R package: Hidden Markov Model for Bayesian Inference of large-scale mean and variance testing
The HMMdmdv package implements Hidden Markov Model and makes Bayesian inference for large-scale testing of mean and variance in a proposed Bayesian hierarchical mixture model framework.
This is an example of using HMMdmdv package in R. HMMdmdv implements Hidden Markov Model for large-scale multiple testing of differential mean and variance in the framework of a proposed hierarchical mixture model. This vignette aims to demonstrate the usage of HMMdmdv through some example codes and example data.
install.packages("HMMdmdv_0.1.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")
The example dataset has 1000 rows for 1000 test sites and 100 columns for 100 samples. In each individual test, we are comparing the first 50 samples with the second 50 samples.
# Loading dataset
# Check dataset
example_data[1:10, 1:8]
# 1000 tests, 50 samples in each group
n1 <- 50
n2 <- 50
# remove case 3
data_df <- remove_case3(dat = example_data, mean_thresholdPV = 0.1,
var_thresholdPV = 0.05, n1 = n1, n2 = n2)
# parameter estimate
init_para_est <- init_est(dat_df = data_df, mean_thresholdPV = 0.05,
var_thresholdPV = 0.1, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, n = n)
# upper limit of EM iterations
# parameter estimate
indep_para_est <- runEM(dat_df = data_df, n1 = n1, n2 = n2,
init_para_est= init_para_est, niter = niter)
emissions <- emission_probs(indep_para_est[5], indep_para_est[6],
indep_para_est[7], indep_para_est[8], example_data, n1 = n1, n2 = n2)
head(emissions, 10)
HMM_resList <- runHMM(emissions)
(7) Posterior inference of hidden states
result <- posterior_inference(HMM_resList[[1]], HMM_resList[[2]], train = FALSE)
head(result, 10)
Details for arguments and functions can be found by typing e.g. help(package="HMMdmdv")
, ?runEM