- Moved primary split button to standalone component - SplitButton and implemented disabled and hover and focused for each part of the button.
- Marked as ‘hidden’ tech and design-time components to declutter design space when the library is published
- Added disabled state of SearchBox
- Added disabled state of Checkbox
- Working on Drop-down menu
- Fixed Button controls state change interaction (normal to hover to pressed)
- Added pressed state to Action button
- Added hovered and focused states for SearchBox
- Added transitions between default-hovered-pressed states for some buttons
- Improved TextField by introducing hover interactions for right size (reveal) icon button
- Added Showroom WIP
- Added Default state of SplitButton (variant of Button)
- Added ChoiceGroupOption a.k.a. Radiobutton with checked/unchecked and default and hover variants. Not adding ChoiceGroup component because it does not add much value, it is easier to create a list of radio buttons on the spot.
- Added Checkbox with checked/unchecked and default and hover variants.
- some fixes
- All CommandBar related components were flipped vertically, which lead to flipped components when the original button swapped to some other components.
- Added hover state of IconButton.
- many, various, don't know
- rearranging components taxonomy for easier access via swap menu.
- Added the variant with the icon to the ContenxtMenuItem component.
- Added Rich text editor component with the default and active states and 2 variants: framed and underlined.
- Added Toggle component with all its states.
- Added Callout component, the base for all flyouts and panels displayed in the overlay.
- Added Tooltip component, based on Callout
- many, various, don't know
723 components to go