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SoftRF issue template |
This template helps to report issues related to SoftRF hardware, software and website |
- Use this form to report bugs in released SoftRF firmware, hardware and web pages only ;
- No any "ideas" or new feature requests, please ! New feature requests do not subject for taking into consideration unless they come from co-developers ;
- "Enhancements" of existing features are allowed only when you are ready to implement them by yourself ;
- screenshot or photo width - from 600 to 800 pixels ;
- aspect ratio - 4:3, 3:4, 16:9 or 9:16.
- substitute 'space' by 'x' character to mark checkbox
- Prime Mark II
- Standalone
< photo of your hardware > (optional)
< screenshot of WebUI status page > (required)
< screenshot of WebUI settings page > (required)