OpenSimulator stats analyzer is a set of tools to analyze data from OpenSimulator stats logs [OPENSIM-STATS-LOGS]. is capable of accepting options from the command line from one off generation or from a batch file for generation of a set of graphs at once.
All this needs much more documentation, but you can see an example batch generation file as batch/stdgraphs.json that will produce a set of standard graphs for a simulator input fileset.
This can be trigged by a shell command such as
$ ./ --batch batch/stdgraphs.json --outdir graphs data/oscc/2014-09-02/logs/*.log
where outdir is the directory to place the generated graphs and the last argument is the place to find the stats log files to use in graph generation.
- Python >= 2.7
- matplotlib >= 1.3.1 (very probably early versions will also work).
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