lightning-waitinvoice - Command for waiting for specific payment.
waitinvoice label
The waitinvoice RPC command waits until a specific invoice is paid, then returns that single entry as per listinvoice.
On success, an invoice description will be returned as per lightning-listinvoice(7). The status field will be paid.
If the invoice is deleted while unpaid, or the invoice does not exist, this command will return with an error with code -1.
If the invoice expires before being paid, or is already expired, this command will return with an error with code -2, with the data being the invoice data as per listinvoice.
Christian Decker <[email protected]> is mainly responsible.
lightning-waitanyinvoice(7), lightning-listinvoice(7), lightning-delinvoice(7), lightning-invoice(7)
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Last updated 2019-04-07 14:23:17 CEST