There are several software packages that exist to analyze PX4 flight logs. They are described below.
Users can visit this webpage and upload log files directly:
- web based, great for end-users
- user can upload load and then share report with others
- analysis is very constrained, no customization possible
- java based, cross-platform
- intuitive GUI, no programming knowledge required
- analysis constrained by what features have been built-in
- The recommended procedure is to use anaconda3. See px4tools github page for details.
conda install -c px4tools
- easy to share, users can view notebooks on github (e.g.
- python based, cross platform, works witn anaconda 2 and anaconda3
- ipython/ jupyter notebooks can be used to share analysis easily
- advanced plotting capabilities to allow detailed analysis
- Requires the user to know python
- Currently requires use of or px4tools embedded px42csv program to convert log files to csv before use