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MQTT X CLI is an open source MQTT 5.0 CLI Client and MQTT X on the command line. Designed to help develop and debug MQTT services and applications faster without the need to use a graphical interface.

MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport. It is a publish/subscribe, extremely simple and lightweight messaging protocol, designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency or unreliable networks.




For introduction, installation, and usage, see the MQTT X CLI documentation. Below is a quick start guide.



To install the latest MQTTX CLI stable release on macOS using binary download.

Note: Please note CPU architecture of the current system environment

Intel Chip

curl -LO
sudo install ./mqttx-cli-macos-x64 /usr/local/bin/mqttx

Apple Silicon

curl -LO
sudo install ./mqttx-cli-macos-arm64 /usr/local/bin/mqttx


brew install emqx/mqttx/mqttx-cli


To install the latest MQTTX CLI stable release on Linux using binary download.

Note: Please note CPU architecture of the current system environment


curl -LO
sudo install ./mqttx-cli-linux-x64 /usr/local/bin/mqttx


curl -LO
sudo install ./mqttx-cli-linux-arm64 /usr/local/bin/mqttx


Windows users should go to the MQTT X release page and find the exe package for the corresponding system architecture, download it manually and execute.


npm install mqttx-cli -g


docker pull emqx/mqttx-cli

docker run -it --rm emqx/mqttx-cli

Other platforms

Download packaged binaries from the MQTT X releases page.


After installing it, run mqttx on the terminal



mqttx conn -h '' -p 1883 -u 'admin' -P 'public'


mqttx sub -t 'hello' -h '' -p 1883


mqttx pub -t 'hello' -h '' -p 1883 -m 'from MQTTX CLI'


# Connect Benchmark
mqttx bench conn -c 5000

# Subscribe Benchmark
mqttx bench sub -c 5000 -t bench/%i

# Publish Benchmark
mqttx bench pub -c 5000 -t bench/%i


mqttx --help
Options Description
-v, --version Output the version number
-h, --help Display help for command
Command Description
check Check for updates
conn Create a connection and connect to MQTT Broker
pub Publish a message to a topic
sub Subscribes to one or multiple topics
bench MQTT Benchmark in performance testing


mqttx conn --help
Options Description
-V, --mqtt-version <5/3.1.1/3.1> the MQTT version (default: 5)
-h, --hostname the broker host (default: "localhost")
-p, --port the broker port
-i, --client-id the client id
--no-clean set the clean session flag to false (default: true)
-k, --keepalive send a ping every SEC seconds (default: 30)
-u, --username the username
-P, --password the password
-l, --protocol the protocol to use, mqtt or mqtts (default: mqtt)
--key path to the key file
--cert path to the cert file
--ca path to the ca certificate
--insecure do not verify the server certificate
-rp, --reconnect-period interval between two reconnections, disable auto reconnect by setting to 0 (default: 1000ms)
--maximun-reconnect-times the maximum reconnect times (default: 10)
-up, --user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the user properties of MQTT 5.0 (e.g. -up "name: mqttx cli")
-Wt, --will-topic the will topic
-Wm, --will-message the will message
-Wq, --will-qos <0/1/2> the will qos
-Wr, --will-retain send a will retained message (default: false)
-Wd, --will-delay-interval the will delay interval in seconds
-Wpf, --will-payload-format-indicator will message is UTF-8 encoded character data or not
-We, --will-message-expiry-interval lifetime of the will message in seconds
-Wct, --will-content-type description of the will message’s content
-Wrt, --will-response-topic topic name for a response message
-Wcd, --will-correlation-data correlation data for the response message
-Wup, --will-user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the user properties of will message
-se, --session-expiry-interval the session expiry interval in seconds
--rcv-max, --receive-maximum the receive maximum value
--maximum-packet-size the maximum packet size the client is willing to accept
--topic-alias-maximum the topic alias maximum value
--req-response-info the client requests response information from the server
--no-req-problem-info the client requests problem information from the server
--help display help for conn command


mqttx sub --help
Options Description
-V, --mqtt-version <5/3.1.1/3.1> the MQTT version (default: 5)
-h, --hostname the broker host (default: "localhost")
-p, --port the broker port
-i, --client-id the client id
-q, --qos <0/1/2> the QoS of the message (default: 0)
--no-clean set the clean session flag to false (default: true)
-t, --topic the message topic
-k, --keepalive send a ping every SEC seconds (default: 30)
-u, --username the username
-P, --password the password
-l, --protocol the protocol to use, mqtt or mqtts (default: mqtt)
-nl, --no_local the no local MQTT 5.0 flag
-rap, --retain-as-published the retain as published MQTT 5.0 flag
-rh, --retain-handling <0/1/2> the retain handling MQTT 5.0
--key path to the key file
--cert path to the cert file
--ca path to the ca certificate
--insecure do not verify the server certificate
-rp, --reconnect-period interval between two reconnections, disable auto reconnect by setting to 0 (default: 1000ms)
--maximun-reconnect-times the maximum reconnect times (default: 10)
-up, --user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the user properties of MQTT 5.0 (e.g. -up "name: mqttx cli")
-f, --format format the message body, support base64, json, hex
-v, --verbose print the topic before the message
-Wt, --will-topic the will topic
-Wm, --will-message the will message
-Wq, --will-qos <0/1/2> the will qos
-Wr, --will-retain send a will retained message (default: false)
-Wd, --will-delay-interval the will delay interval in seconds
-Wpf, --will-payload-format-indicator will message is UTF-8 encoded character data or not
-We, --will-message-expiry-interval lifetime of the will message in seconds
-Wct, --will-content-type description of the will message’s content
-Wrt, --will-response-topic topic name for a response message
-Wcd, --will-correlation-data correlation data for the response message
-Wup, --will-user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the user properties of will message
-se, --session-expiry-interval the session expiry interval in seconds
-si, --subscription-identifier the identifier of the subscription
--rcv-max, --receive-maximum the receive maximum value
--maximum-packet-size the maximum packet size the client is willing to accept
--topic-alias-maximum the topic alias maximum value
--req-response-info the client requests response information from the server
--no-req-problem-info the client requests problem information from the server
-Cup, --conn-user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the connect user properties of MQTT 5.0 (e.g. -Cup "name: mqttx cli")
--help display help for sub command


