.. only:: release Welcome to the Zephyr Project's documentation version |version|! Documentation for the development branch of Zephyr can be found at https://docs.zephyrproject.org/
.. only:: (development or daily) Welcome to the Zephyr Project's documentation. This is the documentation of the master tree under development (version |version|). Documentation for tagged released versions of Zephyr can be found at ``https://docs.zephyrproject.org/<version>``. The following documentation versions are available: `Zephyr 1.9.2`_ | `Zephyr 1.10.0`_ | `Zephyr 1.11.0`_ | `Zephyr 1.12.0`_ | `Zephyr 1.13.0`_
For information about the changes and additions for releases, please consult the published :ref:`zephyr_release_notes` documentation.
The Zephyr OS is provided under the Apache 2.0 license (as found in the LICENSE file in the project's GitHub repo). The Zephyr OS also imports or reuses packages, scripts, and other files that use other licensing, as described in :ref:`Zephyr_Licensing`.
Source code for the Zephyr Project is maintained in the Zephyr Project's GitHub repo.
.. only:: html Sections ********
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction/introducing_zephyr.rst getting_started/getting_started.rst application/index.rst boards/boards.rst kernel/kernel.rst devices/index.rst subsystems/subsystems.rst contribute/contribute.rst security/security.rst
.. only:: html Indices and Tables ******************