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kyma provision gardener

Provisions a Kubernetes cluster using Gardener.


Use this command to provision Kubernetes clusters with Gardener for Kyma installation. To successfully provision a cluster on a cloud provider of your choice, you must first create a service account to pass its details as one of the command parameters. Use the following instructions to create a service account for a selected provider:

kyma provision gardener [flags]


      --cidr string                    Gardener Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) used for the cluster. (default "")
  -c, --credentials string             Path to the kubeconfig file of the Gardener service account for a target provider. (required)
      --disk-size int                  Disk size (in GB) of the cluster. (default 30)
      --disk-type string               Type of disk to use on the target provider. (default "pd-standard")
  -e, --extra NAME=VALUE               One or more arguments provided as the NAME=VALUE key-value pairs to configure additional cluster settings. You can use this flag multiple times or enter the key-value pairs as a comma-separated list.
  -k, --kube-version string            Kubernetes version of the cluster. (default "1.16")
      --machine-image-name string      Version of the shoot's machine image name in any environment. (default "coreos")
      --machine-image-version string   Version of the shoot's machine image version in any environment. (default "2303.3.0")
  -n, --name string                    Name of the cluster to provision. (required)
      --network-nodes string           CIDR of the entire node network.
      --network-pods string            Network type to be used.
      --network-services string        CIDR of the service network.
      --network-type string            Network type to be used. (default "calico")
      --nodes int                      Number of cluster nodes which also defines the maximum autoscale value for the cluster. The value you provide for this flag overrides the settings defined with the "scaler-max" flag. (default 3)
  -p, --project string                 Name of the Gardener project where you provision the cluster. (required)
  -r, --region string                  Region of the cluster. (default "europe-west3")
      --scaler-max int                 Maximum autoscale value of the cluster. If you use the "nodes" flag in parallel to this one, it will result in overriding the "scaler-max" flag. (default 3)
      --scaler-min int                 Minimum autoscale value of the cluster. (default 2)
  -s, --secret string                  Name of the Gardener secret used to access the target provider. (required)
      --surge int                      Maximum surge of the cluster. (default 3)
      --target-provider string         Cloud provider that Gardener should use to create the cluster. (default "gcp")
  -t, --type string                    Machine type used for the cluster. (default "n1-standard-4")
  -u, --unavailable int                Maximum allowed number of unavailable nodes. (default 1)
      --workercidr string              Specifies Gardener Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) of the workers of the cluster. (default "")
  -z, --zones strings                  Zones specify availability zones that are used to evenly distribute the worker pool. eg. --zones="europe-west3-a,europe-west3-b" (default [europe-west3-a])

Options inherited from parent commands

      --ci                  Enables the CI mode to run on CI/CD systems.
  -h, --help                Displays help for the command.
      --kubeconfig string   Specifies the path to the kubeconfig file. By default, Kyma CLI uses the KUBECONFIG environment variable or "/$HOME/.kube/config" if the variable is not set.
      --non-interactive     Enables the non-interactive shell mode.
  -v, --verbose             Displays details of actions triggered by the command.


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