a. Additional Resources
b. Design Principles
c. Social Platforms
d. Trend Reports and Portfolios
Pre-class video: The Future of UX
Pre-class video: Professional Expectations
Pre-class video: Career Artifacts
UXPT3 UX Careers Recording: Ann-Marie Sebastian
Accessibile Design: Web tool for finding accessible color palettes
How to Write a Case Study Guide
- Precision
You're being hired to have a keen eye for details on designs -- copy, imagery, logos. Make sure you are consistent. Fixing things later and procrastination can take away from the brand image.
- Flexibility
Be adaptive to change. Projects and companies are fluid, especially around user research with prototypes. Whether large changes need to be made or an entire project is scrapped, great UX designers know how to work with those decisions with a positive attitude.
- Empathy
Your designs will change lives. You're building tools for every day lives. Take the time to understand the user's pain points and frustrations so you know how your designs will affect them. Stakeholders and peers are included in this.
- Curiosity
Always ask why, no matter how long something has been done that way. If you don't understand something, chances are, the users won't either because you're explaining it to them through your designs.
Even if it takes time, make sure to ask for thorough explanations of the product/service to ensure you fully understand what you're designing, for whom and what end goal.
If the field you're working in is not one you're familiar with, it may require extra research.
How can we leverage existing social networks best for our UX job hunt and professional profile?
Important platforms to use are Twitter, Dribbble, and LinkedIn. Daily UI is a newsletter that sends a design prompt each day for practicing with Sketch or Figma.
Focus on creating a great portfolio of designs -- it's even more important than your resume in the design world.
Make sure that your other social media profiles are on highly private settings to prevent any potential issues if future employers search for you online. Maintaining a professional profile is important for hireability.
Some influential Twitter UX designers are:
Trend Reports:
https://trends.uxdesign.cc/ https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/ux-trends-for-2019/ https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/ux-design/the-fascinating-history-of-ux-design-a-definitive-timeline/ https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/instagram-for-business-180-strategy-grow-business-brand/
Accessibility Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1668&v=VYIRw1LSvtU
Portfolio Examples:
• https://www.oliviatruong.design/ • https://www.lizvwells.com/ • https://isapinheiro.com/ • http://sebastian-martinez.com/ • https://uxdesign.cc/designing-a-photo-sharing-dapp-a-ux-case-study-789edf6dfbd • https://medium.muz.li/feast-in-peace-ui-ux-case-study-797451b6e945 • https://uxplanet.org/tires-monitoring-a-user-experience-design-challenge-34e90f9126a7 • https://alesnesetril.com/