This example modifies the stack monitoring recipes from
The recipe has initiated a production elasticsearch cluster, a monitoring elasticsearch cluster, filebeat, metricbeat, a production Kibana and a monitoring Kibana.
We use metricbeat autodiscover to monitor multiple Logstash.
kubectl apply -f .
There are two elasticsearch clusters.
For Logstash metrics in Kibana show in the right cluster, config logstash.yml monitoring.cluster_uuid
with the uuid of the production elasticsearch cluster.
apiVersion: v1
logstash.yml: | ""
monitoring.cluster_uuid: # YOUR PRODUCTION ES CLUSTER UUID
kind: ConfigMap
Port forwarding kibana port 5601 and open https://localhost:5601/
kubectl port-forward service/kibana-monitoring-kb-http 5601
Login as the elastic user. The password can be obtained with the following command
kubectl get secret elasticsearch-monitoring-es-elastic-user -o=jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | base64 --decode; echo
kubectl delete pods,deployment,configmap -l app=ls
kubectl delete elasticsearch elasticsearch-monitoring elasticsearch
kubectl delete kibana kibana-monitoring kibana
kubectl delete beat filebeat metricbeat
kubectl delete sa,clusterrole,clusterrolebinding filebeat metricbeat