setting up pattern for other independent UIs
- Initializers can now load ApplicationController w/o querying DB
- 10-20% performance improvement in vm explorer
- User Interface
- Converted toolbar images to font icons
- Enabled font icon support in list views
- Implemented Bootstrap switch to replace checkboxes
- SVG replacement of PNGs
- SlickGrid replaced with Patternfly TreeGrid
- Patternfly style updates to the Dashboard and other areas
- Updates to support multiple provider endpoints
- Moved Services to top level Menus
- Logo image on top left links to user's start page
- VM Provisoning: Disabled Auto-Placement logic for create_provision_request and Rest API calls
- Performance
- Support for sorting Virtual Columns in the database
- Service Tree improvement
- RBAC: Ongoing effort to reduce the number SQL queries and quantity of data being transferred
- Metrics Rollups bug fix
- Performance capture failure on cloud platforms caused by orphan VMs
- Reduction in base size of workers
- Reduction in memory used by EmsRefresh
- Platform
- Updated to Rails 5 (using Rails master branch until stable branch is cut)
- Appliance OS updated to CentOS 7.2 build 1511
- oVirt-metrics gem fixed for Rails 5
- Log Collection behavior updated
- Zone depot used if requested on zone and defined. Else, collection disabled
- Appliance depot used if requested on appliance and defined. Else, collection disabled
- DB seeding no longer silently catches exceptions
- Workers forked from main server process instead of spawned
- Updated to newer ansible
_client gem- Accessors for Host#groups and #inventory_id
- Allow passing extra_vars to Job Template launch
- Added JSON validation for extra_vars
- Providers
- Memory issues during inventory collection
- Validating endpoints should not save data
- Kubernetes
- RHEV Integration
- Events
- Topology Widget
- VMware integration
- Inventory: Replicators, Routes, Projects
- SmartState Analysis
- Containers
- Resource Quotas
- Component Status
- Introduction of Atomic
- Namespacing
- Preparation for pluggable providers
- OpenStack, Containers
- Amazon: Added M4 and t2.large instance types
- OpenStack
- Improved naming for AMQP binding queues
- Shelve VMs
- Neutron Networking
- Foreman: Exposed additional properties to reporting
- Azure
- Initial work for Inventory Collection, OAuth2, azure-armrest gem
- Azure Provider models
- Power Operations
- RHEVM: Reconfigure of Memory and CPU
- Orchestration: Reconfiguration
- Reporting on Providers
- Ability to report on Performance
- Host Socket and Total VMs metrics
- Watermark reports available out-of-the-box
- Google Compute Engine
- New Provider
- Ability to validate authentication
- Filter Service Catalog Items during deployment
- OpenStack Shared Networks
- Identified during inventory refresh
- Available in the Cloud Network drop-down in Provisioning across all OpenStack Tenants
- Enabled SCVMM Auto placement
- Provision Dialogs: field validation for non-required fields
- Service Dialogs: Auto-refresh for dynamic dialog fields
- Foreman: Filtering of available Configuration Profiles based on selected Configured Systems in provisioning dialog
- Charting by field values
- Cloud Provider editor
- Converted to Angular
- Uses RESTful routes
- Orchestration: Stacks Retirement added
- Retirement screens converted to Angular
- DHTMLX menus replaced with Bootstrap/Patternfly menus
- Host editor converted to Angular
- Added donut charts
- Tenancy Roles for RBAC
- Self Service UI is enabled and included in build
- Updated file upload screens
- Initiate event processing through Automate
- Users can add automate handlers to customize event processing
- Centralized event mappings
- Moves provider event mappings from appliance file (config/event_handling.tmpl.yml) into the automate model
- Organization of Events through automate namespaces
- Event handling changes without appliance restarts
- Notes:
- New events must be added to automate model
- Built-in event handlers added for performance
