Work In Progess
The home for Interruptor, a human-friendly interrupts hook library based on Frida's Stalker
Interruptor is the interrupts/systemcall hooking system from Dexcalibur.
Quick start for Android app (could not work as is with obfuscated app) :
frida --codeshare FrenchYeti/android-arm64-strace -U -f YOUR_BINARY
If you like it, please consider to buy 💰 Dexcalibur Pro or 💖 sponsor me. Sponsor encourage me to free parts of Dexcalibur Pro and spend more free time on such projects :)
The purpose of this library is to provide to Frida users, a rich API able to produce strace-like trace + hook + configurable syscall args API.
It provides by default some useful features such as :
- File Descriptor lookup (to retrieve path)
- Bitmap parsing to have humean-friendly output
- Syscall hook using Frida's Interceptor style
- Better api to trace/change syscall args before/after
- Filterable modules and syscalls
- Coverage generation
In fact, install is not necessary. Just include the released minified JS file corresponding to your target os/arch into your Frida agent's script. Or call it throuh Frida's Codeshare.
Warning : this methods don't allow you to configure Interruptor. So, tracing of obfuscated or multi-threaded application could failed.
This method is only provided for training purpose.
frida --codeshare FrenchYeti/android-arm64-strace -f YOUR_BINARY
Requirements :
- frida
Donwload latest release for your architecture into your working directory, and do:
import target from './index.linux.arm64.js';
import {DebugUtils} from "./src/common/DebugUtils.js";
const Interruptor = target.LinuxArm64({});
followThread: true,
scope: {
syscalls: {
exclude: [/clock_gettime/]
modules: {
exclude: [/linker/]
Time to deploy hooks can be configured to be when a particular library is loaded. See options below.
Requirements :
- frida
Only from source for now (will move to NPM ASAP)
git clone
cd interruptor
npm install
And finally :
frida -U -l ./examples/simple_strace.ts -f <PACKAGE>
Simple tracing without hook from attach moment, with excluded module and syscall (by name)
var Interruptor = require('./android-arm64-strace.min.js').target.LinuxArm64();
// better results, when app is loaded
exclude: {
modules: ["linker64"],
syscalls: ["clock_gettime"]
Output :
[/system/lib64/ +0x3cc] SVC :: 0x38 openat ( int dfd = 0xffffff9c , filename = /dev/ashmem , int flags = 0x80002 , umode_t mode = 0x0 , ) > (FD) 0x1f
[/system/lib64/ +0x834] SVC :: 0x50 fstat ( fd = 0x1f /dev/ashmem , struct __old_kernel_stat *statbuf = 0x7ffc01bdc8 , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0x3b4] SVC :: 0x1d ioctl ( fd = 0x1f /dev/ashmem , unsigned int cmd = 0x41007701 , unsigned long arg = 0x7ffc01be98 , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0x3b4] SVC :: 0x1d ioctl ( fd = 0x1f /dev/ashmem , unsigned int cmd = 0x40087703 , unsigned long arg = 0x2000 , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0xc24] SVC :: 0xde mmap ( addr = 0x0 , length = 0x2000 , prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE , int flags = 0x2 , fd = 0x1f /dev/ashmem , offset = 0x0 , ) > 0x76b45ab000
[/system/lib64/ +0x174] SVC :: 0x39 close ( fd = 0x1f /dev/ashmem , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0xc24] SVC :: 0xde mmap ( addr = 0x0 , length = 0x106000 , prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE , int flags = 0x4022 , fd = 0xffffffff undefined , offset = 0x0 , ) > 0x7611e6b000
[/system/lib64/ +0xc54] SVC :: 0xe2 mprotect ( unsigned long start = 0x7611e6b000 , size_t len = 0x1000 , unsigned long prot = 0x0 , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0xd14] SVC :: 0xa7 prctl ( int option = 0x53564d41 , unsigned long arg2 = 0x0 , unsigned long arg3 = 0x7611e6b000 , unsigned long arg4 = 0x1000 , unsigned long arg5 = 0x76b72f3798 , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0xc24] SVC :: 0xde mmap ( addr = 0x0 , length = 0x5000 , prot = PROT_NONE , int flags = 0x22 , fd = 0xffffffff undefined , offset = 0x0 , ) > 0x762f440000
[/system/lib64/ +0xd14] SVC :: 0xa7 prctl ( int option = 0x53564d41 , unsigned long arg2 = 0x0 , unsigned long arg3 = 0x762f440000 , unsigned long arg4 = 0x5000 , unsigned long arg5 = 0x76b72f35cc , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0xc54] SVC :: 0xe2 mprotect ( unsigned long start = 0x762f441000 , size_t len = 0x3000 , unsigned long prot = 0x3 , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0xd14] SVC :: 0xa7 prctl ( int option = 0x53564d41 , unsigned long arg2 = 0x0 , unsigned long arg3 = 0x762f441000 , unsigned long arg4 = 0x3000 , unsigned long arg5 = 0x76b72f360e , ) > 0x0
[/system/lib64/ +0x1f28] SVC :: 0xdc clone ( unsigned long = 0x3d0f00 , unsigned long = 0x7611f704e0 , int * = 0x7611f70500 , int * = 0x7611f70588 , unsigned long = 0x7611f70500 , ) > 0x6ae
More complete example are provided into examples directory.