mqttx pub --help
Options Description
-V, --mqtt-version <5/3.1.1/3.1> the MQTT version (default: 5)
-h, --hostname the broker host (default: "localhost")
-p, --port the broker port
-i, --client-id the client id
-q, --qos <0/1/2> the QoS of the message (default: 0)
-t, --topic the message topic
-m, --message the message body (default: "Hello From MQTT X CLI")
-r, --retain send a retained message (default: false)
-s, --stdin read the message body from stdin
-M, --multiline read lines from stdin as multiple messages
-u, --username the username
-P, --password the password
-l, --protocol the protocol to use, mqtt or mqtts (default: mqtt)
--key path to the key file
--cert path to the cert file
--ca path to the ca certificate
--insecure do not verify the server certificate
-rp, --reconnect-period interval between two reconnections, disable auto reconnect by setting to 0 (default: 1000ms)
--maximun-reconnect-times the maximum reconnect times (default: 10)
-up, --user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the user properties of MQTT 5.0 (e.g. -up "name: mqttx cli")
-pf, --payload-format-indicator the payload format indicator of the publish message
-e, --message-expiry-interval the lifetime of the publish message in seconds
-ta, --topic-alias value that is used to identify the topic instead of using the topic name
-rt, --response-topic string which is used as the topic name for a response message
-cd, --correlation-data used by the sender of the request message to identify which request the response message is for when it is received
-si, --subscription-identifier the identifier of the subscription
-ct, --content-type a description of the content of the publish message
-Wt, --will-topic the will topic
-Wm, --will-message the will message
-Wq, --will-qos <0/1/2> the will qos
-Wr, --will-retain send a will retained message (default: false)
-Wd, --will-delay-interval the will delay interval in seconds
-Wpf, --will-payload-format-indicator will message is UTF-8 encoded character data or not
-We, --will-message-expiry-interval lifetime of the will message in seconds
-Wct, --will-content-type description of the will message’s content
-Wrt, --will-response-topic topic name for a response message
-Wcd, --will-correlation-data correlation data for the response message
-Wup, --will-user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the user properties of will message
-se, --session-expiry-interval the session expiry interval in seconds
--rcv-max, --receive-maximum the receive maximum value
--maximum-packet-size the maximum packet size the client is willing to accept
--topic-alias-maximum the topic alias maximum value
--req-response-info the client requests response information from the server
--no-req-problem-info the client requests problem information from the server
-Cup, --conn-user-properties <USERPROPERTIES...> the connect user properties of MQTT 5.0 (e.g. -Cup "name: mqttx cli")
--help display help for pub command


The bench command is used to test the performance of the broker. It has basically the same as the normal command options, the following will only list the new or changed options.

Connect Benchmark

mqttx bench conn --help
Options Description
-c, --count the number of connections (default: 1000)
-i, --interval interval of connecting to the broker (default: 10ms)
-I, --client-id the client id, support %i (index) variable

Subscribe Benchmark

mqttx bench sub --help
Options Description
-c, --count the number of connections (default: 1000)
-i, --interval interval of connecting to the broker (default: 10ms)
-I, --client-id the client id, support %i (index) variable
-t, --topic <TOPIC...> the message topic, support %u (username), %c (client id), %i (index) variables
-v, --verbose print history received messages and rate

Publish Benchmark

mqttx bench pub --help
Options Description
-c, --count the number of connections (default: 1000)
-i, --interval interval of connecting to the broker (default: 10ms)
-im, --interval-message interval of publishing message to the broker (default: 1000ms)
-I, --client-id the client id, support %i (index) variable
-t, --topic <TOPIC...> the message topic, support %u (username), %c (client id), %i (index) variables
-v, --verbose print history received messages and rate
-s, --stdin read the message body from stdin
-M, --multiline read lines from stdin as multiple messages

Better Together with EMQX

MQTT X is designed to connect to test MQTT Brokers such as EMQX, The one-click connection and simple graphical interface make it easy to connect to EMQX or EMQX Cloud to debug and explore functional features.

Sign up EMQX Cloud for 14 days free trial

Download EMQX locally right now

Get Involved


Recommended version for Node environment:

  • v16.*.*
# Clone
git clone [email protected]:emqx/MQTTX.git

# Install dependencies
cd MQTTX/cli
yarn install

# Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn run dev

# Compiles and minifies for production
yarn run build

After a successful build, the corresponding file for the successful build will appear in the dist directory and will need to be used in a Node.js environment.

If you need to package a binary executable, please refer to the following command.

# Install pkg lib
npm install pkg -g

# Build binary
pkg package.json

After a successful build, you will see the binary executable for each system in the release directory.


Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

Technology Stack


Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.