- Requires update of the ManageIQ automate domain
- Model
- new Tenant model associations
- Automate domains
- Service Catalogs
- Catalog Items
- Assign default groups to tenants
- Assign groups to all VMs and Services
- Assign existing records to root tenant Provider, Automate Domain, Group, TenantQuota, Vm
- Expose VM/Templates association on Tenant model
- New Automate Service Models
- Tenant
- TenantQuota
- UI
- RBAC and Roles - Access Roles features exposed
- New roles created for RBAC
- Quota Management
- Associate Tenant to Requests and Services
- Update of VM tenant when owning group changes
- Tagging support
- Automate Tenant Quotas
- Customizable Automate State Machine for validating quotas for Service, Infrastructure, and Cloud
- Default Setting based on Tenant Quota Model
- Can be enforced per tenant and subtenants in the UI
- Selection of multiple constraints (cpu, memory, storage)
- Limits are enforced during provisioning
- New Events available for use with Policy
- Host Start Request
- Host Stop Request
- Host Shutdown Request
- Host Reset Request
- Host Reboot Request
- Host Standby Request
- Host Maintenance Enter Request
- Host Maintenance Exit Request
- Host Vmotion Enable Request
- Host Vmotion Disable Request
- Querying Service Template images
- Querying Resource Actions as a formal sub-collection of service_templates
- Querying Service Dialogs
- Querying Provision Dialogs
- Ability to import reports
- Roles CRUD
- Product features collection
- Chargeback Rates CRUD
- Reports run action
- Report results collection
- Access to image_hrefs for Services and Service Templates
- Support for custom action buttons and dialogs
- Categories and tags CRUD
- Support password updates
- Enhancements for Self-Service UI
- Enhancements for Tenancy
- Automate Server Role enabled by default
- Configurable Automate Worker added
- State Machine
- Multiple state machine support
- Allow for a state to be skipped (on_entry)
- Allow for continuation of a state machine in case of errors (on_error)
- Allow methods to set the next state to execute
- Added support for state machine restart
- Identify Visible/Editable/Enabled Automate domains for tenants
- Set automate domain priority (scoped per tenant)
- Service model updates
- Import/export updates to honor tenant domains
- Support for VMware VDDK version 6
- Storage: Added FCP, iSCSI, GlusterFS
- Authentication
- External Auth to AD web ui login & SSO - Manual configuration
- External Auth to LDAP - Manual configuration
- Supporting Additional External Authentications
- Appliance tested with 2-Factor Authentication with FreeIPA >= 4.1.0
- PostgreSQL 9.4.1
- CentOS 7.1
- Apache 2.4
- jQuery 1.9.1
- STIG compliant file systems
- Changed file system from ext4 to xfs
- Added support for systemctl
- Support for running on Puma, but default is Thin
- Reworked report serialization for Rails 4.2
- Replication: Added Diagnostics
- Appliance Console
- Standard login: type root (not admin)
- Standard bash: type appliance_console
- GitHub Repository
- vmdb rerooted to look like a Rails app
- lib moved into gems/pending
- Build and system directories extracted to new repositories
- Extracted C code to external gems
- MiqLargeFileLinux => large_file_linux gem
- MiqBlockDevOps => linux_block_device and memory_buffer gems
- MiqMemory => memory_buffer gem
- SlpLib => slp gem
- Gem updates
- Upgraded rufus scheduler to version 3
- Upgraded to latest net-sftp
- Upgraded to latest net-ssh
- Upgraded to latest ruby-progressbar
- Upgraded to latest snmp
- LinuxAdmin updated to 0.11.1
- Core: SOAP server side has been removed
- RHEVM SmartState Analysis issues.
- Fix for RHEV 3.5 - ovf file no longer on NFS share.
- Fix for NFS permission problem - uid changed when opening files on share.
- Fix for environments with both, NFS and LUN based storage.
- Timeout honored.
- SmartState Refactoring
- Refactored the middle layer of the SmartState Analysis stack.
- Common code no longer based on VmOrTemplate models.