exclude: {
syscalls: ["clock_gettime"]
svc: {
read: {
onLeave: function(ctx){
let res = Memory.scanSync(ctx.x1, ctx.x2.toInt32(), Interruptor.utils().toScanPattern('frida'));
if(res.length > 0){ m => m.address.writeByteArray([0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41]));
console.log("remove 'frida' pattern from resulting buffer");
exclude: {
syscalls: ["clock_gettime"]
coverage: {
enabled: true,
fname: "/data/data/<YOUR_APP>/test.drcov",
stops: {
count: 2000 // stop after 2000 basic blocks captured
- Aarch64 : SVC (syscall), HVC (WiP, hypervisor)
- x64 : SYSCALL
- Linux kernel API (syscall)
How to help ?
The following links enumerates Linux syscall for several architectures, feel free to extend Interruptor and do a PR :)
First, you need to get the tracer factory adapted to your OS/Architecture : For now only "LinuxArm64()" is available.
var Interruptor = require('../dist/index.js').target.LinuxArm64();
Next step is to intanciante a tracer with a specific options. Options are not mandatory but can change a lot the behavior and output.
Interruptor.newAgentTracer( /* opts */);
A full list of options can be found into the next section.
Final step, choose when you want to start to trace :
- A. When frida script is executed
var Interruptor = require('../dist/index.js').target.LinuxArm64();
Interruptor.newAgentTracer( /* opts */).start();
- B. The first time a module is opened by the linker
var Interruptor = require('../dist/index.js').target.LinuxArm64();
Interruptor.newAgentTracer( /* opts */).startOnLoad(/my_lib\.so$/g);
- C. From your hooks
var Interruptor = require('../dist/index.js').target.LinuxArm64();
Interceptor.attach( /* ... */,{
onEnter: function(){
Interruptor.newAgentTracer( /* opts */).start();
All options are optional, except some explicited options Below, a complete overview of options :
followFork: TRUE | FALSE ] // TODO
followThread: TRUE | FALSE ] // TODO
tid: <Thread ID>,
pid: <PID>,
onStart: <callback function>,
exclude: {
syscalls: [ ... syscall names ... ], // "read", ...
modules: [ ... module names ... ], // "linker64" ...
svc: [ ... SVC number ...], // 0x1e, ...
hvc: [ ... HVC number ...]
// coverage options
coverage: {
enabled = true,
flavor = "dr", // not supported
fname = "/data/data/my_app/drcov.dat", // MANDATORY
stops = 2000 // MANDATORY
// output options (partially implemented)
output: {
flavor: "dxc", // "strace" is coming
tid: true,
pid: false,
module: true,
dump_buff: true, // dump buffer when ptr+size are known
highlight: {
syscalls: []
// hooks
svc: {
[syscall_text_name]: {
onEnter: function(pContext){
onLeave: function(pContext){
! Important !
When a system is excluded, it is not hooked and printed. By consequence, some feature can not work properly such as file descriptor lookup when "openat" is excluded.
All interruption types can be filtered using at least the interruption number. Additionnally, Modules and System calls can be filtered by name (string pattern or regexp) or by properties (using a filtering function).
followThread: false,
include: {
modules: [""],
syscalls: [/^get/,"read","openat","close",/^m/]
exclude: {
syscalls: [ /time$/]
output: {
tid: true,
inst: true,
module: true
Modules and System calls are filtering by following one of these tree ways : Hook/trace only instructions
- from a list of mapped modules
- from modules not included into "exclude list" of mapped modules
- from included modules - excluded modules
include: {
syscalls: [
/^m/, // mprotect, madvise, mmap, ...
/^get/ // getpriority, getuid, getpid, ...
There are mainly two way to hook interrupts depending of yours needs.
Agent Tracer
When you want to use only a Frida agent script (and not host script).
Cannot follow children/multiples processes.
Standalone Tracer [TODO]
When you need to follow children processes, or external processes. It works even if there is not link between traces processes.
In this case, the final script runs on the host and act like strace tool into the host or the device.