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(function ($) { "use strict"; function isInEffect (effect) { return /In/.test(effect) || $.inArray(effect, $.fn.textillate.defaults.inEffects) >= 0; }; function isOutEffect (effect) { return /Out/.test(effect) || $.inArray(effect, $.fn.textillate.defaults.outEffects) >= 0; }; function stringToBoolean(str) { if (str !== "true" && str !== "false"){ return str; }; return (str === "true"); } function getData (node) { var attrs = node.attributes || [] , data = {}; if (!attrs.length){ return data; } $.each(attrs, function (i, attr) { var nodeName = attr.nodeName.replace(/delayscale/, 'delayScale'); if (/^data-in-*/.test(nodeName)) { = || {};[nodeName.replace(/data-in-/, '')] = stringToBoolean(attr.nodeValue); } else if (/^data-out-*/.test(nodeName)) { data.out = data.out || {}; data.out[nodeName.replace(/data-out-/, '')] =stringToBoolean(attr.nodeValue); } else if (/^data-*/.test(nodeName)) { data[nodeName.replace(/data-/, '')] = stringToBoolean(attr.nodeValue); } }); return data; } function shuffle (o) { for (var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x); return o; } function animate ($t, effect, cb) { $t.addClass('animated ' + effect) .css('visibility', 'visible') .show(); $'animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd', function () { $t.removeClass('animated ' + effect); cb && cb(); }); } function animateTokens ($tokens, options, cb) { var that = this , count = $tokens.length; if (!count) { cb && cb(); return; } if (options.shuffle){ $tokens = shuffle($tokens); } if (options.reverse){ $tokens = $tokens.toArray().reverse(); } $.each($tokens, function (i, t) { var $token = $(t); function complete () { if (isInEffect(options.effect)) { $token.css('visibility', 'visible'); } else if (isOutEffect(options.effect)) { $token.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } count -= 1; if (!count && cb){ cb(); } } var delay = options.sync ? options.delay : options.delay * i * options.delayScale; $token.text() ? setTimeout(function () { animate($token, options.effect, complete) }, delay) : complete(); }); }; var Textillate = function (element, options) { var base = this, $element = $(element); base.init = function () { base.$texts = $element.find(options.selector); if (!base.$texts.length) { base.$texts = $('<ul class="texts"><li>' + $element.html() + '</li></ul>'); $element.html(base.$texts); } base.$texts.hide(); base.$current = $('<span>') .html(base.$texts.find(':first-child').html()) .prependTo($element); if (isInEffect( { base.$current.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else if (isOutEffect(options.out.effect)) { base.$current.css('visibility', 'visible'); } base.setOptions(options); base.timeoutRun = null; setTimeout(function () { base.options.autoStart && base.start(); }, base.options.initialDelay) }; base.setOptions = function (options) { base.options = options; }; base.triggerEvent = function (name) { var e = $.Event(name + '.tlt'); $element.trigger(e, base); return e; }; = function (index, cb) { index = index || 0; var $elem = base.$texts.find(':nth-child(' + ((index||0) + 1) + ')') , options = $.extend(true, {}, base.options, $elem.length ? getData($elem[0]) : {}) , $tokens; $elem.addClass('current'); base.triggerEvent('inAnimationBegin'); base.$current .html($elem.html()) .lettering('words'); if (base.options.type == "char") { base.$current.find('[class^="word"]') .css({ 'display': 'inline-block', '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)', '-moz-transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)', '-o-transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)', 'transform': 'translate3d(0,0,0)' }) .each(function () { $(this).lettering() }); } $tokens = base.$current .find('[class^="' + base.options.type + '"]') .css('display', 'inline-block'); if (isInEffect( { $tokens.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else if (isOutEffect( { $tokens.css('visibility', 'visible'); } base.currentIndex = index; animateTokens($tokens,, function () { base.triggerEvent('inAnimationEnd'); if ( {; } if (cb) { cb(base); } }); }; base.out = function (cb) { var $elem = base.$texts.find(':nth-child(' + ((base.currentIndex||0) + 1) + ')') , $tokens = base.$current.find('[class^="' + base.options.type + '"]') , options = $.extend(true, {}, base.options, $elem.length ? getData($elem[0]) : {}); base.triggerEvent('outAnimationBegin'); animateTokens($tokens, options.out, function () { $elem.removeClass('current'); base.triggerEvent('outAnimationEnd'); if (options.out.callback) { options.out.callback(); } if (cb) { cb(base); } }); }; base.start = function (index) { setTimeout(function () { base.triggerEvent('start'); (function run (index) {, function () { var length = base.$texts.children().length; index += 1; if (!base.options.loop && index >= length) { if (base.options.callback) base.options.callback(); base.triggerEvent('end'); } else { index = index % length; base.timeoutRun = setTimeout(function () { base.out(function () { run(index) }); }, base.options.minDisplayTime); } }); }(index || 0)); }, base.options.initialDelay); }; base.stop = function () { if (base.timeoutRun) { clearInterval(base.timeoutRun); base.timeoutRun = null; } }; base.init(); }; $.fn.textillate = function (settings, args) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) , data = $'textillate') , options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.textillate.defaults, getData(this), typeof settings == 'object' && settings); if (!data) { $'textillate', (data = new Textillate(this, options))); } else if (typeof settings == 'string') { data[settings].apply(data, [].concat(args)); } else {, options); } }) }; $.fn.textillate.defaults = { selector: '.texts', loop: false, minDisplayTime: 2000, initialDelay: 0, in: { effect: 'fadeInLeftBig', delayScale: 1.5, delay: 50, sync: false, reverse: false, shuffle: false, callback: function () {} }, out: { effect: 'hinge', delayScale: 1.5, delay: 50, sync: false, reverse: false, shuffle: false, callback: function () {} }, autoStart: true, inEffects: [], outEffects: [ 'hinge' ], callback: function () {}, type: 'char' }; }(window.jQuery||window.Zepto));