- Facilitate the implementation of SmartState for things that are not like VMs.
- Enabler for Container SmartState
- Appliance: Cloud-init reported issues have been addressed.
- Automate: VMware snapshot from automate fixed - memory parameter added
- REST API Source refactoring: app/helpers/api_helper/ → app/controllers/api_controller
- Replication: Added heartbeating to child worker process for resiliency
- Providers
- Moved provider event filters into the database (blacklisted events)
- SCVMM Inventory Performance Improvement
- Fixed caching for OpenStack Event Monitors
- OpenStack
- Generic Pagination
- Better Neutron support
- Deleting unused RabbitMIQ queues
- Provisioning: Fixed unique names for provisioned VMs when ordered through a service
- UI
- Technical Debt Progress
- Remaining TreePresenter/ExplorerPresenter conversions in progress
- Switched from Patternfly LESS to SASS
- Replaced DHTMLXCombo controls
- Replaced DHTMLXCalendar controls
- Patternfly styling
- Schedule Editor updated to use Angular and RESTful routes
- Increased chart responsiveness
- Fixes for Japanese i18n support
- Fixed alignment of Foreman explorer RBAC features with the UI
- Technical Debt Progress
- Chargeback: selectable units for Chargeback Rates
- General
- Added refresh status and errors, viewable on Provider Summary Page.
- Added collection of raw power state and exposed to reporting.
- Orchestration: Support for Retirement
- Update authentication status when clicking validate for existing Providers.
- Hosts and Providers now default to use the hostname column for communication instead of IP address.
- Provisioning from template, Kerberos Authentication
- Virtual DVD drives for templates
- Kubernetes
- UI updates including Refresh button
- Inventory Collection
- EMS Refresh scheduling
- Foreman
- Provider refresh
- Enabled Reporting / Tagging
- Exposed Foreman models as Automate service models
- Zone enablement
- EMS Refresh scheduling
- Added tag processing during provisioning.
- Added inventory collection of direct and inherited host/host-group settings.
- Organization and location inventory
- Cloud Providers
- Cloud Images and Instances: Added root device type to summary screens.
- Cloud Flavors: Added block storage restriction to summary screens.
- Enabled Reporting.
- OpenStack
- Inventory for Heat Stacks (Cloud and Infrastructure)
- Connect Cloud provider to Infrastructure provider
- OpenStack Infrastructure Host Events
- Autoscale compute nodes via Automate
- Support for non-admin users to EMS Refresh
- Tenant relationships added to summary screens
- OpenStack Infrastructure Event processing
- Handling of power states: paused, rebooting, waiting to launch
- UI OpenStack Terminology: Clusters vs Deployment Roles, Hosts vs Nodes
- Amazon
- AWS Region EU Frankfurt
- Inventory collection for AWS CloudFormation
- Parsing of parameters from orchestration templates
- Amazon Events via AWS Config service
- Event-based policies for AWS
- Added a backend attribute to identify public images.
- Added C4, D2, and G2 instance types.
- Virtualization type collected during EMS refresh for better filtering of available types during provisioning.
- Handling of power states
- Orchestration
- Orchestration Stacks include tagging
- Cloud Stacks: Summary and list views.
- Orchestration templates
- Create, edit, delete, tagging, 'draft' support
- Create Service Dialog from template contents
- Enabled Reporting / Tagging.
- Improved rollback error message in UI.
- Collect Stack Resource name and status reason message.
- Heat Orchestration provisioning through services
- Foreman
- Provisioning of bare metal systems
- Uses latest Foreman Apipie gem
- Allow removing keys from :clone_options by setting value to nil
- OpenStack: Added tenant filtering on security groups, floating IPs, and networks.
- Amazon: Filter of flavors based on root device type and block storage restrictions.
