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b2c833c · Aug 19, 2019


executable file
297 lines (259 loc) · 8.97 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
297 lines (259 loc) · 8.97 KB


This grid is a very variable grid system with multiple features:

  • enable/disable certain features for your needs
  • flexbox compatible
  • visibility-features
  • retina, touch and orientation-detection (touch-detection needs something like modernizr)
  • offset-classes
  • fluid layout
  • variable and overlapping breakpoints

In the minimal configuration just 3KB small. The big example config weights just 10KB.




Just clone/download this repository. If you don't have you own sass processor, you can run npm install in the repository.


Just include the file src/scss/grid.scss in your own SASS files.

To use the included processor, type npm run compile in your console, to generate the grid.css file. Now you can open the example/*.html files in your browser to see the grid in action.

To compile the CSS and compress it at the same time, use npm run compress.


Default options with comments:

$vgrid-settings: (
    config: (
         * settings for the generated classnames
        naming: (
            prefix: 'vgrid--',
            container: 'container',
            row: 'row',
            col: 'col',
            offset: 'offset',
            vpadding: 'vpadding',
            hide: 'hide',
            show: 'show',
            only: 'only',
            up: 'up',
            retina: 'retina',
            no-retina: 'no-retina',
            landscape: 'landscape',
            portrait: 'portrait',
            touch: 'touch',
            no-touch: 'no-touch',
            separator: '-'
         * target of the media queries - should usually be 'only screen', but can by left empty to target print styles as well
        mqTarget: 'only screen',
         * base font size in px, is used for rem calculation
        baseFontSize: 16px,
         * grid origin
        origin: 'left',
         * enabled features - possible features:
         * - classes:       - generates the classes
         * - fluid          - if the grid should generally be fluid - container widths will be 100% in every breakpoint
         * - visibility     - visibility features (show for breakpoint x, hide for another)
         * - adv-visibility - advanced visibility (decide which type of display the container sgould have: inline, inline-block, block)
         * - retina         - show element only for (no-) retina devices
         * - orientation    - show element only in landscape/portrait-mode
         * - touch          - show element only on (no-)touch devices
         * - offset         - enables offset-classes
         * - all features disabled: '' - only grid
        features: classes visibility retina orientation touch offset,
         * switch between modes:
         * - float      - default grid mode
         * - flex       - flexbox mode
        mode: float
     * breakpoint definitions
    breakpoints: (
         * breakpoint name, can be changed to whatever you want, changes class names obviously
         * virtual:     exclude breakpoint from class rendering, breakpoint can still be used in mq-mixin   - optional, default: false, bool
         * content:     content width in px, can be set to 100% for fluid breakpoint                        - required if virtual: false, size
         * padding:     content padding in px, left and right of the grid                                   - required if virtual: false, size
         * gutter:      grid gutter width in px, between columns                                            - required if virtual: false, size
         * columnCount: number of columns you want to heave:                                                - required if virtual: false, number
         * min:         min width in px, will fallback to no min width (phone breakpoint)                   - optional, size
         * max:         max width in px, will fallback to no min width (xxxl-breakpoint)                    - optional, size
         * You can use this format to create for example overlapping breakpoints, for different device categories
        small: (
            max: 467px,
            content: 100%,
            padding: 10px,
            gutter: 6px,
            columnCount: 12
        medium: (
            min: 468px,
            max: 1023px,
            content: 468px,
            padding: 20px,
            gutter: 12px,
            columnCount: 12
        large: (
            min: 1024px,
            content: 1024px,
            padding: 25px,
            gutter: 16px,
            columnCount: 12
        phone: (
            virtual: true,
            max: 767px,
        tablet: (
            virtual: true,
            min: 768px,
            max: 1279px
        desktop: (
            virtual: true,
            min: 1280px
) !default;

Example usage in your project

Copy the full scss-folder to your project or import grid.scss in your main SCSS-file. Set the config options you want to overwrite, provide the full breakpoints you need. Then start the grid. For example:

@import "PATH/TO/VGRID/src/scss/grid.scss"

$settings: (
    config: (
        features: classes visibility retina orientation touch offset,
    breakpoints: (
        small: (
            max: 467px,
            content: 100%,
            padding: 10px,
            gutter: 6px,
            columnCount: 6
        medium: (
            min: 468px,
            max: 1023px,
            content: 468px,
            padding: 20px,
            gutter: 12px,
            columnCount: 12
        large: (
            min: 1024px,
            max: 1439px,
            content: 1024px,
            padding: 25px,
            gutter: 16px,
            columnCount: 12
        xlarge: (
            min: 1440px,
            content: 1440px,
            padding: 35px,
            gutter: 24px,
            columnCount: 12
        phone: (
            virtual: true,
            max: 767px,
        tablet: (
            virtual: true,
            min: 768px,
            max: 1279px
        desktop: (
            virtual: true,
            min: 1280px

@include vgrid($settings);

This will generate the full grid classes. If you want to use grid in mixin-mode to build your own classes, you can just remove the feature classes from the configuration.

mixin mode

When you removed classes from your features, you need to use the grid in mixin mode. This means, you need to build the grid on your own. For example:

Note: You'll not (yet) be able to use visibility- and offset-features in mixin-mode

.theContainer {
    // generates the main container
    @include vgrid-generate-container();

.someRowElement {
    // generates a grid row
    @include vgrid-generate-row();

.someColumnElement {
    // generates a column with the span of 8
    @include vgrid-generate-single-column(8);

.anotherColumnElement {
    // generates a colum with a span of 4, should fit with the other column in one line in a 12-column-grid
    @include vgrid-generate-single-column(4);


One special feature of the grid is the mq-mixin, which is a allround mixin for building media queries easily. The mixin is prefixed, but can also be used with a wrapper:

@mixin mq($a, $b: null) {
    @include vgrid-mq($a, $b) {

.someElement {
    // builds a media query for every screen bigger than (and equal) the medium breakpoint
    @include mq(min medium) {
        padding: 10px 0;

    // builds a media query for every screen smaller than (and equal) the small breakpoint
    @include mq(max small) {
        color: red;

    // builds a media query for every screen bigger than (and equal) 320px
    @include mq(min 320px) { // works as well with "rem"
        color: red;

    // builds a media query for just the large breakpoint
    @include mq(large) { // can be writte as "mq(eq large)" as well
        text-align: right;

    // builds a media query for retina-devices - note: the prefix "no-" is also possible!
    @include mq(retina) {
        font-weight: 100;

    // builds a media query for no-touch-devices - note: removing the prefix "no-" is also possible!
    // note 2: requires something like modernizr, which adds ".touch" and ".no-touch" to the html element!
    @include mq(no-touch) {
        font-weight: 100;

    // builds a media query for landscape orientation - note: portrait is also possible
    @include mq(landscape) {
        width: 200%;

    // builds a media query for only portrait orientaion AND touch devices - it combines both media queries to one
    @include mq(portrait) {
        @include mq(touch) {
            display: none;


  • add grid mode