For WebGoat we use milestone releases first before we release the official version, we use v8.0.0.M3
while tagging
and 8.0.0.M3 in the pom.xml
. When we create the final release we remove the milestone release and use
and 8.0.0 in the pom.xml
At the moment we use Gitflow, for a release you create a new release branch and take the following steps:
git checkout develop
git flow release start <version>
mvn versions:set <<version>
git commit -am "New release, updaing pom.xml"
git flow release publish
Now we can make a new release, be sure you committed all your changes.
git tag v8.0.0.M15
git push origin v8.0.0.M15
Now Travis takes over and will create the release in Github and on Docker Hub.