- Bootstrap/Patternfly
- Updates to form buttons with Patternfly
- Login screen converted to Bootstrap / Patternfly
- Header, navigation, and outer layouts converted to Bootstrap / Patternfly
- Advanced search converted to Bootstrap / Patternfly
- AngularJS
- Repository Editor using AngularJS
- Schedule editor converted to AngularJS
- i18n
- HAML and i18n strings 100% completed in views
- Multi-character set language support
- Can now set the locale for both server and user
- HTML5 Console for RHEVM, VMware, and OpenStack
- Menu plugins for external sites
- Charting updates: jqPlot, default charts, chart styling, donut chart support
- UI Customizations with Less
- Dashboard tabs updated
- Replaced many legacy Prototype calls with jQuery equivalents
- Tagging support and toolbars on list views
- Total parity with SOAP API. SOAP API is now deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
- Foundational
- Virtual attribute support
- Id/Href separation- Enhancement to /api/providers to support new provider class
- Providers CRUD
- Refresh via /api/providers
- Tag Collection /api/tags
- Tag Management (assign and unassign to/from resources)
- Policy Management: Query policy and policy profiles conditions
- VM Management
- Custom Attributes
- Add LifeCycle Events
- Start, stop, suspend, delete.
- Accounts sub-collection /api/vms/#/accounts
- Software sub-collection /api/vms/#/software
- Support for external authentication (httpd) against an IPA server.
- Enhanced UI import to allow granularity down to the namespace.
- Cloud Objects exposed to Automate.
- Allow Automate methods to override or extend parameters passed to provider by updating the clone_options during provisioning.
- New service model for CloudResourceQuota.
- Exposed relationships through EmsCloud and CloudTenant models.
- Exposed cloud relationships in automate service models.
- Persist state data through automate state machine retries.
- Moved auto-placement into an Automate state-machine step for Cloud and Infrastructure provisioning.
- Added common "Finished" step to all Automate state machine classes.
- Added eligible_* and set_* methods for cloud resources to provision task service model.
- Ability to specify zone for web service automation request
- Ability to override request message
- Updated provisioning/retirement entry point in a catalog item or bundle.
- Disabled domains now clearly marked in UI.
- Automate entry point selection reduced to state machine classes.
- Retirement
- New workflow
- Detection of User vs. System initiated retirement
- Qcow3
- VSAN (VMware)
- OpenStack instances
- Systemd fleecing support
- XFS filesystem support
- All strings in the views have been converted to use gettext (i18n) calls
- Can add/update i18n files with translations
- Dynamic field support: text boxes, text area boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, date/time control
- Dynamic list field refactored into standard drop-down field
- Read only field support
- Dialog seeding for imports
- Service provisioning request overrides
- Allow IPv6 literals in VMware communication by upgrading httpclient
- Allow IPv6 literals in RHEVM/ovirt communication by fixing and upgrading rest-client and ruby 2.0
- Fixed URI building within ManageIQ to wrap/unwrap IPv6 literals as needed
- Lock down POODLE attacks.
- Support SSL for OpenStack
- Deals with different ways to configure SSL for OpenStack
- SSL termination at OpenStack services
- SSL termination at proxy
- Doesn't always change the service ports
- Attempts non-SSL first, then fails over to SSL
- Deals with different ways to configure SSL for OpenStack
- Kerberos ticket based SSO to web UI login.
- Fix_auth command tool can now update passwords in database.yml
- Better messaging around overwriting database encryption keys
- Make memcached listen on loopback address, not all addresses
- Migrate empty memcache_server_opts to bind on localhost by default
- Rake task to allow a user to replicate all pending backlog before upgrading.
- Appliance Console: Added ability to copy keys across appliances.
- Ruby 2.0
- Appliance now built using Ruby 2.0
- New commits and pull requests - tested with Ruby 2.0
- Ability to configure a temp disk for OpenStack fleecing added to the appliance console.
- Generation of encryption keys added to the appliance console and CLI.
- Generation of PostgreSQL certificates, leveraging IPA, added to the appliance console CLI.
- Support for Certmonger/IPA to the appliance certificate authority.
