Create a VM (on any cloud OR Virtual Box) with 1CPU 2GB RAM
login to the VM Install below tools
sudo wget -P /tmp
sudo chmod 755 /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/
sudo wget -P /tmp
sudo chmod 755 /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/
sudo wget -P /tmp
sudo chmod 755 /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/
sudo wget -P /tmp
sudo chmod 755 /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/
# modify the ansible config file to ensure disable host key checking
vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
# uncomment this to disable SSH key host checking
host_key_checking = False
in browser ## incase of cloud please use Public IP ensure the Port is allowed to access
enter `initialAdminPassword` the page to login ( cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword )
click on `Install Suggested Plugins`
continue next and finish the setup.
install all these from Jenkins UI
Manage Jenkins --> manage plugins -- Available -- search & install the below
1) warnings NG
2) cobertura
3) Junit
4) Build Pipeline
5) Docker Piepeline
Manage Jenkins --> Manage Credentials ==> Stores scoped to Jenkins - global ==> Add Credentials
--> kind: username with password
--> scope: Global
--> username: <enter your docker hub id>
--> password: <enter your docker hub password>
--> Description: DOCKER_HUB_LOGIN
Java configuration in Jenkins console
Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration --> JDK --> Add JDK
Name: myjava ( can be any string )
JAVA_HOME: /path/to/javahome ( ex: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 )
Maven Configuration in Jenkins console
Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration --> Maven --> Add Maven
Name: maven3.6 ( can be any string )
MAVEN_HOME: /path/to/mavenhome ( ex: /opt/apache-maven-3.6.5 )
Git Configuration in Jenkins console
Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration --> Git --> Add Git
Name: git ( can be any string )
MAVEN_HOME: /path/to/githome ( ex: /usr/bin/git )
by default Jenkins process runs with Jenkins User, which mean any jenkins Jobs we run from jenkins console will be running jenkins user on Jenkins machine
we need to configure Jenkins user can run the docker commands by adding jenkins user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins
restart the Jenkins Service
sudo service jenkins restart
validate, run docker command with jenkins
su - jenkins ## switch to jenkins user
docker ps ## to list any containers running
docker pull nginx ## pull a docker image
setup atleast one docker swarm / kubernetes cluster
create two VMs for QA, Install the required toos & setup the kubernetes cluster, one master - one worker node
vi /tmp/inv
enter your servers in groups like qa & prod
sudo chmod 755 /tmp/inv
sudo chown jenkins:jenkins /tmp/inv
// look at the sample inventory file under
Note: ensure to put only manager IPs in inventory file -- DO NOT PUT NODE IPs
Jenkins ( home page )
--> Click on New Item from left menu
--> Enter an item name: CICD-Pipeline
--> Choose: Pipeline
--> Click: ok
insdie job parameters as below
--> Click on Pipeline (TAB) on top
--> Definition (drop down): Pipeline Script from SCM
--> SCM (drop down): Git
--> Repositories --> Repositories URL -->
--> leave the other values Default for this Demo
--> Script Path: cicd.gvy
--> Note: Script is already availabe at
--> Click on Save
--> Build Now from left Menu