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In this example, Elastic Agent enable kubernetes module and output to Logstash(beta). Logstash send data to Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud.

For the moment, it includes

  • Fleet managed Elastic Agent <> Logstash tls mutual verification
  • Logstash <> Elasticsearch Cloud

Deploy the example

Prepare cert/key for agent <> logstash. Agent is deployed to kube-system namespace. The DNS in certificate has pointed to logstash.default.svc.cluster.local.


Config logstash output(beta) in fleet

  1. Go to Management > Fleet > Settings
  2. Add output
    1. Generate api_key for logstash config. Copy api_key to YOUR_API_KEY in 001-configmap.yaml
    2. Set hosts logstash.default.svc.cluster.local:5044
    3. Copy the content of ca.crt to Server SSL certificate
    4. Copy the content of client.crt to Client SSL certificate
    5. Copy the content of client.key to Client SSL certificate key
  3. Create agent policy. Go to Fleet > Agent policies
    1. In advance options, set Output for integrations and Output for agent monitoring to logstash output you created earlier.
  4. Edit policy. Add integration. Add Kubernetes.
  5. Get enrollment token. Go to Fleet > Enrollment tokens
    1. Copy token to YOUR_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN in 004-elastic-agent-managed-kubernetes.yaml

Config endpoint

  1. Go to cloud deployment
  2. Copy Fleet endpoint to YOUR_FLEET_URL in 004-elastic-agent-managed-kubernetes.yaml
  3. Copy Cloud ID to YOUR_CLOUD_ID in 001-configmap.yaml

Deploy the example

kubectl apply -f .

Check deployment

  1. Data should show in Dashboard. Go to Analytics > Dashboard > [Metrics Kubernetes] Pods

Clean up the example

kubectl delete daemonset.apps/elastic-agent serviceaccount/elastic-agent -n kube-system
kubectl delete service,pods,deployment,configmap,secret -l app=logstash-agent-demo