- Iptables configured via kickstart
- Replaced authentication_(valid|invalid)? with (has|missing)_credentials?
- Stop/start apache if user_interface and web_services are inactive/active
- Rails
- Moved to Rails 4 finders.
- Removed patches against the logger classes.
- Removed assumptions that associations are eagerly loaded.
- Updated preloader patches against Rails
- Updated virtual column / reflection code to integrate with Rails
- Started moving ActiveRecord 2.3 hash based finders to Relation based finders
- Backports and refactorings on master for Rails 4 support
- Rails server listen on loopback when running appliance in production mode
- Bigint id columns
- Memoist gem replaced deprecated ActiveSupport::Memoizable
- Upgraded AWS SDK gem
- Upgraded Fog gem
- Allow undefined users to log in when “Get User Groups from LDAP” is disabled
- Ability to set default group for LDAP Authentication
- Allow Default Zone description to be changed
- Lazy require the less-rails gem
- SmartProxy:
- Removed from UI
- Directory removed
- IP Address Form Field: Removed from UI (use Hostname)
- Prototype from UI
- Support for repository refreshes, since they are not used.
- Support for Host-only refreshes. Instead, an ESX/ESXi server should be added as a Provider.
- Rails Fork removal
- Backport disable_ddl_transaction! from Rails master to our fork
- Update the main app to use disable_ddl_transaction!
- Add bigserial support for primary keys to Rails (including table creation and FK column creation)
- Backport bigserial API to our fork
- Update application to use new API
- Old C-Language VixDiskLib binding code
- Reduced need for Rails fork.
- Testing: Removed have_same_elements custom matcher in favor of built-in match_array
- Graphical summary screens
- VDI support
- Various monkey patches to prepare for Ruby 2 and Rails 4 upgrades
- Provisioning
- Fixed duplicate VM name generation issue during provisioning.
- Provisioning fix for non-admin OpenStack tenants.
- Provisioning fix to deal with multiple security groups with the same name.
- Automate
- Prevent deletion of locked domains.
- Corrected ManageIQ/Infrastructure/vm/retirement method retry criteria.
- Fixed timeout issue with remove_from_disk method on a VM in Automate.
- Providers
- server_monitor_poll default setting changed to 5 seconds, resulting in shorter queue times.
- Fixed issue where deleting an EMS and adding it back would cause refresh failure.
- EventEx is now disabled by default to help prevent event storms
- Fixed "High CPU usage" due to continually restarting workers when a provider is unreachable or password is invalid.
- RHEVM/oVirt:
- Ignore user login failed events to prevent event flooding.
- Discovery fixed to eliminate false positives
- SCVMM: Fixed refresh when Virtual DVD drives are not present.
- OpenStack - Image pagination issue where all of the images would not be collected. - OpenStack provider will gracefully handle 404 errors. - Fixed issue where a stopped or paused OpenStack instance could not be restarted.
- Database
- Fixed seeding of VmdbDatabase timing out with millions of vmdb_metrics rows
- Database.yml is no longer created after database is configured.
- Fixed virtual column inheritance creating duplicate entries.
- Appliance
- Fixed ftp log collection regression
- Ruby 2.0
- Ruby2 trap logging and worker row status
- Fixed appliance logrotate not actually rotating the logs.
- Gem upgrades for bugs/enhancements
- haml
- net-ldap
- net-ping
- Other
- Workaround for broker hang: Reported as VMware events and capacity and utilization works for a while, then stops.
- Chargeback
- Storage C&U collected every 60 minutes.
- Don't collect cpus/memory available unless you have usage.
- Clean up of CPU details in UI
- SMTP domain length updated to match SMTP host length
- Fleecing: Fixed handling of nil directory entries and empty files
- Fixed issue where deleting a cluster or host tries to delete all policy_events, thus never completing when there are millions of events.
- Fixed inheriting tags from resource pool.
- UI: Fixed RBAC / Feature bugs