Eth-Random is an Ethereum contract for generating pseudo-random numbers.
Our goal - Implementing the simplest and most efficient ways to generate a random number of arbitrary size over the Ethereum network.
The motivation for this project came from a need for a true and cheap way to create random assets. Despite a couple of posts and comments found on the internet, we couldn't find a single common resource. However, the beauty and strength of our approach comes from growth via developer usage! The more people using the same contract the more the internal seed value becomes unpredictable, generating stronger results.
Firstly, the block timestamp is not terribly unpredictable and yet it's one of the strongest sources of entropy available in the blockchain along with contract's internal seed.
Ideally, the caller of Random function should have minimal interest in the result, nor let interested users choose at which block the contract will be called.
If security is a main focus, it may be best to look into purchasing a oracle solution such as oraclize
The Ethereum contract can be found at the following addresses:
- random:
- random:
- random:
Install with npm install eth-random
Once you've located the contract's address, you can initialize the API with the address.
import "eth-random/contracts/Random.sol";
contract Foo {
Random api = Random(/* set address here */);
function rollDice() returns (uint64) {
return api.random(6);
Run 10,000 on a 1,000 range, using testrpc
on locahost data spreadsheet. Distribution:
average: 503.3 std deviation: 287.3
Have truffle framework and testrpc installed and running.
npm test
Please see