- Barcelona, Spain
- Pro
Embedded TCP/IP network stack with embedded web server, Websocket, and MQTT client
Experimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server
Arm Mbed OS is a platform operating system designed for the internet of things
A toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in your application
Graph database optimized for fast analysis and real-time data processing. It is provided as an extension to PostgreSQL.
alanxz / rabbitmq-c
Forked from rabbitmq/rabbitmq-cRabbitMQ C client
C/C++ library for processing configuration files
Change your android phone to surveillance camera
Source code of the MapServer project. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
The old Linux kernel source ver 0.11 which has been tested under modern Linux, Mac OSX and Windows.
Code examples for microcontrollers ready to compile with SDCC