Complete list of LPE exploits for Windows (starting from 2023)
Exploit implementation with IO Rings for CVE-2023-21768
This Repository aims at giving a basic idea about Kernel Exploitation.
My own collection about Linux kernel exploitation including CVEs, CTF challenges, papers and all other interesting things : )
My personal notes on pentesting web apps, source code review etc.
Exploit for CVE-2021-40449 - Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (LPE)
A public collection of POCs & Exploits for the vulnerabilities I discovered
Oracle VirtualBox Elevation of Privilege (Local Privilege Escalation) Vulnerability
A clean, elegant and advanced blog theme for Hugo.
💄 A gorgeous responsive theme for Hexo blog framework
A Wonderful Theme for Hexo.
Security interview questions with possible explanation for roles in AppSec, Pentesting, Cloud Security, DevSecOps, Network Security and so on
Interesting APT Report Collection And Some Special IOC
A compact guide to network pivoting for penetration testings / CTF challenges.
From Zero to Hero in Web Security Research - Def Con 29 Workshop
🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
A Telegram Bot which serves as a reminder of your meetings, appointments, events etc.
Pentesting Android Application Course For Kids+ (English and Vietnamese edition)